How About Self-Control?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:22-25 (emphasis mine)

Sometimes it is amazing to me how some subjects keep come up. As we just finished Beth Moore’s ‘Living Beyond Yourself’ study, the first carnival deals with Self-Control…

Since I just posted extensively about Self-Control, I want to keep this post short and sweet. Well, okay, not so sure about the sweet part. Lets just say, more honest with myself and, you my faithful readers (I think I do have them :smile:).

So you are wondering how I am doing with this issue? Well, when I have His protection and let Him lead, very well. When I think I can handle it myself, I get in trouble. As I mentioned many times before, I worked in a ‘protected’ environment of a church office for 6 years. It had its perks. Devotions and prayers in a group of Bible believing Christians. Great way to start the day. And you don’t have to worry about using the name of Jesus without offending anyone…But are we able to witness in a protected environment like this? Sure, we pray, support and listen to each other. But is this what God wants us to do? How can we lead others to the Hope we have…Okay, getting of track here.

So, now working ‘outside’ this protective environment, it is very important for me to be on guard at all times. The evil one likes to make me unsure of God’s promise. That He will be with me at all times. It is not easy to ‘bless His name’ in all circumstances. But I know that God wants me in the place where I am at…So, I need His protection. I am sealed with the Holy Spirit, Who can give me Self-Control in every situation. When I feel that myself wants to take over, I pray and sing (in my head)…So, really self-control is nothing I can learn, but have to trust that God will fill me with His Self-Control…And I want people to see Him through me, to give people the hope they are searching for. It wouldn’t help if I acted like my ‘old self’ without the hope and promises I have in Him, my Lord and Redeemer…

So, who are you doing with your Self-Control? Do you let Him lead you, or are you trying to handle it yourself?

Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:5

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This entry has been brought to you by the ‘Carnival of Beauty’, created by Sallie at ‘A Gracious Home’ and hosted by Susanna at ‘A Christian Mother’s Reflections’. There is still time for you to submit your entry for this week. Deadline is Tuesday, June 20th, 3pm EST. Living in His grace ~ Eph2810

14 Replies to “How About Self-Control?”

  1. Lately, because of the nature of my work, I have been easily agitated by the problems brought to my attention as soon as I get to work in the morning. I had to ask God to help me control my emotions in stressful situations and I have been very successful with it for the past weeks. Instead of getting angry, I use my tongue to speak words of praise, love, affirmation, appreciation and admiration.

  2. It strikes me as quite ironic that SELF-control doesn’t come from the self at all, but through the surrendering of the self to the One who is truly in control. Doing it myself simply does not work for me.

    Fully how our LBY study keeps on teaching, isn’t it?

  3. Wow, excellent post. It caused me to think back on the 6 years I worked in a medical records office with about 15 other women. Never before had I needed such self-control when it came to my tongue and my emotions, because they really pushed my buttons sometimes. The only thing, and I mean ONLY thing that truely heped was calling out to God and asking Him to enable me to deal with them. Like Carol said, *self* control is ironic to the believer, because our self is incapable. Praise God for the fruit of His Spirit, though. In Him we live and move and have our being! (and have self-control when He’s in control)

    Oops–I rambled too much! Your post got me thinking!


  4. Next time, I want you to sign – but not in your head… hum, too. 🙂 It’s gotta be much better that way.. and it makes people wonder what you’re up to or why you’re so perky! 🙂

    Re: self control – I admit I do try to handle it myself, some… but I know I can’t without Him.

  5. Get points you made! Ya got me thinkin’!
    I would like to think that I let Him lead, but I’m sure He would argue that point. I do try though! It is a constant battle with self vs. Him. I have gotten so much better these past few hard years! So thanks again for the reminder to let Him give me my self-control in all that I do, especially regarding my children!
    Hugs to you! 🙂

  6. Being that I am a total control freak, I don’t even give a thought to whether I can handle a situation or not. I just try automatically and then when I fail I realize why 😉

    These past few weeks have been a struggle for me in many departments and I do believe there is a strengthening process being worked within me. I only hope I have the self-control to just put all my worries and angst right into his lap and just continue being the vessel he’s obviously chosen me to be 🙂

  7. Oh, I forgot to thank you for your wonderful compliment on my blog 🙂 I DO like to read, by the way and thank you for the turn on! (You also write very well, your English is just fine!) 🙂

  8. I lost your blog address for a little while, have you redecorated? Self-control… good topic! I am learning how to do this – step by step. I have great self-control when it comes to strangers or people in the church or work but I am working on at home… you know… behind closed doors. God is good and faithful and my hubby is great and patient as I am learning to walk this out. Thanks for the post!

  9. Thanks for the reminder! I am missing our LBY study. It is like starting a great exercise routine and then your gym membership ends! LOL

    I am going to head over and check out the carnival of beauty – thanks for the tip.

    I also realized I don’t have you on my blogroll – which is just silly, since I read you all the time. So I am heading to add you now.

  10. wonderful post…this is the second time today that I saw this scripture verse, I think “someone” is trying to get my attention. Thank you for sharing this and emphasizing the “self-control” part…

  11. Sounds like God is really stretching your faith in your new job. You’re not alone. Thanks for standing strong and sharing your challenges here!

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