“By perseverance the snail reached the ark.”
~ Charles Spurgeon

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” ~ Hebrews 12:1-3 (NIV emphasis mine)

Don’t you just love it when our Lord turns a quote into a life lesson? Although I had picked the quote last Friday (a little late—sorry Darlene), but I didn’t know what to write until this morning… Let me explain…

Normally I write a devotional on Sunday nights for Laced with Grace. Since many Bloggers in the Christian community took a Blog Silence in honor of the Virginia Tech victims Monday, I posted a note on my Blog that I would publish a Psalm instead of the devotion. When I got up this morning, I had a very unusual (actually nasty) comment on Sting My Heart. For the first time ever in two years of blogging, I deleted a comment.

The comment was full of hatred and many f-words. I don’t mind if people leave comments that don’t agree with my view, my belief in Christ or even what I am writing. One thing I do not allow: cussing. If you have a different view than my own, be polite about it.

I guess you are wondering what that has to do with perseverance. A lot! Not everyone we encounter IRL or here in bloggy-land will like what we have to share. They will hate us for what we believe. Even Jesus warned us of the hatred of the world because we follow Him…

“All men will hate you because of me.” ~ Luke 21:17 (NIV)

I did a little research on the word perseverance; I found this in Holman’s Bible Dictionary:

“The background setting for the idea of perseverance blossomed out of the context of persecution and temptation. The believer was expected faithfully to endure and to remain steadfast in the face of opposition, attack, and discouragement. The New Testament writers were forthright in advising believers to be consistent in prayer (Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6), and they employed athletic imagery to remind Christians to be effectual as they trained in the ways of God (1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Romans 12:11-12; Hebrews 12:1-12).” (emphasis mine)

Yes, we will experience opposition, attack, and discouragement this side of heaven. But as the writer in Hebrews tells us: …Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…

Will I allow comments on my Blog that are opposite from my view? Of course I will—as long as they are clean. Even if I have to delete your comment because of foul language, know that I will always lift you up in prayer.

Lord of Heaven and Earth. You have warned us about opposition from people with a worldly view. Lord, help us to persevere in order to finish the race You have set before us. Lord, You are our strength and shield. Guard our hearts and minds so we do not fall into temptation to repay evil with evil. Help us to not grow weary or lose heart, but let Your compassion shine through. In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.

Blessings on your day and as always…

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I am looking forward reading your take on this week’s quote, so please leave your link and a quick comment that you have stopped by…

In “Other” Words Participants

1. Denise
2. Bernadine
3. Pearls of wisdom…a heavenly voice.
4. NspiredByFaith
5. Angel Mama ( Pearls of Wisdom)
6. Miriam Pauline
7. Tracey- Laced with Grace
8. Dana
9. Jenny
10. Tami @ The Next Step
11. Nana Cheryl
12. Rachelle
13. Sharon
14. Ellen’s Breath of Life
15. Bonnie Winters
16. Terri @ in His hands
17. Heather
18. amydeanne
19. Gina @ Portrait of a Writer
20. Riezzee
21. Crystal – God is in Control…Not ME!
22. Linda
23. Lori Madison
24. Nise’
25. Loni @ Finding JOY in the Morning
26. Chris @ cometothetable
27. Ellen
28. stayathomemotherdom
29. Connie
30. Tara (Destiny Driven)
31. Nancze
32. Ellen (Corrected Link)

Learn more about In “Other” Words here.

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  1. Thank you for the precious reminder that though we are in the world we are not of it. God is glorious through His grace, mercy, and love towards us. We are blessed to be able to exercise those same characteristics of our Teacher to those who disagree or attack our stand in Jesus.

    I think deleting that comment was the right thing. We’ve stood in silence too long not wanting to offend the world, while they continue to offend us.

  2. Dear Iris,
    I am so sorry you had a horrible comment, you are such an inspiration and guiding light for our Lord.
    What a beautiful post. I love this part you wrote: “You have set before us. Lord, You are our strength and shield. Guard our hearts and minds so we do not fall into temptation to repay evil with evil.” So very true. I have had things lately that pertain to this also. Thank you for reminding us we are in this together as Gods children.
    Amen !

    In his endless love,


  3. I saw that hateful comment when I visited your blog this morning. Just wanted to encourage you to keep doing what you’re doing.
    I love your iow quote, it seems so simple and yet it has so much meaning.
    God bless

  4. Wow, I honestly can’t imagine anyone posting a nasty comment to ANY of your writings. They are always beautiful! I love the quote! Very thought provoking. My comments seemed to go along with yours!

    Have a wonderful day, Iris!


  5. A friend encouraged me during the Ultimate Blog party when a particularly nasty comment hit my blog, that the world is not going to react negatively if we are not making an impact. So, be encouraged my friend that God is using your blog and Satan is trying to thwart that–but he never has the final victory. Thank you for sharing! And what a great quote. Blessings…

  6. Im sori you had a nasty comment
    it can be really upsetting but I like Miriam wrote
    God loves you
    You are a wonderful person
    I love your blog

  7. Iris, your post this morning is beautiful. I am so sorry that some one left a nasty comment. It amazes me that when people are hurting inside the only way they can deal with it is by trying to hurt others as well. Keep up the great work, I’m sure the Lord is pleased with your blog 🙂 Have a blessed day!

  8. Negative comments are hard not to take personally. Most folks will either politely disagree or just keep their mouths shut! I often wonder about the other kind of poster? Why do they literally waste their time? They HAVE to know that all their rants and ravings are likely to be deleted, don’t they? Some people are just plain mean and acting ugly (as my granma used to say) just comes natural for them. Jesus never promised that we would be loved or even liked by everyone we meet, we’d be hated even. Look at how he was received? I consider myself in good company then! Blessings on your day and may God give you a delight (as Beth Moore would say) to let you know that HE delights in you!

  9. I am so sorry that happened to you Iris! I have no idea what makes people think they can talk to anyone that way…even if they do disagree with that person’s beliefs. It is just so sad to think their are people out there who delight in tearing down others:(

    I hope that you can focus on the joy that you are spreading by hosting this week’s In “Other” Words. I loved the quote! It gave such a great visual.


  10. “To faithfully endure and to remain steadfast in the face of opposition, attack, and discouragement as well as being consistent in prayer.” So true!! That sums up how we are to persevere. Actually are we really “persevering” if we are not under some kind of resistance?

    We are so blessed with the freedoms that we enjoy (and sometimes take for granted). Thank you Iris for reminding us of the reality we are sometimes oblivious to if we are not living under persecution. If the little snail can make, so can we with God’s help. :o)

  11. Iris — To answer the question with which you opened your post, YES, I love it when the Lord turns a quote into a life lesson! In fact, I’ve found He seems to do that regularly. I’m sorry you were blasted with the f-bombs (and I’ve experienced this on my blog, too) but I’m so glad God used that experience to underline and highlight the idea of perseverance. Yes, please persevere! You are serving the Kingdom and blessing all of us with your writing!

  12. Sorry that happened to you, Iris. It must have felt absolutely awful for you. Which makes me wonder about believers in other countries whose lives are threatened and who are imprisoned just for believing. You have excellent perspective on this situation.

  13. A little bit of persecution——–Thank you Jesus! That means you are doing, “the good thing”. Sometimes when we are persecuted we don’t recognize it because it blends in with the rest of the struggles of this world. So, when it blatantly raises its head so that we can clearly see it for what it is–its a good thing.
    You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work— you are an inspiration.

  14. Hi Iris,
    I’m sorry about the comment but I’m not surprised. 🙁 Bless you for what you do and what you offer all of us. You are awesome and a light and we are all blessed to have you.


  15. So sorry you got one of those nasty things. I’ve gotten a couple, I think the last one must have been three pages. I deleted it. But in all honesty, I hope we’ve all learned to ignore those when we encounter them.

    You have a very good post on this quote.

  16. The negative things and opposition that come into our lives because of our faith try to shake us, intimidate us and may I say…silence us. BUT, we are more than conquerors through Christ! Like Paul, shake off the snake that tried to bite you. Press on to know Jesus more and more. And be encouraged that the enemy of our souls is threatened by you, the daughter of the Most High God! You are awesome. Thanks for this great post on perseverance. You are dearly loved in bloggyland!

  17. I think I’ve had about 4 comments like that on my blog now in the short year it’s been up, so I can relate. It is discouraging & encouraging at the same time for the reasons you’ve stated. I hate confrontation and especially harsh comments as such, so it’s hard not to take it to heart sometimes. In the same breath we know people do stupid things as such b/c they don’t like hearing the truth, or know the truth at all.

    Hugs and prayers!

  18. Dear sister, I support you, your words encourage me to keep faith in Jesus. Just forget and delete that bad things.
    The Lord will protect you and lift you up.

  19. I’m so sorry about that comment Iris. I can just imagine how unsettling it must have been.
    I love your take on this quote. I also love the quote. I thought I wouldn’t be able to think of anything to write about, but I suddenly got a little “inspiration”. This was a great one. Thanks Iris – as always.

  20. Dear Iris,

    I have been lucky thus far because I haven’t received any nasty comments in regards to my faith. This is probably because my blog is not as well known. It is always painful to read those type of things even if it comes from a stranger. But you know that you are such a blessing to so many of us in the Christian blogging community so hopefully that should bring some comfort. God Bless..

  21. Thanks for hosting and thank you for picking this quote. It was used of God to answer a prayer of mine. I won’t take up the space here, you’ll have to read all about it. :o). I am sorry for the filth in your negative comment.

  22. I too can relate to the nasty comments…..and I can take them from the non believer who is criticising your faith…those don’t bother me……the ones that bother me are those that I have gotten from people in our former church who posted anonymously some very hurtful and hateful things….I know you should expect that not everyone will agree with you and I know I post very openly and honestly about my life so I open myself up for that. Those are the risks we take when we post on the internet….there is a vast range of people who can read what we write…..I hope you are having a blessed day!
    Thanks for sharing

  23. I totally agree Iris. I had someone tell me that I was so ugly once that my mother threw up when I was born. lol

    I asked my mom if it was true, and we laughed together, but I didn’t delete it. I don’t think that cussing has it’s place in comments though. I had to tell a blogger that once. He used to swear in my comments all the time, but he was a harmless fellow otherwise.

    Thanks for posting today! I hope to get blogging a bit more now that CWO is done for April.

  24. I love your strength in knowing that we (Christians) will be persecuted… and do not expect anymore than Jesus had while on earth. Also, that you love and pray for these people.
    “Father, forgive them, for they do not know.”

    This is loving them like Jesus…

    Bless you and the example of Christ you represent..

  25. I’m sorry someone left you that comment. But I totally agree with your reaction. People can disagree with me as much as they like but they’re going to have to use clean language to do it. Period.

  26. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that my computer is toasted, so I won’t be online for maybe a few days. 🙁 I’ll have to see how it goes. I’m on Brendan’s computer right now.

  27. Even though we are told not to take things personally, we do. Why? Because the precious Christ that dwells within us has been attacked, once again. It hurts us to know that He is still being rejected after all He has done. We want those with ears to “hear” and understand and we grieve when they don’t. This is the love of Christ through us, still wanting to minister to these that don’t know Him. Praise God for His compassion. I will never be able to comprehend the unmerited favor of His love, but I thank Him for it. I also thank Him for people like you that do not reward evil for evil, but let Christ’s love continue to shine. Blessings to you and yours!

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