“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” ~ Philippians 4:8 (ESV ~ emphasis mine)
Okay, didn’t we just write our thankful posts yesterday? But I personally think it is never too often to count our blessings in a world that likes to tell us that we NEED things in order to be happy…So, here is my short list for this week (although there are many thoughts that rush through my mind)…
- I am thankful for Scripture passages. They give me hope; they give me comfort. Although Ephesian 2:8-10 is still my favorite Bible passage; my favorite epistle is Paul’s letter to the Philippians. I think it is the most wonderful letter of encouragement. I read it often and I always have peace after I read it…
- I am thankful for lovely little get-aways like last Sunday to Jerome. Although we only spent a few hours there, we were refreshed. My Sweetheart was able to breath through his nose up there–no pollution like here in the valley…
- I am thankful for the lovely ladies at Laced with Grace. I thank our Lord daily that you opened your hearts to share with others your own personal walk with Him…
- I am thankful for the lovely weather we have in May. It is not that hot yet…
- I am thankful for the lovely Thankful Thursday bunch. Thank you for sharing weekly your blessings. I did make it to every single one last week–I think. If I did forget to visit your blog last week–or I forgot to add you to the TT-Blogroll, please let me know…
- I am thankful for my lovely friend, Millie from China. I love reading about her walk with our Lord. She has truly become an inspiration to me. We always take our worship for granted. Millie spends 7 hours on Sundays to get to and from church…
- I am thankful for lovely, long weekends. I am so looking forward to Memorial Day coming up…
- I am thankful for lovely Darlene. She allows me to host IOW once a month. I hope you will join us next Tuesday. I have picked a quote by Max Lucado. So check out IOW on Friday to get the quote…
- Last but not least I am thankful for lovely digi-scrapping resources like Jenny’s Scrap Place. She has awesome LO material. Now I just have to start using them
What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us by leaving your link below. As your time permits, please visit other participants. The link will always be permanent, so you can even visit some participants over the weekend .
I apologize that I am a tad late tonight, but my web-host’s server crashed tonight right when I was ready to publish…
Blessings on your Thursday and as always…
1. Lynn Donovan 2. Amy – Knights Acre 3. Rachelle 4. Nise’ 5. Lyndy 6. Denise 7. Alycia@Where Your Treasures Are 8. Angel 9. Terri @ in His hands 10. NspiredByFaith 11. ThoughfulMom 12. Dana 13. MyThreeDaughters 14. Christine- Fruit in Season 15. Mary 16. In Light of the Truth 17. Deborah 18. The Preacher’s Wife 19. Laurel Wreath 20. Karen – Changed by Love 21. Heart of Wisdom 22. Serving Him 23. Devildogwife |
24. Melissa Lea 25. Diane 26. Multiple Hats 27. Lori 28. Traci 29. Karen from the Korner 30. Sandy 31. Carmen 32. Deena@Wholly Devoted 33. Jennifer 34. Sharon 35. Mindy 36. Kahri 37. Robinznest 38. Becky 39. MrsX 40. Proverbs 31 41. Susanne 42. Linda 43. Darlene (CWO) 44. Amy Grant 45. Kathleen Marie 46. flipflopmom |
47. Mindy 48. Sharon 49. Faerylandmom 50. Andie 51. TaunaLen 52. FullofGracenBlessings 53. Becki@Introverts.net 54. JEANNIE78 55. Jen 56. Nancze 57. Dale Noles 58. Brenda @ Remain in the Vine 59. Brenda 60. Dawn 61. joanne 62. Patty 63. Angie 64. Heather @ Desperately Seeking Sanity 65. Ann 66. samibear |
Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.
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amen on this first one. The bible truly is God breathed and useful for teaching etc.
I am so very thankful for you and for hosting this humbling and important weekly thanksgiving. Working through Thankfulness weekly has changed me, changed my marriage and my walk with our Savior.
I am thankful for Thankful Thursday. God bless you Iris. Love and hugs, Lynn
Thanks for hosting this weekly party! I have been struggling this week and have been hanging on until today because I know I will be uplifted and blessed.
Thanks for taking the time to host this. You are so right and we can’t ever take enough time to share all our blessings.
Wishing you a blessed Memorial Day weekend.
Your thankful Thursday list always puts a smile on my face, thank you.
I thankful that my little trip to the ER was just very bad reflux. God is good.
Thank you again for hosting this Iris! I love reading everyone’s list! Have a wonderful weekend!
Iris, I should thank you for hosting this wonderful weekly thankgiving post..I just benefit from it very much. I am not so nice as you said here. sometimes I feel that I am far away to be a nice child of the Lord…but my heart is willing to be a nice one.
Julia introduced me to a new family church a lilttle bit near to where I live, so I think that I do not waste so much time on my way to and from Church. Thank the Lord….
So this Sunday I will attend that new one, just keep it in the Lord’s hand.
Dear Iris,
I love your list. Thanks for always sharing from your heart, being an inspiration and spurring others on to be thankful for our blessings. I love your favorite scriptures. The word of the Lord is so wonderful. I am so glad you had a wonderful Anniversary and time in Jerome. Sounds beautiful. I want to go to Arizona soon to see all the beauty. Thanks for sharing about Millie . I am off to read it.
Angel ( D.)
I love your list! I’m so thankful for LWG–it has blessed me so much. I too am inspired by Millie. I’m also fascinated by her–what an amazing person she is.
I had such a rough day yesterday I wasn’t going to participate but I’m already glad I did.
Thanks dear friend for hosting!
What a wonderful list of thankfuls, Iris! I always love reading about what you are thankful for!
Iris, thanks for the great list, as always. I am so glad you enjoyed Jerome, I love reading about it since I know where it is and have been there (but I know I am already told you that
I can’t wait to see the Max Lucado quote tomorrow. Thanks for hosting this and the IOW……
I am sorry my blessings are very brief this week.
Mmmmmmm…the Word of God, long wonderful weekends, beautiful weather, Thankful Thursdays that fill bloggyland with gratefulness!!! Love it all!! Blessings on your long weekend. Thanks again for hosting TT. It’s such a huge blessings to all.
We are thankful that you head up LWG, and I too am thankful for Millie, the Lord brings us together and it is all by his hand. Have a great day friend.
My first Thankful Thursday! Waahoo! Glad to hear the weather hasn’t been that hot in AZ yet – that is certainly something to be thankful for. I am looking forward to visiting around and seeing what all we have to be thankful for.
I always enjoy reading your list. I am very thankful for you hosting Thankful Thursdays as it makes me rejoice at least once during the week for the blessings that God has given.
I am equally grateful for you !! What a presence you are in our blogworld! :))
First, thanks for a wonderful list – I love it! Second, thank you so much for hosting this each week. It is such a blessing, and gets my Thursday started off in the best way!
I love your list of Thankfuls again.
I agree we can never count our blessings often enough.
I am also thankful for our Thankful Thursday bunch of gals.
Just joining….. love your list!
I love you heart bullets! I’m also thankful for TT bunch. I mentioned on another comment how blog entries and comments are an important relationship building communication system for Christians. Allowing us to serve one another, bear one another’s burdens, pray for one another, encourage one another, etc. Its a real blessing.
Thank you for the digital scrapbook link. Going over to look around now.
First time TT participant. Love this whole idea and thank you for hosting this!
God Bless~
I am thankful for long weekends and the lovely weather too! Nice things to be thankful for!
I enjoyed your list–it’s nice to get away from home and the daily demands and go ANYWHERE!
I guess I should learn more about digi-scrapping–someday.
Thanks so much for the motivation! I wasn’t *feeling* very thankful this morning, but I came over to check things out anyway, and was convicted that this is the very kind of day I *needed* to sit down and *get thankful*. This is my first TT, and I’m thankful for the chance to participate!!
I always look forward to this day.
After I finish making my list I always feel a little more empowered some how.
Have a blessed day.
Thank you for hosting this delightful forum. So much to be grateful for!
I am thankful for scripture, nice weather, and long weekends as well! Have a great day!
Iris – the lists just get better and better. We truly have so much to be thankful for. Imagine 7 hours to get to and from church! I’m thankful for the living word too. How it changes our hearts!
Thanks again for hosting this Iris. Your dedication to attempt to reach each blog is amazing. It truly shows your love for the Father, and these Sisters in Thankfulness. Have a blessed day!!
What an awesome list! I even made the list–wahoo! Thanks. I’m thankful for you too! I really enjoy Thanful Thursday because it’s easy to think of so many things to be thankful for, and it brings glory to God.
I’m grateful that I discovered I have eyes on my heart!!! Ãœ
What an awesome post. I praise God for his Word to help me get by daily. Hugs to you!
I truly appreciate you hosting TT. I believe it has helped a lot of us to stop and focus on the truly important things in our lives. You are such a blessing!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I just had to post mine really quick, though I haven’t gotten to read any just yet…I’ll be back later to check out everyone’s thoughts.
Thank you for hosting.
I am thankful for you! Thank you for hosting this wonderful forum…reminding us to count our blessings. Thanks!
Reading Scripture passages has really been blessing me this year too. Im working through a blog programme of reading the bible in a year and Im really enjoying it too
Thank you for hosting Thankful Thursday Iris. Its always good to stop and be thankful
wow!!! 7 hours to get to and from church. Just the other day I was amzed at a lady that goes to my church that takes 2 hours to get there and back.
Blessings to you
Blessings to you Iris. We all have so much to be thankful for. God Bless..
Wonderful thoughts as ever Iris! I’m looking forward to seeing which Max Lucado quote you pick for IOW. I love Max Lucado and have read most of his books! Blessings.
“I am thankful for lovely little get-aways like last Sunday to Jerome. Although we only spent a few hours there, we were refreshed.”
It is amazing what a little time alone together will do for you. I just love, love, love, getting away with my hubby even if it is only a couple of hours. WE HAVE TO HAVE TIME TOGETHER!
I always enjoy reading the “Thankful Thursday” post, but have never participated. Maybe I’ll get around to it sometime……
Hi Iris, I just posted at Remain in the Vine. Thank you for hosting this each week and bless you!
We love Jerome. The kids especially like the mining camp, although the road down the backside scares the begeebers out of me! Glad you two had FUN!
Thanks for organizing this. I make a Thanksgiving list every year, but why am I doing it only once a year? Thanks for reminding me to do it daily.
Yay! I finally got to read yours. And it’s only 10:45pm. I can add one – I am thankful I have a BED! Grace & Peace,
Sorry, I’m a day late.