“Lower your expectations of earth.
This isn’t heaven, so don’t expect it to be.†~ Max Lucado
“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.†Colossians 3:1-4 (ESV)
Are our expectations of earth really too high? Maybe I am just too naïve. I have resigned to the fact that I cannot expect too much from a worldly world, but how about my brothers and sisters in Christ? Can I no longer expect to find encouragement, spiritual leadership and/or devotion to the One who saved us out of the pit?
Over the last week, I have searched/read/pondered more than usual over Scripture passages. Even my little trusted Bible I carry everywhere could not withstand my usage—it fell apart at the seam.
As I was reading through the New Testament, I was reminded that we all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The problem starts when we take our eyes off of Jesus. Sometimes we think that when we are involved in ministry, we are very close to Jesus. But are we really?
Think of Peter when he wanted to walk on water. He was very close to Jesus and His ministry. What happened though when Peter got out of the boat and walked toward Jesus? He took his eyes off of His Savior and started to sink…
Barb from ‘A Chelsea Morning’ shared a wonderful devotional by Billy Graham called ‘Searching for Hope’. In this devotional Reverend Graham shared this wisdom:
“Once when I referred to the future that God is planning, a university student asked me, ‘Isn’t this a form of escapism?’ I said, ‘In a sense, yes; and before the devil gets through with this world, we are all going to be looking for exit signs!’â€â€¦ Some people mistakenly think if they become Christians, God will take away all their problems. It just isn’t so. Sin still dwells within us, and Satan is still at work…(please read the entire devotion at ‘A Chelsea Morning’)
My sweet sisters, Satan is crafty. He prowls, steels, lies and will try to trip us. He is real, he is active. But so is the Word of God. Keep His Word close to your heart. Search/read/ponder, even if it means you might have to buy a new Bible…
As for our Bible teachers, pastors, deacons and others who serve in public ministry? Let us lift them up daily for them to stay close to His Word as well. As I was preparing the post, I read (two months late) that Max Lucado stepped down from ministry at his home congregation in Texas due to health reasons…
Lord of Heaven and Earth. You have warned us about the craftiness of Satan. Help us, through Your Spirit, to keep close to You and Your Word. We have been raised to new life in You and should fix our eyes only on our Lord, Jesus Christ. Yes, we do need to lower our expectation of earth, it surely is not heaven. In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.
Blessings on your day and as always…
If you have written your own post about this week’s IOW quote, please add your link below. I am looking forward reading your thoughts…
1. Rachelle 2. Chris @ cometothetable 3. Crystal@ God is in Control…NOT ME! 4. Rosemarie 5. Miriam Pauline 6. Julie 7. Denise 8. Cynthia Robin 9. Bernadine |
10. Tami 11. Laurel Wreath 12. Traci 13. Angel 14. Tracey- Laced with Grace 15. Robin Sampson 16. Karen from the Korner 17. Nise’ 18. Darlene (CWO) |
19. Loni 20. Dana 21. Linda 22. Susan 23. Amy Grant 24. JHS 25. Hopeful Spirit |
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Wonderful thoughts. You are so right, Satan is so crafty. And I love Billy Graham’s statement that before the devil gets through with this world, we are all going to be looking for exit signs! Wow, that’s powerful. Thanks for hosting this today.
Great post Iris……I totally agree we need to hold our leaders up in prayer…..
“Sin still dwells within us.” Yes, you’ll see that in my post this week. Thank you Jesus for this opportunity each week to dig deeper!
Thanks Iris for hosting and sharing with us the pitfalls of taking our eyes off the Master.
Heavenly Voice
That quote is so true. I did not participate this week but I really enjoyed your thoughts.
“Sometimes we think that when we are involved in ministry, we are very close to Jesus. But are we really?”
You echoed exactly what I wrote about this past Sunday: “I spent years and years and years in rooms called ‘sanctuaries’ and came out time after time annoyed that I had just wasted an hour or more of my life because I did not feel ‘fed,’ nourished or blessed by the rituals I witnessed there. If others find such experiences valuable, they should participate. I find spiritual nourishment and comfort in a variety of places and times,. . . [my former pastor’s] evil words and deeds were a blessing because they finally forced me to confront that reality in a tangible way.” (http://recoveringlutherans.blogspot.com/2007/05/blog-your-blessings-and-sunday.html)
You are absolutely right when you say that “Satan is crafty. He prowls, steels, lies and will try to trip us.” “The Great Deceiver.” Isn’t that the name given to him? He can even deceive Christians from time to time, but only temporarily. I was deceived, but emerged a whole new creature, discovering new ways of worshiping and an entirely new relationship with the Savior. My experiences taught me (for the time being, until I have more lessons to learn later) that I can only put my faith one place and that is not, ultimately, in my fellow flawed human beings. Love, forgive, support, pray for . . . yes, all of those things. But as the old hymn says “my faith looks up to thee.” I must always remember that.
Great post and I hope all is well with Pastor Lucado.
Great thoughts Iris, and such an awesome quote. Thank you and blessings on your day!
Thanks for your thoughts. I used the example of Peter taking his eyes off of Jesus too.
Blessings ~
Amen, enjoyed this post Iris.
Thank you for this wonderful quote…excellent words to ponder! Thank you, also, for hosting us this week. You have an excellent site!
Cynthia Robin
I enjoyed your thoughts on this quote, bless you.
Iris you have a way of getting right to the heart of the matter in your posts. Your love for God and his word is a constant encouragement. Oh and I agree it would be nice to meet before we get to heaven. Maybe our heavenly father will arrange it.
God bless
Thanks for taking us back to the Word, Iris. That is our greatest defense.
Words of wisdom to live by, great quote and thank you for your timely post. I did not know he stepped down. But in a way I had wondered how he produced so many books and preached at the same time, may God fill his soul with refreshment.
Wonderful thoughts. So true.
Wonderful post Iris! Great quote. Enjoy your week.
Angel ( Angel Mama)
What a terrific post Iris. I absolutely love this meme–so many different and thought provoking views. It is sad that your expectations aren’t high to begin with–I’m there too–too many let downs. I should have guessed from the pins in your heart!
When you get your new Bible -write in it– my Grandmother passed away this year and I got her Bible. Its a real blessing to read her thoughts.
Isis, Can you remove one of my Mr Linky signatures? I posted the wrong URl. Thanks,
Wow, I did not know that about Max Lacado–I will be praying for him.
Thanks for the reminder about Satan. He is the pain in my patoot.
I am going to spend some time in the word right now.
Loved your thoughts on this quote! Thank you for sharing!
Have a blessed day!
Iris, that was inspiring. Thanks!
Mine’s bleak
Boy, that Max Lucado quote gives us a lot to think about. It’s so, so true.
You know, I think the Billy Graham devotional I shared this week may be one of my favorites. It’s just amazing how many times I pick up my little book of devotionals by Reverend Graham and immediately open the book to exactly what I needed to read that day. He always gets it right. It’s almost like he’s speaking directly to ME!
This was a great, thought-provoking quote, Iris. Thanks for sharing the quote and your inspiring words on it as well.
Great quote, Iris! I did not know he has stepped down, either. “My sweet sisters, Satan is crafty. He prowls, steels, lies and will try to trip us. He is real, he is active. But so is the Word of God. Keep His Word close to your heart. Search/read/ponder, even if it means you might have to buy a new Bible…” – This is sooo true!!
I remember seeing Satan potrayed in Passion of the Christ…. he was done so with beauty…isn’t that how satan really is…. something that will easily trip us up? yes….
fortunately, we know how the story ends……
Wonderful post Iris. It will be heaven indeed when we no longer have an enemy who seeks to destroy us daily. The great news is – he has already been defeated.
I’m going to try to write on this. It is late in the day, and my little brain doesn’t seem to work very well – but I’ll try.
Thank you for your thoughts! I just found your blog today and I will be back!
Excellent post Iris! So important to stay close to Jesus. Our enemy is very crafty and wants to catch us off guard and cause us to stumble. But if we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will walk in victory! Blessings on your day.
“He took his eyes off of His Savior and started to sink…” One of my favorite Bible stories and such powerful imagery. Very effective with the quote you picked. Wonderful writing.
Just what I needed to hear today… to remember to keep my eyes on Jesus. Amen, and thank you. :~)
Iris, though I open this page early in the moring, I just read it now, near to duty off.. I should say it is realy a wonderful post to me.
how to be close to the Lord. reading bible every day? praying every day? even I do reading, praying, sometimes I still feel that the lord is far away, I know it is my weakness, Satan’s lie to my heart… I should give my heart to the holly one, he will protect me under his arms like hen to her child.
To be strong with the help from the Lord.
I love your thoughts on this, Iris. I needed to read this today, thank you.