“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam,though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah”
~ Psalm 46:1-3 (ESV ~ emphasis mine)

Oh my – I am telling you – the sea of life is sometimes a little choppy. Don’t you agree? Well, my sea has been on-and-off choppy for the past 9 months…but I don’t want to bore you with detail from the past 9 months 😆

I just know that our Lord is forever faithful – He will give us the strength that we need to make it to shore.

The last couple of weeks I had limited computer time…but I hope it will get better soon. Our latest bout with being a homeowner…water damage – what can I say. Our house is a mess – our family room can not be used until the adjuster will get back with us…Kind of hard to get things back in order when you work full-time.

But you know what? There is always something that I can be thankful for…so this week, my list will be a little shorter, but none the less my heart is grateful…

  • Thank You Lord for Your strength and peace over the last couple of weeks. Without You, Lord, I don’t know if I could survive all the waves and make it to shore…
  • I am thankful that my beloved was able to fix the water leak without us having to call the plumber. Thankfully it was just the valve that needed to be replaced. Thank you, Lord that it was not a pipe that busted…
  • I am thankful for my sweet friends that are praying for all my needs. Thank you girls – I can find the peace that I need to think straight…
  • I am thankful that we are still able to live in the house, despite the water damage in one room. I will be glad when our house is back ‘together’…
  • I am thankful that our son is doing well enough on this own…
  • I am actually thankful for the water damage. It makes me realize what truly is important. The things this side of heaven are only temporary. More important are relationships – with friends, family and sometimes even with foes…

What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us. Leave your link to your post below…I will stop by as the time permits during the cleanup…

Thank you so much for stopping by and your participation this week. Remember, no matter how high the water rises, He will always throw you a life-line to give you the strength to make it safely to shore…


Thankful Thursday Participants

1. Sharon
2. mama meji
3. Melanie
4. Stacy
5. maiylah
6. Twinkle Mom
7. Karen-Thankful for the small things
8. Denise
9. Felicity
10. Mariposa
11. Cheryl@Hope
12. Aisha
13. toknowhim
14. Laurie Ann
15. Janera
16. Susie (pink carnation)
17. Lynn (Spiritually Unequal Marriage)
18. Ann/mom2HandH
19. Lisa@blessedwithgrace
20. Nancie
21. Tracy @ Seed Thoughts
22. Serendipity Park
23. Gina@chats with an old lady
24. Laurie @ Women Taking a Stand
25. JesuLalaine
26. our family story
27. flmom
28. Lea
29. Beth@The Accidental Pharisee
30. Carrie – Oak Rise Cottage
31. the cookntchrmom
32. CandyQ
33. Queen of the Click (Recipe & Cell Phone Trick)
34. Queen of the Click – Right link
35. Miriam Pauline
36. Liza’s Eyeview
37. Linda
38. Kim aka GoofyMamma
39. Mamasmurf (Chrissy)
40. Amanda Bowers
41. Tammy
42. Heather @ Not a DIY Life
43. Kristi @ Kiki\’s Corner
44. Tanja
45. Beverly
46. jen-mom to 15
47. Mary
48. Chelsey at Joyfully Living
49. Gina’s Public Diary
50. Carmen
51. BP @ Raindrops & Rainbows
52. Mary
53. Rosheeda
54. Susan (A Happy Heart at Home)
55. genny
56. Kari @ Just Another Day in Paradise
57. Erica
58. Colleen
59. Kim @ Cowhumor (formerly Hind’s Feet)
60. Mama Bear
61. sherry
62. Nichole (Heart 4 My Home)
63. Donetta at a life uncommon 🙂
64. Rhonda@LivingWaterChristianAcademy
65. Lisa B @ simply His (#4)
66. Darlene @ Everything to Me
67. Schotzy
68. It\’s All About Him!
69. Michelle
70. Blessedw5mom (Heather)
71. Liz (Discovering Liz)
72. Prairie Chick
73. Fields Of Heather
74. gail @ challenges and adventures
75. Forgetfulone
76. Nancy @ Homemade Blessings
77. Tracey @ Cheese & Whine
78. Angela
79. Peggy@3Ms…aMazingGrace
80. the cookntchermom
81. Irene *The Green Greek*
82. the cookntchermom
83. Leanne from Canada!
84. Tania
85. Cara Lynn
86. SharonB
87. Peggy
88. Jendi
89. Tami @ The Next Step
90. Beth/Mom2TwoVikings (free play clothes)
91. Annabelle @ Christian Momma
92. Barbie @ Leaving Footprints
93. Sam
94. Tammy @breaths of faith
95. Kim @ An Artful Life
96. Michele
97. Peculiar
98. pam @ without fear
99. Dori
100. Magee Baby
101. Cathy (Apparently, I’m Petulant!)
102. Ann Kroeker
103. Amy @ My Artful Heart
104. Kathy C.
105. Janet @ Daily Provision
106. Angie
107. Bella Mama
108. Marsha
109. Tessa @ Jesus-Filled Hope
110. Rocks
111. Jane Anne @ Gravity of Motion
112. LaDonna
113. Colored Heart

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  1. Iris, So sorry to hear about the water damage, but also thankful no pipes broke and that you are safe and sound. Praying it will all be good as new soon!

  2. Hey Iris, so sorry to hear about the water problem; you know I was just thinking a few moments ago that TT must cost you some energy – even when things are tough you still have to post something. But the good side is you have to feel thankful in order to post and that makes things look not so bad right?

    Have a lovely weekend ahead and may God’s peace dwell richly in you!

  3. I so agree about you when you said our relationship with our family, friend…is important. BTW, I understand how it’s like to have a mess in the house. I hope things get better for you and your household in the next few days. I’m sure you’ll be busy cleaning up but it will be done before you know it.

  4. We have also been going through a rough week, as dd is having some serious health issues. I posted a devotion on my blog that may encourage you while you go through your current trial.

  5. Bless you Iris…I’m sorry to hear about your water leak and damage. I’m so glad you have prayer support through the rough waves of these last 9 months…praise God for fix-it hubbies that save us. I pray that your house to back to normal soon.

    I’m thankful that I think I’m getting better and struggling withMontezuma’s Revenge since yesterday…still aching and nothing stays in very long so I’m thankful that God is healing me and taking the pain in the pit of my stomach and changing it to praise! I’m not sure that I’m posting a TT because I’ll be resting.
    I’m thankful for my blog friends that visit me anyways but I guess I’m on a BLOG FAST…for awhile. Have a blessed week and may the Lord be exactly what Psalm 46 says…our refuge and our strength. I wanted to know what verse you chose and meditate on it while I recuperate and it’s a GOOD one! Thank you and keep your head up above the waves and HE will help you to the shore. Lord, bring peace and strength continually to IRIS in Jesus Name. Amen.

  6. I’m so sorry to hear about the water damage; It’s definitely a test of spirits when that happens. Praying for you and your family and that the damage can be repaired quickly.

  7. i agree, relationships are important … they help us keep anchored to the ground.
    thank you so much for sharing with us your grateful heart, in spite of the troubles you recently encountered. 🙂

  8. It’s through God’s mercy that I’m able to celebrate Thankful Thursday today…though in my heart, I know that every day is the best day to give thanks!

    Happy Thursdays everyone…

  9. Iris,

    I sure do understand exactly what you are saying! I’m trying to be thankful each day. You are such a blessing for always hosting TT.

    Hope you get the water mess cleaned up and the damage assessed. Too bad you don’t live near me. I’m not working at this time and I could help you. So, I guess I’ll just have to continue my search for a job!


  10. Hi Iris,

    You know I have been holding you up girl. You HAVE indeed had a rough year. God must certainly be preparing you for some kind of major Kingdom work.

    Keep clinging to the cross and know you are not alone. Hugs~

  11. Thank you for showing thankfulness in a time of deep stress. Your thankfulness inspires it in others, me included. My focus has been a bit “off” lately, but I believe if I can be thankful for the blessings in my life, that focus will sharpen. Blessings!

  12. I’m sorry you’ve got water damage, but glad you can be thankful in the midst of trials. Prayers for a good amount from the adjuster and quick getting back to normal soon.

  13. Thank you for sharing your thankful heart with us, Iris. It is encouraging to hear of how the Lord has sustained and helped you. I am praying for you and family. May God continue to keep you near to Him and strengthen you. Many blessings!

  14. I guess this is the week to be thankful through trials. It has been a difficult week for me as well, but I was really looking forward to doing this weeks TT because in spite of it all, I really do have much to be thankful for. Thank you once again for hosting this. I hope you hold up well during the cleanup. God bless!

  15. Oh my Iris. I’m glad it’s all taken care of now! I hope you’re surviving the summer. These taxing things in our physical lives make for good metaphors of spiritual truth for sure. Thanks for sharing that and I have been here reading your blog, I just haven’t been a good commenter! I’m trying to do better on encouraging my blog friends though! God bless!

  16. Iris, thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. It is encouraging to read of how the Lord has sustained and help you. I am praying for you and family. God’s blessings on your family always!

  17. Hi Iris
    Praying for you with the water damage etc…
    Also that your boy continues to do well on his own.
    Amen to the temporary side over here…. the New Jerusalem is LOOKIN GOOD ISNT IT?! WHOOOhOoO

  18. Glad to know that the leak had been fixed in your house, Iris. Another sign that HE is around.
    Having a boy that’s doing well on his own can really make any parent happy, joyful and grateful. Congratulations to you and your husband.
    Great post of thankfulness, as usual.

  19. I’m blessed by your thankful heart. esp. the fact that you could still thank God for the water damage. Indeed, we should thank God in ALL circumstances. I’m blessed and God bless! 🙂

  20. Sorry to hear about the water damage, but thankfully your hubby could fix it so you didn’t have a huge bill on top of the damage. It’s been choppy for me to, but thankfully God has brought me through it all.

    I’m thankful for your Thankful Thursday because it reminds me to be thankful.

  21. Iris,

    I’ve been gone a while, but thank you for sharing your heart and struggles today. I’ll pray that the adjuster will make a speedy response. I know how it can be frustrating to have things “turned upside down” in your home. I am thankful that your heart is able to look at the good from the bad.



  22. Iris, your sea of life has been choppy for the past nine months?? There must be a “birthing” going on in you. God must be doing some huge things in your heart girl. Sorry about the water damage. It’s good you have a good attitude. Keep looking to Him. Thanks for sharing – and hosting – today. Blessings.

  23. Hello again!

    I’m so sorry to hear about your water damage, Iris, but grateful for your example of leaning on the One who is bigger than every challenge!

    Glad to hear things are OK with your son, too. I have one in the young twenties and three that are teens (and a couple more). Those fella’s can sure be a challenge, but I undersand that God made them to be leaders and that God-given strength starts to emerge as teens. It seems they often flail for many years trying to understand it for themselves before they harness it for productive purposes–hopefully serving our Lord! I’ve written several posts about this topic–you might find them encouraging.

  24. Hello, Thank you for sharing your thankfulness in the midst of troubles. I hope things are back to normal in your house soon. I’m glad the damage wasn’t worse for you all.

  25. There’s nothing worse than water damage and I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. Throughout my life I’ve found that when I’m faced with a major obstacle that I there is something to be learned from it. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank you once again for hosting Thankful Thursday.


  26. I love this opportunity to share and reading everyone’s praises especially those that are thankful for the trials of life are so encouraging for when we are weak, then we are strong. God is so good!

  27. I am so sorry to hear about your water trial, but so glad you are still able to be in the house! Your thankful heart shines through in the midst of it all and I am thankful for that!

    Will keep you in my prayers,

  28. Blessings Iris…HOPE (my spam word) is what I pray God bring to you for your water damage and restoration of your family room. I’m #5 comment and I’m a
    bit better so I posted after reading a few, I felt compelled to show my THANKFULNESS!!! to my Lord…He wasn’t the reason I ate something that made me sick…so I needed to buck up and write or show my thankfulness to HIM like you, and your words..”There is always something that I can be thankful for…” And these words of WISDOM you wrote:
    Remember, no matter how high the water rises, He will always throw you a life-line to give you the strength to make it safely to shore…
    Thank you Iris…for clinging to the ROCK! B blessed as you bless us so…Peggy @
    Mazes, Messes, Miracles…aMazing Grace going back to rest!!!

  29. oooopppps! I goofed. Sorry, Iris. I am thankful to Ann for pointing out to me that I used the wrong link. This is the first time I tried linking to the exact URL and I missed. Maybe I’ll just have to go back to how I used to do it.

  30. I really enjoyed this post. Maybe because we had/have a leak in our house, in the bedroom area.

    This week I joined in to force myself to look at the good side of things.

  31. Iris, I have had a tough time getting here today. I’m not sure WHAT time my post will be up…but I wanted you to know I’m praying for you girl! Love you lots!

  32. Oh, Iris, you sound a little down. I pray God will strengthen you and give you peace. Thank you for your example to be grateful even when we don’t feel like it.

  33. I am sorry to read what a hard time you are having, but what a great testimony for us to read how you are thankful in times of trouble.

  34. Oh MY STARS!!!! Iris! Over 100!!!! Oh MY GOODNESS!!!!! I finally linked in. This has been one MORE week! I know it has for you…but I am thankful for YOU!

  35. WOW Iris!!!! Over a 100! and still growing…feeling a little better today so I thought I’d go and leave some comments..I read yesterday but hardly left comments! Hoping that you are drying out that water and having time to enjoy your weekend! God be with you. Yes, you’re right…I left 3 comments but that’s just to show you I’m so thankful for you and that you host TT faithfully every week even when you are not feeling happy with life’s difficulties…it’s in those times that God is ever so sweet though He may seem silent, you know He’s there to bring you that strength and peace to carry on! I pray you find encouragement and hope in your friends!

  36. im sick today but im feeling blessed! i havent started composing one. and i think ill pass writing about it on my blog today. i will get back to you next thursday. i just want to tell you that im excited to join the group next thursday. God is so good to me all the time!
    “mabuhay” from the philippines! God bless your thankful spirit!!

  37. I’m joining you for the first time and glad to be here!
    I’m so sorry about the water situation but great outlook on your part.

    To Lauren (#11) – Don’t you hate when that happens!?

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