And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
(Colossians 3:15 ESV)

Do you have ways to combat stress at home, at work, at school? I have several ways to combat stress; here are my top three:

1. I have one of my Bibles and some index cards in my desk at work. It depends on how my day goes (concerning stress), I use either one, or both. The index cards I use to write out Scripture passages and pin in my cube, right in front of me. Believe me, over the years I have written quite a few Scripture passages on index cards and they are now in my prayer book. The index cards I also use when I want to encourage co-workers; I write a Scripture passage for them to pin in their cube 😉

2. I know I have shared this often here, but I LOVE music!!! My current favorite album is “Burning Lights” by Chris Tomlin. I would say that I listen to it at least twice a day during my 8-hour-workday. The other day as I was listening to the last song, I started bawling my eyes out (another stress relief – ha). Although the lyrics are simple, but that day, the beginning went straight to the heart: “I’m no hero of the faith, I’m not as strong as I once thought I was…” I know, simple words, but the truth.

3. A very HOT shower before going to bed. Tonight is one of those nights! Number 1 and 2 got me through the day, but now the pain in my neck is so bad, that only hot water can release the tightness in my muscles.

I am very thankful for all the above; they help me to stay focused and not lash out when under stress.

What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us by leaving a link to your Thankful Thursday post below.

Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: there are many ways to stay focused and not lash out when stressed.

Love & peace,

Thankful Thursday Participants

1. Pia’s Journal
2. Jerry and Danielle’s Life in Kenya
3. LaughingLady
4. Heather @ Living In the Moment
5. bp
6. Daily Journey
7. The Gloria
8. On the Quilt (A Great Date!)
9. Sing for Joy!
10. Rapture to Heaven: Triplets of Eternity
11. Pamela of the Songs on the Way

Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.

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  1. I love putting verses on index cards and keeping them around the house. I also love music. It soothes my soul. I love Chris Tomlin so much. He writes some beautiful music. I love to take a warm bath and just relax in the quiet. Have a great weekend!

  2. I hope you have a restful night and less stress tomorrow. I do not have that new CD but have heard several of the songs, it sounds like a good one. I thought of getting it for my husband for Valentine’s Day.

    Thanks for hosting.

  3. Great blog ! I will be going to check out Chris Tomlins new album now ! I also have done the index card and bible verses on my bulletin board at work. Its helped this is a reminder I need to do it again !

  4. I love that you know where to run when you’re stressed Iris! I’ve also received comfort and wisdom from His Word when I’m stressed or anxious. Replacing the anxiety with Truth truly helps. It reminds me of who I belong to and the problems seem to lessen. After all, nothing is impossible with God. I got a 3 CD gift of Chris Tomlin music for Christmas. I enjoy his music too!

    Blessings and love,

  5. Music is a huge stress relief for me as is reading, sometimes writing if I don’t have to think about it much but also a good movie or show… Like a Jane Austen movie or a good CLEAN comedy. Having my husband home and cuddling on the sofa is also a huge stress relief. Have a great day!

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