“But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…” ~ 1 Peter 3:14-15 (emphasis mine)
Hope (to believe, desire, or trust), what a beautiful word. You know, so many today are hopeless, I am glad that we have Someone who gives us hope. Hope for a better tomorrow; hope to see us through the valleys…Yeah – I am very thankful for HOPE!!!
How can we, as followers of Christ, give others the hope we have? To be honest, some days I have a hard time when looking at all the things happening around us…Economy is in the basement, people persecuting Christians (yes, even here is the U.S.)…so much negativity in the corporate world. I think that we can live hope. Have a positive attitude (sometimes hard – I agree), have encouraging words for others, be friendly…Maybe we are the only ones listening…Be open — listen and live out the hope you have — someone else might be thankful for hope 🙂
What are you thankful for this week? Please do share with us by leaving your link below. If time allows you this week, please visit others.
Thank you for stopping by today…Remember, Hope is always there – reach for it 🙂
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PS: I am a little sad tonight…Our little doggy Bandit passed away about an hour ago. He lived a long and happy life though — we was 17 years old…He will be missed.
Oh Iris,
Excellent topic and scripture. It is the reason we live, our hope in Jesus Christ.
BIg hugs and happy TT.
I am so thankful, too, for the Hope we have in Christ! A true blessing!
So sorry about Bandit….
This is my first time participating in this meme, so I’m glad to be here!
I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your pet. Our first cat was 17 when we had to say goodbye to him a couple of years ago, and it was an incredibly sad thing to do.
Iris- You are not going to believe this but I wrote my TT post this afternoon. I scheduled it to be published after midnight. But I decided to just check to see if might have the link up and you did. And you wrote about HOPE!!!! Not knowing what you would pick for this TT post, I picked Hope too. We must get together next week for sure. We’re starting to think alike!!!
Hugs, Debbie
Such a PERFECT subject for today, esp with the state of affairs our world is in. (and my post goes along just wonderfully, if a I guess, hopeful sort of way. )
I am very sorry to hear about your loss 🙁
Iris, sorry to hear of your beloved dog. I know your heart is sad. I think your topic for TT this week is very timely. For it is in Him, we must place our trust and hope. love ya, Laurie
So very sorry to hear about bandit sweetie. Great theme this week, enjoyed your post. I love you.
I’m so sorry about your dog! We have an old dog as well, and the day is coming. . . it will not be pretty.
But welcome back to Thankful Thursday! Hope to see you next week.
So sorry about your special friend…but glad for your words about hope…I, too, am thankful for the only REAL HOPE….
So sorry about Bandit:(
Thank you for your thoughts about hope.
Yes, we do need to be a light in this world and share the hope that is within us.
So sorry to hear about your pet’s passing.
I’m so sorry to hear about your precious pet. It will be a sad day when our dog dies, too.
Iris, I enjoyed your post. I am so sorry about your little dog. May the Lord comfort and heal your broken heart.
I have much to be thankful for. I am especially thankful for my dear husband\’s health. After a summerful of tests and many diagnoses, he was finally declared healthy. All follow-up procedures were normal to the amazement of doctors. To God be the glory.
Blessings to you,
I’ve enjoyed the theme of hope.
Thanks for having TT for us! God bless you,
Oh IRIS, it says my anti spam word is “forgiven” so that means you need to forgive me for not leaving a comment sooner.
I’m so sorry about your loss of your sweet beloved Bandit.
That is one long time to have shared so many good & bad memories but let’s hold on to only the good! And that he is at rest & not suffering! Though I know after that long of attachment, you may not want another, I have 6 for you to pick from…(lol)
I pray that you stay focused on HOPE and be hopeful for all we have in Our LORD JESUS! Your motivating words when I stopped in this morning were enough to cause me to go back (to my other blog MISSIONS since I had posted on my regular blog) and post my thankful heart. I just can’t let a day or a TT go by when I feel prompted my the Spirit to share, and your writing nudged me! Thanks & God send Comfort & peace for your heart for there is HOPE for a better tomorrow in Christ Jesus!
#44..Peggy…from aMazing Grace but I posted at MISSIONS…God bless you Iris & thanks for hosting TT
sorry I’m #42…my eyes need a REST Good night!
Iris, Thank you for this post. I can imagine living without hope. You’re right, by being His Light, we can show hope to others. Let My Light Shine, Lord!
Mama Bear
Delighted to celebrate with all of you.
Thankfulness and hope, the world needs more.
You are splashing the nations.
Blessings from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn