“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”
~ Romans 15:13 (ESV)
Today I heard a marvelous quote on my way home from work…”Happiness is depended on our circumstances; joy is in our bones”. Per the radio announcer, the quote is attributed to John Piper.
The quote really made me think about the difference between happiness and joy…And I couldn’t agree more with John Piper. You see when we are happy, it is really just for a short time, e.g. vacation, something new, a nice dinner etc. The moment of happiness is fleeting soon…
Pure joy comes from God, don’t you agree? Not only knowing the joy of our salvation (Psalm 20:5), but also the joy in giving, serving others. Today I am thankful for the joy the Lord has put into my ‘bones’ 😛 .
Today, my friend Debbie from Heart Choices asked me about my photography; if I ever had considered putting my landscape photography with Scripture passages to share them online for people to download. Debbie said, she really enjoyed these kind of things. I agree, what better way to display His marvelous creation in conjunction with His Word – great combo in my eyes. Maybe I could put that in a book some day to sell to people who enjoy them both together 🙂 …
What are you thankful for today? Would you care to share? If so, please leave you link to your Thankful Thursday post below…
Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: Happiness is but a fleeting emotion, pure JOY comes from God 🙂 …
PS: I would also like to thank Laurie and Lynn for keeping Thankful Thursday up and running during my blogging break…Love Ya – girls!!!!
1. micey 2. bp 3. Karen 4. Angie 5. Melanie 6. Debbie @ Heart Choices 7. Pia 8. Linda 9. Denise 10. It Feels Like Chaos 11. amada:) 12. debi @ Who Says 8 is Enough? 13. lira |
14. Janujennifer 15. PTR . JOHN 16. GRACE ( MY FIRST TIME HERE) 17. AMAZING GRACE 18. angela 19. Mrs.B@ Homekeepers Journey 20. gengen 21. LisaShaw 22. Jerri 23. Sandy 24. Michele 25. Lynn (Spiritually Unequal Marriage) 26. Connie |
27. Rita 28. JesuLalaine 29. Bernice ( My Journey ) 30. Erica 31. becky aka theRAV 32. Lisa @my little corner 33. Donetta at a life uncommon… 34. Sab 35. ~ linda @ Being Woven 36. Multitasking Mama 37. tanya |
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Debbie has a wonderful idea! You are so talented and I enjoy your photography.
Great theme for today! God bless you!
Oh–love is my anti-spam word…how like God.
Love is what I felt this week when the enemy tried his best to make me feel UNLOVED. God turned it around. Thank you dear one for praying. Love is what I felt when my man pulled me in his arms and cried with me.
JOY is what I feel knowing with all my heart that I am a DAUGHTER of GOD! A child of the KING!
You were such a blessing to me this week!
MUCH love—and glad to be here tonight!
Iris, I haven’t written my Thankful Thursday post …yet. But I will do so later. I came to check on the theme and I love JOY. I usually go to bed and think and pray about what I’ll write for TT.
I was surprised and yet pleased to read your comment about what I said about the photography. I truly do believe you are talented in this area and I love some of your AZ scenes. I’ve never been to the Mideast but they say AZ is similar. Anyone been there to confirm that?
But I would love to see Iris’ photos with Scripture. And it wouldn’t be long before an Iris Photo Book would come out. Come on guys, let’s give her some encourgement. Have you seen her photos? And did you know she is doing a calendar for Phoenix Children’s Hospital? Such a great cause to help children who are sick and in need. That is near and dear to my heart.
Love you Iris.
i agree. pure joy comes only from God. God bless you, iris.
Praise God for His joy in my life.
Beautiful post on joy! Thanks for hosting this month!
Hi Iris:) This month’s theme at my blog the Proverbial Sunrise is about HOPE. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. I’d love to see your photography too.
The Proverbial Sunrise
What a PERFECT topic that I already seemed to have chosen today 9even though I didn’t use the word “joy”) It’s funny how the Lord always seems to direct my writing each Thursday, even when i don’t know the topic 🙂
Might I suggest you look into LuLu Press. You can create books for free and then can link to a “store” there to sell your work for people to enJOY.
I created calendars for my friend’s little girl that was fighting cancer and all of the proceeds went to her family. here is the link so you can see what i mean:
It was an excellent website and SO easy!
Oh, and if you do end up making a book, please let me know. I enJoy those as well 🙂
Blessings to you!
Hello, I just joined your meme. Thanks for creating this beautiful one. Hope it’s alright for you that I included myself in.
Love your post. Have a great day.
Oh joy is a good medicine to the lonely heart…Take care…
Iris … we are so HAPPY to have you back hosting TT! You have been missed. I am still on vacation in Orlando but wanted to stop by and say “WELCOME BACK!” – love Laurie
Hi Iris,
Came on over from Debbie’s at Heart Choices this morning and thought I’d participate. I am so encouraged in what you shared and I appreciate your heart dear sister.
Beautiful blog!
Blessings and peace.
Thanks for the topic of joy. It’s one of my favorite words. I like the concept of joy so much, I named my daughter’s middle name, Joy.
Oh Girl…
Truly joy is in our bones. I am right there with Debbie. It’s a great idea. I have known for a long time the Lord would use your photography in some way. I can’t wait to see where He takes you. Love you a ton and thank you for carrying on our Thankful Thursday praises. Hugs.
What a great quote! And I agree, John Piper has it right. It must be “in our bones”.
Happy Thankful Thursday, Iris!
I too wrote about what makes me happy. Like you, I am a photographer and my photos make me happy especially one I took over the weekend. I think this is the 1st time I have written about a subject then saw it was the same as your theme! So that was pretty cool to me. Great minds thinking alike. Christian women of the same thoughts. Amazing.
Joy is such an underestimated blessing. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
My name should have been Joy, not Elizabeth. Although I have not had an easy life, I have been chronically happy.
(I love these Thankful Thursday posts — I have read others who have posted them as well. If I ever become more Internet literate, I may try to join the thankful group!)
Aww too bad I missed posting my link on the linky love! I hope you all still visit me… I’ll blog hop on the links now too..