“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ~ Romans 6:23 (ESV ~ emphasis mine)

This post will be a little about my earthly dad. Yes, I am thankful for the life my earthly dad lived. Even though toward the end (at the tender age of 51), he suffered a lot, but he still lived life with cheer.

If you read my post this past Monday at Laced with Grace, not all people who are suffering live their life with cheer; they end it before it really started. My dad always you use to say “You are unique. Only you can do the things God set you out to do”. I couldn’t agree more. Although there are people with the same skills you might have, but only YOU can do them a specific way.

David is talking in Psalm 139 exactly about the same thing ‘I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…’ (v. 14). Believe me, some days I wish our Lord would call me home, because life is just too stressful. But then again, I praise Him also for the days I am here; to share about Him and His unconditional love. Yup, I am thankful for life…

What are you thankful for this week? Please share your thoughts by leaving your link below to your Thankful Thursday post.

Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: Life might be not what you have hoped for, but you are fearfully made in His image–your life is a gift 🙂


Thankful Thursday Participants

1. Lynn (Spiritually Unequal Marriage)
2. Denise
3. Yoli ~ Apron Senorita
4. Debbie @ The Way We Are
5. Rita @Following 31
6. Melanie
7. karen/lily valley
8. Karen@Living Life
9. Tammy
10. Charmaine(The Road Back)
11. Holly(Broken for God)
12. Laurie @ Women Taking a Stand
13. Pia
14. It Feels Like Chaos
15. Amys blah, blah, blogging
16. Debbie @ Heart Choices
17. Janujennifer
18. milette
19. eikcaj- strength
20. Nancie
21. LivingforGod
22. memur
23. a collection of days
24. Amazing Grace
25. Janet @ Wildflower Thinking
26. Loni @ Hearts In Training
27. Terri Sue
28. Dawn’s Daily Life
29. Cara @ Angel’s Kisses
30. 7thheaven4chinadolls&1gentleman
31. Loren
32. Saleslady371
33. angie – Annies Home
34. Marsha
35. Susan @ one day at a time
36. Sallyo
37. Irene
38. Amanda @ High Impact Mom(For Anissa)
39. becky aka theRAV
40. bp
41. ~ linda @ Being Woven
42. Katrina @ Proverbs 31 Mommy & Wife – love comments, will return them!
43. Wendy @ Faith’s Firm Foundation
44. Erica
45. Melinda @ Shore’s End (100th Bday)
46. Donetta at a Life Uncommon
47. Sandy
48. Sandy-Teacher Blog
49. JesuLalaine
50. tanya

Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.

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  1. Oh Iris,

    I want to meet your Dad when I get to heaven. What a wonderful tribute to your Dad and girl… I am into the Psalms this month. Awesome scripture. I love you. Happy Thanksgiving Hugs.

  2. My father passed away 3 years ago. I wonder if he and your dad have met? Tell your dad to look for my dad. Tell him my dad is the tall, dark, and handsome Hispanic man… 🙂

    I sincerely needed to read your story. God Bless You!

  3. “You are unique. Only you can do the things God set you out to do”. … I love this, Iris! Your Dad sounds like a wonderful, wonderful man!

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  4. Iris,
    This is a nice post. It’s true that we are all
    fearfully and wonderfully made. That’s one of my favorite scriptures. Thanks for hosting.

  5. Iris, your dad sounds like a very wise man. Our life is a gift from God. We have a choice in how we live it and I want to live it …in Him.

    Love you,

  6. Iris, thanks for sharing with us. This is a lovely tribute to your dad. I am encouraged by the reminder that we are unique and God has made us for some purposes. He uses us in His own wonderful ways to accomplish His divine purposes. I was discouraged by some things last week but now I feel encouraged to press on in His strength. Thank you for sharing. Take care and God bless you!


  7. What a wonderful man your dad sounds like. I love that thought and I am going to spend some time dwelling on it today. Have a wonderful day. Blessings to you, Debbie

  8. Us daddy girls will always cherish our dads. My dad was a lot like yours passing at the rather young age of 54 he was a man who was in pain much of his life but did not let that show as he tried to keep all he knew with good encouragement and helped all he could

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