Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
~ Colossians 3:16 (ESV)

Oh, there are so many things to be thankful for each day…I am thankful for the roof over our heads, running water, food…

This week I want to especially share my thankfulness for the past long weekend. My body needed it. I have been crazy busy at work. I am looking forward to the day I retire 😆 …My body is too old to have such a hectic schedule.

This past weekend, we didn’t do too much; just kicking up our feet, read, watch old movies. On Sunday afternoon we took a trip downtown Phoenix. Phoenix was blessed to have a guest exhibition of Ansel Adams’ photography. This man was so amazing. Adams’ lifework is still a great inspiration for photographers around the world 😛 . If you ever have the chance to view his photos in a gallery, make time for it.

When looking at Adams’ photos on Sunday, I wanted to just pack up my camera and travel the world…maybe one day God allows me to follow that dream 😉 …

What are you thankful for this week? Please share with us by leaving a link to your Thankful Thursday post below.

Thank you for stopping in. Remember: take time to thank God for the beauty of nature…stop and smell the roses as they say.

Thankful Thursday Participants

1. Debbie @ Heart Choices
2. Melanie
3. It Feels Like Chaos
4. Whidbey Woman
5. jo.attalife
6. Becoming a Strong Woman of God as a Wife, Mother, Scrapbooker & Friend
7. Sandy @ The Tablet of My Heart
8. Loren @themagoosnews
9. Denise
10. LaVonne (First Sleep Over)
11. Nancie@MoreThanConquerors
12. Joan @ Reflections
13. Lily Valley
14. Melonie K. @ One Little Change
15. annies home –
16. a collection of days
17. LaughingLady
18. Foster2Forever-Graduation & a Giveaway
19. Dana
20. Carolyn @ Wings of Eagles
21. Mary
22. Training Happy Hearts (acting like animals)
23. Wonder and Will (God’s Word coming alive with practical remidners)
24. Chelsey ~ Modesty
25. Melanie
26. ~Simple Pleasures~
27. Linda@bytheway
28. Chris
29. Debbie @The Way We Are
30. Chocolate and Coffee
31. Joshlin@Saving Moms Sanity
32. SusanD
33. Yoli ~ Apron Senorita
34. Arlene – Accepting Change
35. Donetta at a Life Uncommon
36. Laurie @ Women Taking a Stand
37. MageeMommy
38. Rita
39. Callie@ The Deegan Daily
40. Amanda@ Confessions of a Wannabe Supermom
41. Kari@A Splash of Pink
42. Rocks@ Made to Worship
43. WOW–One Heart
44. Ladynred
45. Jessica@ By Grace Alone
46. tinkle n winkle
47. skoots1momDOZENETTES
48. bp
49. A Virtuous Woman
50. becky aka theRAV
51. Two Southern Girls
52. Grace @ A walk to Remember
53. Gracia Fashionista
54. Resting in the Mystery
55. Lois @ Parenting Twins and More- 20th Wed Anniversary
56. tanya

Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.

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  1. Iris, I can’t believe I’m the first one to link up with you today for Thankful Thursday. I love Ansel Adams’ photography. I have a book of his and I used several of his photos and framed them in our last house. I may need to take that book out again and consider framing others since we sold them.

    I was also thankful for the long weekend.

    Love you Iris,

  2. I am so thankful for the long weekend, too! So great to take time to relax, hang with the family, and not do much of anything except enjoy!

    Happy Thankful Thursday, Iris!

  3. I was thankful to have my boys home over the long weekend. And now it’s summer vacation so Caleb will be with me every day 🙂

    Have a good day!

  4. This is my first time at your blog. I am thankful for alot of things but most importantly that I am a child of God. Look forward to stopping by again.

    Serving with Joy,

  5. Hi Iris, Glad you have had such a lovely and relaxing long weekends! That’s really needful and refreshing. Thanks for hosting TT. Take care and have a blessed week. Warm regards, Nancie

  6. I love long weekends also. the first one of summer when the weather is nice is an especially nice treat.
    Might I make a little suggestion? It was hard to find you today as you skip around a bit. I knew that Iris would be hosting in June as the May host mentioned it in her last May post. However, she didn\’t leave a link. For those of us who have really rotten memories or for new folks…we don\’t know who Iris is or where to find her. It was only by a fluke of finding Thankful Thursday on another blog and following her link that I was able to join in this week.
    Perhaps it is listed somewhere else and I just didn\’t see it though…

  7. I have to admit, since becoming a stay-at-home mom, long weekends don’t mean quite as much as they used to, but it’s so nice to have my girls home an extra day. As much as I know I’m not cut out to be a homeschooler, it KILLS me that they have to spend so much time at school when they’re so young!! (they’re 8 and 6) Especially when the weather’s nice!

    A good time of relaxing, refreshing, and rejuvenating is always a blessing ~ glad you had a great long weekend!!

  8. Indeed, the long weekend was a blessed one. We had a busy family “work” day on Saturday, celebrated my daughter’s family 3rd birthday party on Sunday and enjoyed a relaxing beach day Monday. Glad you enjoyed yours as well…

  9. Oh, that you will be able to travel the world one day. I did lots of traveling prior to marriage and actually canceled a planned world trip (one of my life time dreams ) to embrace a greater lifetime dream – marriage and family! I wouldn’t change my decision for anything. But, admittedly, I one day hope to travel some with my family, if time, finances and grace allow. I would LOVE to do family missionary work when my kids get older…

  10. Hey Iris, Yes the long weekend was a much needed break. It was a breath of fresh air, a kiss from heaven for sure. I’m so glad you were able to visit the photo exhibition. What an extra blessing for you. Thanks for hosting TT this month. Blessings on your day! love you girl.

  11. It sounds like you had a great weekend! I hope the rest of your week is just as great! Have a blessed day Iris! And thank you for hosting Thankful Thursday this month!

  12. Hi Iris!

    Wow…I am right there with you in regard to being “crazy busy” at work! I, too, am exhausted! But God is good – and I have the weekend to recover! Right at this moment, I am looking at a print by Ansel Adams! I agree…he took amazing photographs. The one I am looking at is one of half dome in Yosemite. It was take from a spot that I have stood many times as Yosemite is one of our favorite places. God truly did a magnificent work in that beautiful valley. Thanks for sharing your Thankful Thursday! Have a restful weekend!

    Living for Him, Joan

  13. Even in the busyness of life, God gives us rest! We’ve been packing and moving my daughter and her hubby and I’m tired and in great need of a massage! Thanks for hosting Iris! Blessings on your day!

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