“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!”
~ Psalm 95:1

This morning as was driving to work, I wondered what I would do without music!?! Music is a huge part of my day.

Since I grew up on ‘rock-music’, I am thrilled how much Christian music has changed over time. When I was a child/teenager (long,long time ago), we only sung hymns accompanied by the organ on Sunday mornings. I remember that we had a very special treat during a Saturday night service – a guitar and drums. But only the youth was involved.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love singing the traditional hymns with organ music. But contemporary music lead by a worship team is still my favorite 🙂 – I am very thankful for my church alternating Sundays between traditional and contemporary music.

Girls – I have to tell you: if you haven’t listened to the new CD from MercyMe “The Generous Mr. Lovewell”, I urge you to listen in here. I always enjoyed their music, but this album I love (yes love). I will be giving away a CD starting on Monday, June 21st.

So what are you thankful for this week? Please share with us by leaving your link to your Thankful Thursday post below.

Thank you for stopping in today. Remember: sing a new song to Him today – in the car or in church 🙂 .

Thankful Thursday Participants

1. Whidbey Woman
2. Whidbey Woman blog2
3. Lynn (Spiritually Unequal Marriage)
4. Rocks -Made To Worship
5. Melanie
6. Loren @themagoosnews
7. Sandy @ The Tablet of My Heart
8. bp
9. ~Simple Pleasures~ June 17th edition
10. Debbie @ Heart Choices
11. LaDonna @ Just Our Thoughts
12. Florence @ Just Writing
13. It Feels Like Chaos
14. Amazing Grace – Amzing Blessings
15. Serendipity Park
16. Nancie@More Than Conquerors
17. Denise
18. Cindy
19. Joan @ Reflections
20. Daily Coping Skills
21. Chris
22. a collection of days
23. LaughingLady
24. Our Foster Girl Moves Today
25. Cranberry Morning
26. Karen @ Hallelujah Anyhow
27. Bogie’s Wonderland
28. becky aka theRAV
29. annies home –
30. Michele- Beelieve You Can
31. Dana
32. Marsha
33. Linda@bytheway
34. Joshlin@Saving Moms Sanity
35. K @ In The Lord’s Path
36. Yoli ~ Apron Senorita
37. Cathy at TCKK Family
38. SharonB
39. Kari@A Splash of Pink
40. Rita @following 31
41. By Grace Alone
42. Lorikate @ The Jesus Filter
43. Two Southern Girls
44. The Purpose Driven Journey
45. Rachelle
46. Tracey @ Cheese and Whine
47. Bernice@My Journey
48. Pastor John, Philippines
49. Wendy @ Faith’s Firm Foundation
50. Melanie @ Musings & Meanderings
51. marja
52. Arlene – Accepting Change

Learn more about Thankful Thursday here.

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  1. Hi Iris, Oh yes– music is such a blessing! I love Mercy Me and will have to check out their new CD. My husband has found listening to music very therapeutic during his chemo treatments. At his clinic, they even have a music therapist that comes in and works with patients. It is so cool.
    Thanks for hosting TT this month!

  2. Mercy Me definitely has some awesome songs out! Music is such a huge part of my life. I was a part of the praise team at a church we attended before we moved a couple of years ago. I really miss it!

    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Karen Lowe

  3. I am with you Iris… music is such a blessing! I have some of my best moments with God as I listen to great Christian music we have these days. And, I agree, the music on Mercy Me’s new album is really, really good!

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  4. Oh Iris,

    Music can move me into such an amazing time with the Lord. I am thankful as well for praise and worship music. Girl, we will be singing all of eternity. Awesome. Hugging you and happy TT.

  5. Iris, thank you so much for hosting Thankful Thursday!
    I am so thankful for Music, too! I enjoy Mercy Me very much. I am thankful for all of the Christian cds that I listen into in my car, including Casting Crowns Christmas cd that I am still listening to daily in June!
    I am thankful for the beautiful music that so many of you have playing on your blogs!
    Thank you, again!

  6. I just had to smile when I saw the title tonight for TT!!!! Music! I was thinking about putting music/songs in my list b/c on the way home tonight there was one on the radio and then another on my iPod that really just blessed my heart.

    Have a wonderful day!


  7. Iris, I can just picture you singing and worshiping the Lord in your car on the way to work each morning.

    I grew up with the older hymns. However, since my siblings and I were shuttled to many different churches during our childhood, I have memories of many styles of worship.

    I love the Methodist hymns of John Wesley. But I also love the songs we sung in my grandparents Pentecostal church. And then there’s the Baptists. So, I guess I cover them all.

    I enjoy a variety. Joining in on Then Sings My Soul Saturday has introduced me to some music I would never have heard otherwise. I’m so grateful for the variety from contemporary to Southern Gospel to traditional hymns.

    As long as the music gives glory to God and is worshipful, I’m all for it.

    Love you,

  8. I have to agree, I love contemporary music lead by the worship team. There is just such joy in singing unto the Lord. I do it a lot in my car too. There have even been times I sing so loud in the car, the people in the next car or on the sidewalk would look at me, 🙂

  9. Hi Iris,

    Music is a large part of my life too. It is so soothing to listen to music and Christian Psalms, Hymns and Songs. I love them and they always bring cheers to my heart. Thanks for sharing with us. Take care and have a blessed week!

    Warm regards,

  10. Hi Iris,

    I love to sing unto the LORD and have since my youth when I was on the choir. I enjoyed and still do; singing the Hymns as often they speak volumes of my love for JESUS in the words which I enjoy expressing. Often the old tunes if you will; express more about the sanctifying BLOOD of JESUS and His healing and saving grace and I love singing about that.

    I also enjoy Gospel music and some of the more contemporary songs as well.

    The key for me is, “is it ANOINTED worship/praise” music. That’s really what’s important to me that the person(s) leading/singing or creating the songs really have a heart of worship unto the LORD because then it comes through in their songs and that’s a blessings.

    What am I thankful for? JESUS. I am deeply thankful for His love, grace and mercy. I’m thankful that through HIM I have everlasting life. I’m thankful for His patience with me and that HE doesn’t view me through the lens that people can at times do. He is a Gift that keeps on giving….I’m thankful!

    Love you and I’m thankful for you!

  11. Iris – I also grew up singing the old hymns and though I still love them, I particularly like today’s contemporary Christian music. Mercy Me, Chris Tomlin, Paul Baloche, and Casting Crowns are among my favorite.

    I took piano lessons for several years (never touch the piano now), but had I known then that Christian music would develop into a contemporary style, I might have stuck with my lessons and practice.

    Have a blessed day!

  12. Oops! I didn’t realize that music was the theme! But this morning my foster girl is leaving us, and although sad, I’m thankful that we were able to help this one orphan, if only for 6 months.

  13. Music is one of my favorite ways to worship, too…I love all kinds of music and am blessed to go to a church that alternates between the many different types….don’t you imagine the Lord enjoys variety?

  14. Music is such a powerful thing, created by God to give Him glory. One of my very favorite pieces of music is linked on my post today. Who Am I, that the Lord of all the earth would care to know my name…

  15. I agree…I love some of the contemporary songs out there and enjoy singing them in church because we always did hymns growing up too! Then again, I get so excited when we go to a church that will actually sing Luther’s hymn (A Mighty Fortress). Music is a wonderful way to Praise God!

  16. Iris, thank you for this post! There’s always a song in my heart. Music is an integral part of me – always has been. I’m always humming or singing. Making melody in my heart to God.

    I love the group MercyMe, but have not listened to this whole album. I’ll need to do that today. Thanks for the link!


  17. Music is a BIG part of our lives too! At the moment Hubby is getting off the ground with his own music and playing in public places. It gets frustrating sometimes, but I know our ever loveing Lord is by our side!

    Have a blessed day!

  18. This is my first time to participate. Thanks for letting me participate. I love music too. I remember when I was young at church I always participated and listened to all the music in the service…unfortunately not so much with the preaching and praying. lol

    I love the new music, but I especially love the hymns! I also love MercyMe’s Music. I hear all the time on KLOVE which I listen to at work all the time. They’ve been talking about the CD a lot recently.

    Have a great day!

  19. Music has an incredible way of reaching our hearts and moving us. I love listening to the Christian radio station on my way to work, too. It sets the pace for my day. Then, on the way home, when often I’m tired and spent, listening to God’s word through song changes my mood and energized me. It helps to refocus and center me before I am with my family. I am so thankful that God developed music and added it to our lives.

    Living for Him, Joan

  20. It’s my first time here, I love it! And oh my goodness I am listening to their new cd right from the link you shared and I love it! I agree it’s their best…

  21. Hi Iris,

    I’m new to Thankful Thursdays, and this week only managed a post on Friday, but hope to make it a regular part of my week.

    Yes, I don’t know what I’d do without music either – especially my favourite worship music. Whenever there’s a chore to do that I have a hard time applying myself to, I put on a CD and end up enjoying the work.


  22. Hi Iris,

    Lost my initial comment. I don’t know what went wrong, but I’ll try again.

    I’m new to Thankful Thursdays and only managed to post on Friday this time, but hope to make it a regular part of my week.

    My worship music is important to me as well. When I have chores to do that I have trouble applying myself to, the music actually makes it enjoyable.


  23. I’m thankful that Christ is at the right hand of the Fatherm and that his joy is in my heart. Though I am thankful for Mercy Me too… ;o)

  24. Hi,
    I have a weekly song post also. Mine is called ” Sunday Song”. Oddly enough I too choose a Mercy Me song, “Word Of God Speak”. Music to me is a wonderful tool for worship.
    Thanks for your post:-)

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