What did they do before…

No Cell PhoneOkay – I do have one pet-peeve…(otherwise I am a very soft-spoken person – ask my Sweetheart and my best friend)…
I can not tolerate/stand people who are talking on their cell phone while driving.
1. Most of them can not combine those two tasks.
2. It is dangerous for other people who share the same road with them.

What did they do before cell phones were such a popular thing? Oh, don’t get me wrong, I have one too, but my rule is: “Don’t answer the phone while driving” (no one usually calls me on that thing anyway – lol).
Today, again, I had someone in front of me who was talking on his cell, and didn’t pay attention to the traffic. He was moving his arms around – looked like he was giving directions to the person on the other end.
You see, where I come from (Germany to be exact – like you couldn’t tell that by my English), you better pull of the road to talk on your cell; otherwise it will cost you 200 Euros and points on your license.
Sometimes I just want to get out of my car, knock on the driver’s window, and ask them to get off their phone and pay attention to the traffic. But then again, I might get shot at (and I am not kidding either)…and that for sure is not worth it.
Well, I guess I just have to live with it…just like I live with women who put on make-up and men shaving, while driving…Dangerous roads we are on…

5 Replies to “What did they do before…”

  1. When we were househunting in EL Paso last week, not only did my realtor talk on the phone while driving, she looked at maps with my husband, and went through folders…all at the same time!!! And this on the freakishly busy El Paso freeways. Let me tell you – I got closer to God in the backseat of that car!!!

  2. I would like to carry two signs with me. One would say “Get off your cell phone and drive.” The other would say “You don’t have any brake lights.” On second thought make that 3 signs. The third would say “Could you at least drive the speed limit?” It might not help with the situation, but it would make me feel better.

  3. I so hear you! I always pull over if i have to talk on the phone! I’m just not comfortable doing both! sheesh! When hubby and I are together who ever is in the passenger seat answer the phone.

    I’m glad you enjoyed the photo. I left you a reply on my comments LOL.

  4. Oooooooo, I got “taken to the woodshed” by some of my readers for admitting to do this. Goodness knows, I don’t want to be on your “bad” list ;). For the record, though, I use a headset, I’ve never had a “close call”, and I NEVER take my eyes off the road (I handle my phone by touch). I know, I know, it’s still dangerous :/…I’m working on it :).

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