~ Psalm 28:7 (NIV)
Oh my, the weeks are flying by; it is not funny anymore. It is almost Thanksgiving :). But I am not waiting until than to share my thanks…
- I am thankful that the Lord always turns sorrow into joy. I am still sad that the CWO Blog ‘closed down’, but God is working already on something new and hopefully it will bring joy to many.
- I am thankful for Darlene. She is always there to help out. Even though she was busy getting the October Ezine together, she still had time to pray with me, encourage and even create a button for Laced with Grace.
- I am thankful for Tracey, Lynn, Heather, Sissy, CJ and Ellen, who are stepping out in faith to be instruments of God’s grace and joy
- I am thankful for Jamie, Carol, Heather and E-Mom who always encourage me to follow His lead
- I am thankful for all my visitors, because without them, I wouldn’t be here.
- I am especially thankful for my Encourager of the Month ~ September (I know I am late ~ almost a week late). She makes me laugh. You see, I like to laugh and since I am not funny, I need fun places I hang out at. She always leaves wonderful comments and encourages me through her kind words. Oh, you want to know who it is? Have you ever been over that Robin’s Place? Oh – you have to check her out. But this week I was the looser, because I missed all the fun. She had a huge celebration and has a new template…So if you never have been at Pensieve, I encourage you to stop by and have a piece of cake…Robin, I hope you will except this little award of mine?

I hope that your Thursday will bring you blessings…Would you share with me what you are thankful for today?
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WHat an honor to be mentioned. I feel that way each time I see my name here.
I’m thankful for neighbors because tonight – they got a snake out of the garage/basement for me… Eek.
Thankful for my husband because he’s always there for me – he’s listened to all my essay drafts and helped me make my paper – what it was – here’s cheers that I get an A on it! =)
What sweet uplifting words. And wonderful things to be thankful for.
So nice to see good friends receiving awards! Robin’s new look is great, and she truly is worthy of recognition. Plus… thanks for your thanks!
So many, many things to be thankful for. I’m especially thankful for Fall. I feel like I come alive then. Oh well. Went to visit Robin’s blog and can see why she won the award.
Keep on praising the Lord!
Iris, I stopped by earlier and tried to post, but that one wouldn’t go through. Here I am again to say….WOW…WOW! It is CLEAR you have the gift of encouragement, because EVERY time I received an email with your name attached, my heart swells. Today, it’s EXPLODING :). Which is a nice thing, really. Thank you for this lovely acknowledgment:).
I’ve gotta come clean…sometimes I see bloggers writing comments, and while they’re positive, it rings disingenuous. Maybe I’m just a bit cynical, but I know the trap of commenting just to get blog traffic, or to try to say the “right” thing to get noticed. One of my first comments to you was spoken in frustration from a lot of people seemingly saying all these things you’d “want” to hear, rather than offering a different perspective, or perhaps, giving you reason to reconsider (or consider more deeply) something about what you wrote. Perhaps it was self-serving, but it was then I decided I didn’t want to comment to people just to comment. If I had something to add to the conversation, fine; if not, move along.
There are many, many wonderful blogs out there; I’ve learned it’s “different strokes for different folks”. Everyone will not “like” reading my blog (and that’s okay
). One of the things I am most grateful for, are the readers who don’t share my faith. I’m… moved that “they” would continue to read me in spite of the fact I’ll tell ’em in a skinny minute I’m a Jesus Freak (but in the most unconventional kind of way).
Anyway, thank you sweet blog pal of mine. You truly stung my heart, and it “hurts” so good!
I was going to leave a comment but Robin’s comment kinda caught me off quard in regards to leaving comments. Perhaps I am naive.
A thankful heart is a heart after God! I am renewed be reading your post on Thankfulness. I am blessed also to have a friend in Christ such as you who encourages me and challenges me as well.
Have blessed day tomorrow. Love and hugs, Lynn
I am honored to be someone you are thankful for! I am very excited and thankful for the oppurtunity to join with you and the other ladies on this great project!! Woo hoo! Go God!
Found you through the Wordless Wednesday blogroll I signed up for! I’m new at blogger and am glad to have found this site ;).
As always your words do encourage newbies and those of us who have been around a bit. I am so excited about your new blog! I miss CWO greatly not having a daily post to go to it to read! Yours will definately fill a gap in my day!
I hope you and your sweetheart have great plans for this weekend! Even if it is to just snuggle on the couch! Which sounds pretty good to me!
Thankful for comments like Robin’s… that there are people out there unafraid to be real…
thankful that we have leftover lasagna in the fridge…
thankful for the crisp mornings that are nipping at the edges of summer…
thankful to be reminded to be thankful… it’s just too easy to be a selfish grump sometimes.