I have been praying about this step; it is time to say ‘goodbye’ to “Thankful Thursday” here at “Grace Alone…”. The meme has been going since 2007 and unfortunately I have had not the time that it takes to keep it going over the last months. If you are interested in hosting the meme on your blog, just let me know in the comment section.
I have ‘met’ some incredible women through the meme that I have become friends with in real life. Rest assured that I am thankful on a daily basis. I am especially thankful for God’s incredible grace, love, and mercy over the years I have been online. Honestly, I am not sure where I will go with this blog. I may just write about my journey with God, or will host a Bible study. I know that God will direct my next steps with “Grace Alone…”.
I am still running “Laced with Grace” which is a great ministry God has blessed me with. I am certainly thankful that He is using a broken woman like me to share His grace with the world. And I hope that He will give me continued courage to spread the Word with a darkened world.
I also continue to work on my business of portrait photography. I pray that God will expend my boundaries and give me the courage to step out of my comfort zone.
Thank you for making “Grace Alone…” a meeting place for thankful hearts over the past 7 years. I am closing Thankful Thursday with one of my favorite verses of the New Testament:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
(Philippians 4:8 ESV)
Love & peace,
I will miss this link but so do understand. As most we have busy lives and wonderful things like this take time an energy from other things. I will miss the link up. I pray someoen else will be able to step in and pick up where you have left off. May the Lord continue to bless you and your minsitry that you have been called too. Love and prayers Beth
I remember when this started. I will miss coming here for this but have not been able to participate much either. Thankful for you and for your encouragement through the years. Will still *see* you at Laced with Grace. God Bless!
I’m so sorry to see this, but know you did not come to this decision lightly. Best of luck, and I’ll be on the lookout to see if someone else picks this up!
Thank you for having TT for so many years. It has been such a blessing to my life. I believe I met you and many of my blog friends through TT.
God bless you Iris
Came by to get your link as I am writing my “Thankful Thursday”.
But I understand. I’ve been making changes in my time online. Thank you for doing it so long Miriam!
I’m very sad to see this is being closed when I am just starting LOL.

I would love to host it, if no one else has volunteered.
God bless, Iris!
Does TT still go on? A wonderful memory for me and it leads me back here again after about 4 years….
Thank you for the many years you hosted Thankful Thursday! It was the first meme I ever participated…and coincidentally, Laced with Grace, was the very first Christian blog I ever read! (Which of course brought me over here to Grace Alone!). I’m so thankful that we have connected over these past years and look forward to our friendship continuing on your blogs, on FB and maybe one day in person! You are a blessing to many, Iris!
In Him, Joan