If there is one most useful trick I have picked up in cooking is how to hard-boil an egg. I know it sounds simple to hard-boil an egg; however you may have the same issues I had. I used to never get them perfect. Sometimes they even had a little blue ring around the egg-yoke because I boiled the eggs too long.
A couple years ago I watched a cooking show on the Food Network and the trick to hard boil an egg perfect every time is quite simple. You place the eggs in cold water, bring the eggs and water to a boil, let them boil for 1 minute. After you boil the eggs for a minute, take them off your burner, and let them sit in the hot water for exactly 13 minutes. Shock the eggs with cold water and let them cool. Seriously, this little trick works; no matter how fresh the eggs are.
And since I already shared with you the little trick how to perfectly hard-boil eggs, I thought I share with you my modified recipe of devilled eggs (or eggs mimosa or Russian eggs as we Germans say)…
As you all know, my husband has to watch his sodium intake. And since devilled eggs is one of his favorite dishes, I had to modify it; using no salt at all. Trust me, it is not easy to get the dishes right without salt, but you just need to try and try again .
So here is my simple, yet sodium-savvy ingredient list for my devilled/Russian/mimosa eggs:
Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, Mustard, Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil, Fresh Ground Pepper, and Smoked Paprika.
Remove egg-yoke from your perfectly hard-boil eggs, add 1 tsp of Worcestershire sauce, 1 tsp your choice of mustard (I use German mustard of course ), 1 1/2 Tbs of Kraft’s Mayo, 3 twists of fresh ground pepper and 2 pinches of smoked paprika. Mix the ingredients until the mixture is smooth, add the mixture back to your egg halves. Voila – sodium savvy devilled/Russian/mimosa eggs. Serve cold on Rye Bread with unsalted butter. (recipe is for 6 eggs/12 halves)
Living sodium savvy does not mean that you have to eat bland foods; you just have to modify your favorite dishes. Your heart will thank you.
Until next time…skip the salt — add flavor instead!