If you visited Eph2810 Thursday evening and encountered problems… I apologize, I was messin’ around with her stuff. She is now up and running on WordPress. Blogger is behind her! Yay! Welcome her site to WP, won’t you?
Her buddy,
And it looks great – thanks a million. Now I just have to add the categories. You already have done the ‘blogroll’ as a page :grin:.
Looking great TN :smile:.
Okay, my feed reader is still looking for the old URL. Do you know the rss or atom feed for the new WP site?
Carol – http://eph2810.com/feed
That should work for you – if it doesn’t comment back.
Thank you for visiting my site. I appreciate your prayers and uplifting words.
I like your site 🙂
God bless you!
at first I didn’t realize someone else was talking about you when they where using the female pronouns in this post. I thought you had given your blog a personality and life–call it her and she instead of it.
I was getting just a little worried for ya.
Congrats on going WP–your site looks great by the way. I like the new font for the post names. (it is new right?)