Sometimes a girl needs a little pink bling on her blog…Believe it or not, but pink is the best color on me and I have many pink tops. Hope I didn’t make you choke on that 😀 …

Anyway, I found this little fun thing on Sarah’s blog and I had to give it a try. Guess what!!! Here is my result:

A-List Blogger

Who would have thought that? But then again, it really has nothing to do with my writing, but more with the linkage via Technorati…and I just celebrated my 2nd year on the Internet…

Maybe one day, my popularity will be because of content and not the linkage 😀 …BTW – did you check out the “Spring Into Summer Blog Challenge” the LWG team is sponsoring? Oh, I hope you will participate…

Blessings on your Sunday and as always…

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  1. YEA, IRIS! But this doesn’t come as any surprise either. I was surprised to find out I was on the B list.

    Hope you have a blessed evening.

  2. Iris, what a fun little thing. I went and got my results. I’m on the A list too. Kinda sad though when my sitemeter tells me the actual truth of less that 20 per day visit mine. LOL I guess I have all the blog rolls I am on to thank for my little pink star.

    Love ya…hope you’re enjoying your lovely Sunday!

  3. Thanks for taking the time to be here when we come for a visit. And thanks for leaving your “calling card” at my home. Have a peaceful evening!

  4. Hi Iris,

    I wanted to stop by and send you a huge hug over the miles to thank you for your prayers. I LOVE pink, it is my favorite color. You are an A List blogger, in my book you are! Thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful evening.

  5. Oh great. I suppose I have to tell you what mine is now that I’ve gone and done it. I’m on the D list. Ah well – I’m not sure what to do about it, but there you have it 🙂

  6. Love your pink bling! Cool rating too.

    I’m on the D list too, but then I haven’t been around all that long. So is the key to raising it, getting more people to link to you using Technorati? I have it but not many people click on it. 🙁

    Thank you for coming by to see me. Is that your new hair-do? It is too cute!

    Your words are always a blessing!

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