Blog of Beauty Awards

Yes, I am. I can not believe that a reader(s?) think that Sting My Heart is worthy of a Blog of Beauty Award…

You can not believe how much that means to me to be nominated. Thinking that you, my dear readers, think I am in the same league as She Lives or Joy in the Journey…That is huge! 🙂

But I do have to give credit, where credit is due. His inspiration…I have written many, many post, only to hit the backspace-bar or delete an entire post…He is faithful….

So, thank you again for nominating Sting My Heart for several categories, especially “Best Encourager – General” and “Best Meet for a Mocha”…and thank you Jamie for making Sting My Heart unique to be nominated for “Best Contemporary Design” as well.

Please visit ‘A Gracious Home‘ and visit all the beautiful women Bloggers out there. I know, I have my favorites, but I will make sure that I will visit all the finalists…Voting is open until Monday, July 17th, 8pm EST. Thank you Sallie, for this beautiful award and taking on the task hosting it :razz:.

And speaking of beauty. Visit Ellen at MzEllen & Co., who is hosting the carnival this week. The theme, you might wonder? The Beauty of Psalms

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  1. You’ve always been my best encourager, I’d love to meet you for a mocha and your blog design is adorable!!

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