Carnival LogoGood morning to all and happy Wednesday. I hope to find you all well…It is carnival day and actually the topic on technology was a great one for me. I could’ve written a two pager on this one, but I think you would not have appreciated such a long post – lol.

Visit Ellen at MzEllen & Co. to venture out to other Christian bloggers and read their thoughts on technology.

I think it is great to stay ‘in-touch’ via our blogs and email – don’t you?…The world has become smaller through the internet and email…I love it.

Next week’s Carnival of Beauty is hosted my Carol at She Lives. The topic: “The Beauty of Aging Gracefully” (much harder topic for me to think about). If you never have participated in the carnival, there is always time to start. You find the details about the Carnival at Sallie’s Two Talent Living…I hope to see you next week at Carol’s place.

Additional thoughts for today: I just finished reading my Encouragement for Today devotion and it is oh so fitting for me today. Here is a little excerpt:

“I wondered: Is it possible to be close to God in the midst of a busy, demanding life? Is it realistic to “be still and know that He is God” (Psalm 46:10) when everything else in my life is calling out for my attention? How can I endeavor to make sure I am “close to You” God? Oh, how I long to be close to You!”

– written by Marybeth Whalen, Author, Proverbs 31 Speaker Team Member. You can read the entire devotion at Proverbs 31.

Living in His grace (and trying to live beyond myself) ~ Eph2810

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  1. hey sweet one! just stopping by to say hello and say thanks for your continued thoughts and encouraging words. thanks for all you do.


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