God's Creation

Isn’t God’s creation beautiful? As my Sweetheart and I took a little trip to our ‘desert backyard’ on Satuday, I was just amazed how close the clouds are in Arizona. It made me think of my favorite Psalm. How close God really is and that we can cry out to Him for His mercy…

I thought for this Carnival of Beauty post I would share with you my favorite Psalm via audio (you might have to adjust the volume on your PC :wink:). I hope you have the time to listen and reflect on the words David wrote so many years ago; to give us the comfort and peace we need in our life…

Psalm 143:


My hope is that, when you are distress, read the Psalms, because I know for certain that God will guide you to find your favorite one. Have a blessed Sunday evening…

This week’s Carnival of Beauty theme is ‘The Beauty of ths Pslams’ and hosted by Ellen at MzEllen & Co. There is still time for you to submit the entry. Deadline is Tuesday, July 11th, 3pm EST. Looking forward reading/hearing your entry this week :smile:.

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  1. I have really loved Psalms this year, I have been drawn to it more than usual. For others and for myself. It is a place to find hope, encouragement and joy! Beautiful!!!

    p.s. Can you help me hid my blogrolls like you do? I like the “clipped” look rather than filling my sidebar…. thanks

  2. My friend told me about a great Pslam reading plan. I wish I could remember how it goes. You read three different ones per day and it does follow a pattern, but it’s not three consecutive ones. I’m going to have to ask her. When I do, I’ll post it.

  3. I’ll have to come back to listen because all I heard was your voice! Really… I had no idea how you’d sound. I wish my voice was as feminine as yours. Totally have an accent, too – not sure if it’s German or not – since I’m not sure what most German’s sound like. Sorry to get way off topic – I was just uploadin’ photos and checkin’ in =)

  4. I very much needed this today- Im struggling with something and boy is it kicking my rear. Thanks for putting this up, I am glad it was the first place I came this morning 🙂

    (I didnt listen to your clip because my speakers are off while Emma sleeps…Ill come back and listen later 🙂 )

    Keep me in your prayers please

  5. I feel…..blessed……by your post and each time I read any Psalm. My life Psalm….is Psalm 139. I’ve instructed my family to have Psalm 139 imprinted on my gravestone…..however, since there are 24 verses…I’m saving my grocery money already!

    The Psalms speak to all aspects of life……couldn’t make it through the day without one!


  6. Your voice and God’s beautiful Word did much to calm my restless heart this afternoon. Thanks so much. You have a beautiful accent and a warm spirit, my dear friend.

    love & hugs,

  7. I took a class in the Psalms at university two years ago and loved it. Part of one of our assignments was to do a journal of the psalms. We had to read and/or pray out loud the psalm and then when something spoke to us we had to write about how it made us feel. It was a good exercise, and we had to do it for the entire 150 of them.

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