Joy…around the blogging world.

I was ready to call in a search team for Jeff at Becoming Our Destiny, but he just took some time off from blogging – and I totally understand. I am glad he is back though. He is looking at New Year’s resolutions from a realistic point of view!

Yesterday I was tagged by Miss Jill on My Lighter Side with the Four Fab meme (which originated from Miss Wendy). BTW, Miss Wendy is having a 48 hour comment casting call. It is fun. I participated last time and I visited some interesting blogs. Want to find our more? Well, blog on over to Wendy and see for yourself.

As it goes for memes, you tag others. I tagged Blest, PM, Boy Story & Brutally Honest…Well, Blest, PM & Amie (Boy Story) did it because of my charming personality – lol. Mona from Brutally Honest is on a business trip right now and promised to complete the meme upon her return…But check out Mona’s Photo Blog. She posted some great pictures from her trip to Houston. As for photo bloggers, check out Otto. I really like his new subject – flowers. Doris another great photo blogger – what do you know. She was tagged with the Fab Four meme as well – check out her answers…Oh, and speaking of photo bloggers – yours truly finally posted a new image *grin* (like the self promo?)…

Dee at Dee411 is moving all her blogs over to WP. Check out her new home(s)….

Last, but not least check out Carnival Day at Sallie’s Two Talent Living. This week’s theme was “The Beauty of Limits”. One particular blog I have become found off over the last three weeks – Heather at Mom 2 Mom Connection. I usually don’t wait until Carnival Day – I visit her blog before that….

I hope you enjoyed my little trip around the blogging world (check out some other great bloggers in my sidebar titled “My Personal Reads”)…

In His grip,

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  1. Hi, WendyWings directed me your way. I am on “Urlaub” but will be home this weekend. I will come back to read more, your blog seems very interesting. Bis bald!

  2. Good Morning,

    Thanks for the tips about great blogs. I am always honored that you consider mine worthy of mention.

    Have a great day!


  3. Thanks Mar for stopping by. Try to leave a comment on your blog, but it wouldn’t let me. Kept saying I entered the code wrong – mhm…

    Dee – I am glad to ‘know’ you…:)

  4. I don’t wait until the Carnival to visit your blog either. And here’s a question for you — I learned a new word in German today: zeitgeist. Is this a familiar word to you?

    Wikipedia defines Zeitgeist as “originally a German expression that means “the spirit (Geist) of the time (Zeit)”. It denotes the intellectual and cultural climate of an era.”

    I’m writing about comparing the culture’s zeitgeist with God’s priorities for His people. It’s interesting that word popped up, and I know someone whose native tongue is German!

  5. Thanks Heather for stopping by this morning :). I left a comment on your blog regarding ‘Zeitgeist’…
    What an awesome post you have this morning…:)

  6. Oh my — the kiddies in the daycare where I used to work called me “Miss Jill.” Except, being in the South, they gave it several more syllables. More like, “Miss Jeeyeeeuul.”

  7. Oh really? I didn’t mean to offend – honestly…I call all the ladies I work with Miss XXXXX – Oh, I hope that is not rude…Please do let me know if that is a no-no…

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