Rockin’ Girls & An Update

Rockin' Girl Blogger

The Lord has truly blessed me with awesome readers. Last week Crystal from “God is in Control…NOT ME!” awarded “Sting My Heart” the “Rockin’ Girl Blogger” award. I think it is so cool that Crystal thinks I am rockin’, considering my age 😛 …

Here is what Crystal had to say:

Well I am giving this award to Iris because she is having this great contest for a handbag with a verse written on it and I need some brownie points because I desperately want that bag….wink, wink….but other than that she is a great host to Thankful Thursday and I know that she has had a not so good day today and I wanted to make her smile (did it work Iris?)

I just love this girl’s honesty — that is very high rated in my books! As it goes with these awards, I suppose to pass it on to women who I think that are ‘rockin’…

You know, this is really, really hard for me to just pick a few from all the women I have come in contact with over the past 2 years (most of the blogs I read have already received this award)….So I was pondering and trying to think who I think is “Rockin” in bloggy-land (kinda hard to think when the outside temp is 115F or 45C — either way — it is HOT!!!!).

Well there are all the Thankful Thursdayer’s – they most certainly ROCK!!!! Than there are all the IOW participants – they ROCK too!!! And there is my personal Blogroll – those gals ROCK too!!!

So, here is the solution to my dilemma: If you have not yet received this award from one of the bloggers in bloggy-land, I would love for you to have it gracing your blog today. So, if you participate in Thankful Thursday, IOW or you are on my personal Blogroll, please download the button. I hope that you accept…


Now to the update that I mentioned in my title. Last week, Laurel awarded “Sting My Heart” the “Blogger Reflection Award” (the award originated at “Lady of Light” – a 16 year young Christian blogger). Well, since than “Sting My Heart” received two three four more nominations (Terri – I apologize for the oversight 😳 ). Please allow me to share with you…

Terri from “In His Hands” wrote:

Iris at Sting My Heart. I don’t know what I would do without Iris. She is so encouraging to me–always. She is such a great example of someone that has a servant spirit and makes me want to be more like Christ. I can absolutely envision Iris walking by His side—I love that thought.

Linda from “Middle Years” wrote:

…her sweet spirit is a reflection of the Savior who dwells within her heart. Her love for the Lord and for her husband and son are deep and abiding. Her desire to be used of the Lord through her writing is realized every time she publishes a post. She encourages, uplifts and inspires everyone who reads her words. She works so hard to see that words that bring honor and glory to the Lord are available to everyone. She has helped me over and over again with grace, patience and love. She is so very dear to me.

E-Mom from Chrysalis wrote:

Iris [A Peacemaker] Sting My Heart
“You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family. (Matt 5:9 MSG).”

Susanne from Truly Captivating wrote:

Iris, at Sting My Heart is just a wonderful example of a truly Thankful Heart. She hosts Thankful Thursdays, and also Laced with Grace (devotional blog). Her sweet heart for Jesus and love for others is such an inspiration to me.

I am truly humbled that all four of you have such kind words about “Sting My Heart”. I would have never thought that God is using this blog to encourage others. You all have been such a delight to get to know. I am blessed that our Lord has crossed our paths. Your blogs are refreshing, unique and a sweet scent on the Internet. I know that our Lord is smiling on all of you who are not afraid to share His love, grace and mercy in such a public place…

Blessings on your Tuesday evening and as always…

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Encourager of the Month ~ June’07

For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. ~ Romans 1:11-12 (NLT)

Sting My Heart Award

When I started this monthly award over a year ago, I was honestly afraid that I would run out of giving out this award to women who encourage me and others. Over the last six months though, I really have a hard time to pick just one per month. The Christian blogging community has truly changed which I attribute to CWO’s spread on the Internet. But I digress…

This month’s recipient of my little award (I know, it is not the all coveted Bloggers Award or Sweet Scent Blog Award) has been influential to many married women and mothers. I am very blessed to also blog with her at CWO’s Team Blog and co-host with her and others In Other Words. With her “Marriage Monday” and her “30-Day-Challenge to Honor our Husbands” she set me back on the path I started over two years ago. God knows that I do need those reminders once in a while to set me straight on my priorities. She has a sweet spirit and is always so encouraging through her posts and comments…

Christine, thank you so much for your continued encouragement in my marriage. Thank you for wanting me to be a better wife (and mother). I know you are very busy with your family, children and your new little son, Zachary. I am thankful that the Lord has crossed our paths. I do hope that you will accept my little award of gratitude.

If you have never visited Christine’s blog “Fruit in Season” I encourage you to pay her a visit. You will be encouraged, believe me.

Blessings on your Sunday and as always…

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Seeing Him in You

Wow, my sweet friend Laurel, at Laurel Wreath bestowed me with this neat “Blogger Reflection Award”:


Laurel, you humble me with what you shared with your readers why you find it worthy to present this award to me:

Iris at Sting My Heart. She has become my lifesaver, on days when Satan is attacking. She is my confidante when things of the heart are pressuring me. I always enjoyed flying home to see my family in Phoenix, now I have the added bonus of seeing Iris. I don’t think I would be blogging or writing as much if it were not for her encouragement. She is a friend you can be real with, lay out all your imperfections and she still talks to you…now that is a keeper in my book.

Now the instructions say I get to pass this on to 5 people and I quote:

“who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you. Five Bloggers who when you reflect on them you get a sense of pride and joy… of knowing them and being blessed by them.”

“This award is for the best-of-the-best so consider who you pick, carefully. This award should not be given to just anyone. If you’re going to do the award don’t just write a few words and slap it on your Blog. Write real thoughts about these Bloggers and what they’ve meant to you. If the Bloggers you pick have already been given the award, don’t be afraid to give it to them again. They deserve it as many times as it’s given.”

It is so hard to just pick 5 women. There are so many women that have impacted my life, my view on things over the past year. I wish I could just give out a blanket award for all who I have come in contact with. But I do will hold to the rules. Here are my five recipients:

  • Terri at In His Hands – she has shown me that you just have to trust in Him and His provision. Terri and her family are waiting right now to adopt a little girl from China. Although the waiting is hard on her, sometimes she even gets frustrated; she keeps her faith through it all. Terri’s support for others in the same situation is awesome.
  • Lisa at the Preacher’s Wife – she makes me laugh. She is an amazing woman—raising 4 children, getting a degree in theology, being a preacher’s wife (which I know is not an easy task to share ones husband with an entire congregation), writing a Bible study…What really has impacted me though is her sense of humor. She is showing me that one should not take oneself too serious and laugh over the little mishaps in life.
  • Carol at She Lives has hugely impacted my spiritual life. She made me dig much deeper into Scripture—go directly to the Source of our faith. When I have questions about doctrines, guess who I email? Although we are from a total different congregational background, it doesn’t mean that we can’t have civilized discussions. Carol blew some fresh air in my stuffiness.
  • Linda at Middle Years – her love for God and her family is an example to me. Linda and her hubby are married for 40 years and are still so much in love with each other. Although I am sure that they had their struggles here and there, they made their marriage work—with Christ in the center.
  • (I know I probably break the ‘rules’ with this one) Laurel at Laurel Wreath is not just a blogging friend. Laurel is to me more like a younger sister (I know Laurel you already have siblings). We talk about everything – I mean EVERYTHING. She knows, even without me telling her, that there is something wrong with me. Now sure how she does it, but she knows. My favorite part about her—she is honest with me. If I am on the wrong track, you can bet she’ll let me know 🙂 .

Okay, so this was much harder to pick just five. Because there are so many others that have impacted my life (as I mentioned above a blanket award would have worked for me). If anyone ever tells you that blogging women are not ‘real friends’, tell them that is not true. They go with you through everything just like your friends in your town/city.

So, thank you Laurel for giving me the award and me the opportunity to share the award with others.

The rules for this award can be found here, and I understand that you can feel free to bestow this honor on Bloggers that you want to honor.

Blessings on your Saturday and as always…

Sig Tag

Encourager of the Month ~ May’07

For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. ~ Romans 1:11-12 (NLT)

Sting My Heart Award

I don’t even know where to start with this month’s Encourager of the Month~ May’07. She makes me laugh, smile, think, how I act in public…I think I like her sense of humor the best. But then again there is her Biblical teachings. What can I say about that? Wow really doesn’t cut it, does it? She always finds ways to apply Scripture passages to every day life situations. And this post made me cry and reflect deeply on who I am in Him…

Most of you know her through her beautiful Bible study “I Am…so I don’t have to be“. Lisa, you have been really encouraging not only to me, but to a lot of women IRL and in Bloggyland. I am so thrilled that the Lord has crossed our paths. I am very blessed and I feel privileged that we are blogging together at the Internet Cafe.

I pray that you will accept this little award and that you know that I am challenged by your thoughts on your personal blog, “The Preacher’s Wife” and your post on the “Internet Cafe”

If you have never, ever visited Lisa, I urge you to just check her out. I know that she will draw you back for more…

Blessings on your Friday and as always…

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