“That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;” (Romans 10:9 ~ NASB.)
Yes, I confess Jesus as Lord. I believe that God’s power (in other words, His sovereignty) raised Jesus from the dead. I believe and trust God regarding my salvation.
So tell me, why can I not seem to trust Him with the rest of my life? Why do I constantly take matters back in my own hands, even though I left them at the altar. Has God not shown me that He is ultimately the One who knows my path? He has laid the path out for me ~ I can trust to follow it! If I look back I can see His fingerprints in my life. If it had to do with my marriage, raising our son, friendships, money matters etc.; His hands were in all of it.
So, why can I not trust Him with the future? Why do I constantly question His path? The only answer I have for that: I am human and a sinful being. The bad thing about it!? When I take it back in my own hands, I stand in front of a big mess. Because I mess up again and again. I want to leave things in His hands, because I know the outcome is always good.
Does this happen to you? Taken issues back into your own hands, although you had given it to God? You and I know He is sovereign. But most of the time, I don’t act like He is.
As I was writing this post, I made a commitment to the Lord: “When I leave matters at the foot of the cross, I will not take them back. This is a thing of the past!” I pray that I can hold this commitment. Would you care to join me? To leave things at the altar and don’t pick them back up?
The LORD is my strength and my shield;
My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped;
Therefore my heart exults,
And with my song I shall thank Him.
(Psalm 28:7 ~ NASB)
There is still time for you to submit your entry for this week’s carnival ~ God’s Sovereignty. Please submit your entry by Tuesday, March 21st, 3pm MST to this email address. I am looking forward hosting your entry on Wednesday :smile:.
Living by His grace ~ Eph2810