
Abilities or Talent?

As usual – I am late on posting about my shape of faith, but then again – I needed to really think about the questions Heather asks us this week about abilities/talents…Those were really tough questions, like: Is there anything that you are sure God could never use for His glory? Anything that you are…

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My Heart’s Passions

Although I didn’t do last week’s “What is the Shape of Your Faith“, I still took the profile/personality test on-line. It was the first time I took this particular test; I truly was shocked to see myself in every sentence. The profile was dead-on, even down to the psychosomatic illnesses. The problem being an

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New Beginnings…

Most of you might have read it already today – CWO’s blog closed down. First, I would like to thank all my readers who faithfully visted over there. It was a wonderful adventure. Personally I am very sad about it, because it was something I always wanted to do – Team Blogging with other Christian…