…is good for the soul.
Maybe guys don’t understand this, but I think us gals need sometimes a good cry to cleanse our soul. Well, at least I do. I had one of those moments today. I woke up this morning feeling kind of, oh I don’t know…blah.
Checked a couple of my favorite Blogs, Blest With Sons (didn’t feel to well either – hm must be in the air), The Write Way Home (poor Jillian is still recovering from her accident), Photography (great photos Doris – love your work); found a great new one called Pseudo Supermum. Well, there I was sipping my morning coffee and reading…
Than all of the sudden it hit me…Am I a good wife, mother, daughter, friend…and even, get this, a ‘good’ Christian? Not sure where that came from. Puff, the thought was there and I questioned myself, like so often lately.
You see, after a full week of work outside the house, than housework (oh, you know all the stuff that needs to get done during the week), I make plans to do certain stuff on the weekend, like laundry, cleaning and so on. And of course those special projects, like getting a haircut (need one for the last month or so), sorting out the books I want to donate to the church library (doing that for the past 3 weeks) and cleaning out my closet (planning to do that for the past 2 months). But when Saturday rolls around, there is just nothing left. The steam is gone. All I want to do, is grab a book or watch a movie with my Sweetheart.
So, today after I made breakfast (at the same time doing laundry), I took our son to work. On my way back, I still felt blah. So I popped in a WOW Worship CD (the red one). The first three songs on that album are just great. When I got to the second one, “You Are So good to Me” by Third Day, the tears started streaming down my face. I felt so naked…and God put His finger right in to my heart saying: “I will never forsake you, I will never leave you” (Heb 13:5) and “…My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9).
Ah, there I was, crying like a baby; and where did my comfort come from? From the Word of the Lord…This sure was a great soul cleansing today…and a great cry too. So, if you feel ‘blah’ sometimes, listen to some great worship music and let it go…turn everything over to the Lord Almighty, our Great Comforter…
So glad I found your blog…I had one of those days today too…so I sat down and let God lead me though a poem….it’s how he deals with me…
The colors of your blog are so comforting…so serene…a pleasure to visit you….I added you to my links…hope you dont mind.
God Bless
God’s blessings Donna,
Actually I don’t mind at all that you have added me (actually it is a privilege), because I had added you today as well :). I really like you poems; I never could do that. And regarding the colors of my blog, you hit the nail right on the head – the lay-out is called “Serenity”
In His grip,
Ahh, thank you for your sympathy! And here is a big cyberhug for you today: (((((((HUG!!!)))))))
(Couldn’t hug you for real if I tried, but maybe in a coupla weeks….)
The accusations of the enemy can overwhelm us in a heartbeat: “You’re not really GOOD ENOUGH! You don’t MEASURE UP! You’re a FAILURE!” And suddenly the wind is knocked out of us, and we start questioning the very essence of our lives.
So…..may you rest in the arms of the One who LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY today!
Noticed your comment on Donna’s blog. Read through some of your posts.
I guess guys do avoid tears. Probably not healthy, but there it is.
Just a thought about this post:
The feelings you were having sound a little like the way the enemy works. Makes us feel inadequate, unworthy. Sounds like the LORD set you right.
God bless.
An awesome post Iris!
One of the things that I have learned over the last three years, is grown men do cry.
There has been many times while writing and sharing, it would be through tears.
He is teaching me passion and compassion for others, Jesus wept and there many times as I would turn on worship music, that the right song, at the right time would be playing and the Lord would begin to work within and tears would flow because I knew healing was taken place, that things were being removed and replaced with His healing touch, the balm of His healing presence.
Again, thank you for blogging by Hill Country Thoughts. With your permission I would like to add you to my reads.
Writing for the King,
God counts every tear. And crying cleanses the soul. It kinda washes away the bad stuff that’s bothering us and that’s why we feel so much better after we cry.