I know I have been silent for a couple of days on this blog, but I had to get a little advice from God and some encouraging words from a blogging buddy and sister in Christ…
As you I have mentioned last Saturday, I really have had a hard time adjusting to the ‘real working world’ again…It really is not a bad thing, just different. Yes, I have lived in a ‘protected’ bubble for the past 6 years and I forgot how much people are hurting. Not just physically, but also emotionally. Although not a doctor or a therapist, I think that both are connected with each other.
Many people think that they have to ‘clean up’ their act before they can be loved by God. But Jesus is telling us:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (NIV)
And Paul continues:
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (NIV)
It might seem that I have it all together; I don’t! But you know there is a great book where I can find guidance. Everyone has heard about it, but have you picked it up lately? It has a spring that never runs dry. It is very refreshing indeed. I hope you make a Divine appointment soon. You will feel better, I promise you that. I am not saying that you won’t have any more challenges, but you have Someone you can really rely on for strength when things don’t seem to go right.
At the end of this post I have attached another one of my favorite songs: “Come, Ye Sinners”. Yes it is an old hymn (1865), just a little “spruced-up”…You can find the words here. My prayer tonight is that you might dust off the Bible on your bookshelf and just listen to Him. He loves YOU! Have a blessed Friday.
~ Living in His grace
Have a blessed day! Missed you at Thankful Thursday Check back in with me tomorrow. I’ll be posting an announcement
What a great post Iris. Our world is really in pain. If only we could help them see that the God’s Word is life…..
By the way, I needed the verse today “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Thanks!
Have an excellent weekend Iris! ((HUGS))
Love this arrangement! I’m emailing it to the girls in the band. We’re really good at ripping off other people’s arrangements. Hah!