May the words of our Lord and Savior guide you and yours in 2008 and always.
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A happy new year to you, to, Iris! I am glad He knows what’s ahead and has loving plans laid out for us.
Happy New Year!
Love that layout!
Happy new year to you, dear friend!
Much love~
I love that verse Iris. That is the one we are reading….along with Psalm 27:14 for my sister….Be blessed…you did a GREAT job creating that!
A very good way of looking at it. If we would just seek His plan and follow it instead of taking off on our own initative, imagine what we could accomplish. I hope the new year holds all you hope for.
It looks great. Nice job.
I hope that this upcoming year will bring blessings to you and your family.
I see you’re still enjoying digi scrapping! that is beautiful Iris! Happy New year
Happy New Year, Iris! I’ve missed popping in and hope to be a better cyber-friend now that I’m back! Love you!
Hope you had a fun-filled new year’s celebration. I spent mine quietly with my daughter’s family and my brother’s family in a hotel. We watched the fireworks from the 19th floor and we had a few great munchies.with wine, grapes and cheese to go with them. It was a quiet evening, but we all had fun.
I hope the quiet and peacefulness of my New Year’s Eve extends into 2008 for me and for all of you.
Excellent word from the Word:-)
I have missed hearing from you. Hope your Christmas & New Year’s was blessed.
This is a great looking layout Iris! You did a great job with it – it is gorgeous!
That was so beautiful…Happy New Year to you too! Can’t wait to pop over here more to see what’s going on in your world!