“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” ~ Psalm 19:14 (ESV)
Humanity is looking for something – something better. We are all searching for hope – for an ‘easier’ life – for purpose. The problem is that we sometimes look in the wrong places.
From where I am standing, life is hard. Yes, I struggle with life, with people, with circumstances, with every day ‘stuff’. I would lie if I’d tell you that life is ‘peachy’. Let me share my secret on how to travel the road of life. Let me introduce you to my personal ‘self-help’ book I refer to daily. It gives me strength, peace, comfort, joy, hope, direction. I am confident that the Author of this particular ‘self-help’ book is trustworthy. You are wondering what I am talking about? The Bible of course.
Some might say that the Bible does not apply to today’s society; it is too ancient, times have changed. I beg to differ. God is still God; humans are still the same as they were thousands of years ago. Nothing has changed. Except that 2,000 years ago, God provided a way ‘out’. He sent His one and only Son to die for the sins of this world…to give us a hope, a future.
Over the past two years many self-help and New Age books have flooded the market. What concerns me is that we, as believers get caught up with the masses. Even some Christian authors forsake the Truth to market their books – to have a book on the “Hot Seller” list. The Gospel message is rewritten to appeal to the masses.
Let me tell you: the Gospel message is appealing to the masses by itself. There is nothing more pure, full of truth to read God’s promise in John 3:16-17 (ESV):
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”
There are different translations of the Bible out there. It can get confusing. Do your own research on which Bible translation is best for you. All Bibles are translated from the original languages Hebrew and Greek. The difference is that the translations are either word for word (NASB, KJV, NKYV, ESV, NRSV, NAB), thought for thought (NIV, NLT, NJB, CEV), or paraphrased (TLB and MSG). No matter which translation, it is God’s Truth, the best ‘self-help’ book on the market. Get back to basics – no New Age book can come even close…
My friend Lynn posted a very thought provoking post on Monday. Over the last couple of days I prayed if I should blog about my own thoughts – on what is going on in the Christian (writing) community; what unbelievers think of Christians. The more I prayed, the clearer it became – I have to. I hope that God will give me courage to share more of my thoughts over next several weeks. How about you? I would love to hear about your own thoughts…
Blessings to you and as always…
Footnote – Bible Translation:
CEV Contemporary English Version, ESV English Standard Version, KJV King James Version, MSG The Message (Eugene Peterson), NAB New American Bible (Catholic), NASB New American Standard Bible, NIV New International Version, NJB New Jerusalem Bible (Catholic), NKJV New King James Version, NLT New Living Translation, NRSV New Revised Standard Version, TLB The Living Bible (Kenneth Taylor).
My father is a Pastor, & he is forever telling the congregation that the Bible has every answer for every life problem. People try to stump him with issues, but he finds an answer from the word for them. It is awesome how the Bible has stood the test of time. No other book can say or will do that. It is the only book that is guaranteed to work everytime. Thank you for your words of truth!
I am am so glad you are offering this series. You know, as I read your post and Mimi’s comments, I just said, Amen…
Amen… Amen… Amen…
Looking forward to your next post. Well done good and faithful servants. Hugs~
This was very refreshing!
Kind of sad that they are selling what they got for free. Yikes! I had better stop now.
You are right…it is time to get back to the basics. There are books that contain things that can help us move forward….but I think we forget that anytime we get something other than the true source we have actually taken in milk instead of meat. (my opinion) I think the danger is that we then revert to a child like hunger…we can become lazy. We want to be fed and don’t want to have to work for our meal. In the end we loose the satisfaction (maybe not the most accurate word) we would have gotten by going to the word ourselves.
You put it out there……it really is sad the amount of books that claim to have what we need to get to some specific place in our relationship with God. AND you only have to pay 19.95 to get the secret.
THANKS SO MUCH for stopping by! Hey, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to keep up with everyone. You’re a SUPER SWEET lady and I KNOW that none of us expect that from you. =-)
I also appreciate the compliments on the pictures I posted. I too LOVE the black & white. ESPECIALLY when it’s a little girl that’s photographed! (I mean, it looks GREAT on all photos – there’s just something EXTRA SWEET about a B&W photo of a darling little girl! =-)
Have a GREAT weekend!
Love you!
Amen to that! The Bible is the ultimate book and is really the only thing we need when we need help, advice, guidance, encouragement, and truth. I agree with you that too many people turn to other books when they should turn to the Bible. We need to know the Word of God, so that when we read stuff does not line up with the Word we will be alerted immediately because we know the Word!
Amen my sweet friend. The Bible is all we need, filled with so much wisdom. Bless you my friend.
Iris, I am so thrilled that you are addressing this subject and am really looking forward to your additional posts. It is most definitely time that we get back to the basics!
Happy Sunday!
Such words of wisdom, I look forward to reading more.
What a blessing this was. I have my own stack of “self-helps” —from hormone issues—to weight loss—and getting back my body after 40! (no such thing!)
BUT you are right on target…the Self-help of our lives is ONLY found in the one and only Word of God! The Bible!
Someone once told me the BEST translation to read…is the one you read the most.
I loved this post Iris!