~ John Wenham ~
“But he was wounded for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his stripes we are healed.”
~ Isaiah 53:5 (ESV)
In 2004 my friend and I went to see the movie “The Passion of the Christ“. I believe that we did not talk until we had left the movie theater. I had mentioned before that I am a visual person. Although I read the Gospel accounts of His crucifixion many times before, I never had the picture in my head how much my Lord had to suffer for my transgressions.
The most gut-wrenching scene that I will never forget was not Him being nailed to the cross, but when His mother wiped His blood from the torture scene. With so much devotion and so much pain she wiped His blood away; blood that He shed in my place. I remember tears running down my face. I thought “How in the world would someone endure such torture which out screaming “Stop!”. I know that I was ready to yell “Stop it!!!”
Ever since the movie, Good Friday has never been the same…When I was in confirmation class with our son, he asked me once “Why do we call it Good Friday? It sure was not a ‘Good Friday’ for Christ!†I had to agree with Daniel. It was not a Good Friday for Jesus…only a Good Friday for human kind.
Some people might wonder how I could love someone so deeply. Someone who I have never met before? No, I have not met Him, but He has met me and He holds me tight with His nail-scared hands. How can I not love Him for that? The coolest thing about His unconditional love—nothing, absolutely nothing can separate me from Him…
“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.â€
~ Romans 8:38-39 (ESV)
My sweet friend, next time life has its grip on you, lift up your eyes to the One who has freed you. He will give you the strength and peace you need when you are walking through the valley…He will lift up your head and give you hope.
Lord of Heaven and Earth. You have endured so much on our behalf. Remind us that life does not have a grip on us. You hold us with you nail-scared hands when we get discouraged or are afraid. Lord, you are our strength, our peace and our portion. Thank You for Your unconditional love. In Your glorious name we pray ~ Amen.
Blessings on your Tuesday and as always…
If you wrote your own post about this week’s IOW quote, please leave your link, visit other participants and leave comments if possible. If you didn’t write, please still participate in the comment section…
1. Crystal 2. The Preacher\’s Wife 3. Keeping it Real… Girl Talk 4. Cyndi @ One Day More 5. Denise 6. Loni 7. Tracey- Laced with Grace 8. Jenny 9. Heather Smith 10. Dana |
11. Laurel W 12. Bonnie Winters 13. Chris @ come to the table 14. Shelley 15. Kelly W 16. Mindy 17. Lori Madison 18. Linda 19. Destiny Driven 20. Beth/Mom2TwoVikings |
21. Janis 22. Crystal 23. Anita (unashamed) 24. CKC 25. Mindy 26. Dawn 😉 27. Riezzee |
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that movie really got to me
I am visual too
and after the movie I was very emtional too
“No, I have not met Him, but He has met me and He holds me tight with His nail-scared hands. How can I not love Him for that?”
This is the question of the ages isn’t it? How can we not love One who did so much for us? Thank you for this beautiful quote to ponder on this passion week!
Thank you for your beautiful post! The quote was just what I needed for this week. God bless.
I really loved thinking about this quote, and enjoyed your thoughts as well. What a precious prayer. Thank you for this today.
I really was struck by that same place in the movie because I saw Him….with the eyes of a Mother…..how devasted she must have been to watch all that…..
I thank you so much for this post today Iris, very beautiful.
Thank you for sharing this quote and heart-stirring post. So appropriate as we reflect & remember this week. THANK YOU!.
I love the quote for this week. I, too, was deeply moved by The Passion. It brought to life my Lord’s suffering and made me shameful for every time I have taken him for granted. God bless.
The image you talk about is one that got me also. This is beautiful, and takes my breath away.
Thank you for a beautiful quote and being a wonderful host.
I remember the affect that movie had on me too. It was the most powerful thing I have ever seen. I will try to post later today but we’re having a work colleague of Jason’s come stay with us tonight and I’ll be cleaning most of the day!!
I still haven’t mustered up the courage to see that Movie. But I plan to. Now would be a good time.
I just read a description of what scourging involved in the book, “The Cross Examination of Jesus Christ.” I seriously wanted to throw up.
He did it for me.
Beautiful thoughts Iris! I agree completely with you about that movie. It just made it more real! I saw it several times and each time I came to realize more and more the enormity of what Christ did for me! Just to set me free! Oh what an amazing love!
That movie got to me and my friends too. We cried. We wanted to scream out for them to stop. We did not talk until we were outside of the theater. It is definately a powerful movie.
I’ve got my take on the quote up at my blog too.
Thanks for the encouragment~!!!!!
in Him –
Awesome post Iris. You made me want to watch it again as a visual reminder of what He did for us.
Hello dear Iris,
Hope this day is treating you well. Thank you again for a thought-provoking in other words. Have a blessed holy week.
The love story of the ages. The intimacy of it all makes me blush sometimes. How he could love me so. And then when this earth tries to pull me down and I cry out— my groom comes to my rescue. And one day He will come for me riding on His white horse and I will finally see the face of the heart that I have loved for so long.
Come Lord Come!
I too was moved by that scene. I cannot fathom His love,; I am just so overwhelmingly grateful for all He has done and continues to do for us. You have expressed it so beautifully Iris.
Thank you so much for your post- I saw the passion of Christ in my Church – I will never forget the feeling within or the silence when it was over – we all had so much to ponder and to be thankful for
I only saw the movie once and will never be able to see it again.
Yet so deep is God’s love for us.
You really made me think this week! I had a great afternoon reflecting on His sacrifice!
Your post brought tears to my eyes as I, once more, am amazed that Christ gave Himself for me. Thanks for these thoughts today as we work, pray, meditate, and thankfully await the celebration of His resurrection.
Have a blessed Holy Week….and thankful, I am thankful for everyone who is not afraid to affirm their faith in Jesus Christ in such a public way! Thanks be to God.
You are so right. We just had this discussion the other night as a family. About how much total love Christ shows for us in his willingness to submit to God’s will and not scream Stop. He showed so much in what he did , but even more in what he didn’t do. It is a very Good Friday for mankind indeed.
Have a great week 🙂
I try to watch that movie every year. I never want to forget what He did for me. What love He showed! Loved your post! Blessings!
Thank you for the beautiful post and wonderful reminder.
I saw the movie too and was deeply affected by it – great post.
I will never be the same after seeing the Passion.
I loved this. It reminded me of the “great” sacrifice and unconditional love of our saviour. I cannot comprehend this with my natural mind, but I am ever so thankful.
No matter how negative the comments about the “Passion”, that movie brought it to where we live. Some people were able to actually grasp hold of their faith for the first time. God will use whoever and whatever it takes, to bring, if it be but one, to Him. Truly an AWESOME GOD, not just in *word* only. Oh how I love Him!
Thank you for reminding me that it was the cross and all of it’s pain and suffering that allows me to approach the throne of God with confidence.
Blessings to you this Easter.
Amen Iris! The Passion was so vivid in my mind that I only have to meditate on it to get the images back…..I spent Friday morning going over and remembering His sacrifice. The movie though, I hope I never have to see again. =(
Love you and Happy Resurrection Day celebrations to you!
I saw the movie twice in two days when it came out. It was so hard to go back the second day and I didn’t want to, but I simply could not let my Mandy go see it alone. It has haunted me ever since. I read a detailed description somewhere one time that described what actually happens to a person’s body when they’re crucififed. It’s more than I can bear to think about. I can simply never see this movie again. Needless to say, I thought about it constantly yesterday.
Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter Sunday, Iris.
Iris, thank you for sharing your “in other words”. What a blessing it is.
If you have a moment, can you stop by and read my Saturday, April 7, 2007 regarding remembrance of my dear daughter, a celebration of her life. I would really appreciate it, and if you can share with other friends to stop by to read about her, I would be grateful. She was such a loving person and believer in Jesus.
In His Love,
Bonnie @
Grandparents Corner