“’Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment”~ Matthew 22:36-38

A comment my friend Jamie left on a post I had written on ‘Blogging with CWO‘, was on my mind all day. Just let me share a little:

‘ Sometimes, I think perhaps my blog is not one favored by most “Christian” blog writer/readers – because it isn’t a “blog about scripture”, full of testimonies or anything.’
And Jamie says this (which really made me think about how sometimes we think about how our brothers and sisters ‘should’ write/blog as Christians):
‘I’d love to glorify God in my blogging. I’m not sure how to go about that tho – considerin’ I lack a lot of knowledge. Also, I can’t quote scripture well. I learn as I go – all while loving and knowing and accepting God as my one and only Saviour. I don’t feel I know enough..’

My first thought was, ‘Who do we really want to ‘reach’ in the Blogging world?’ Most of the time we just blog because we like to share our life on-line with others. We like to ‘bounce’ off ideas in the Blogsphere. Sure, there are plenty Christian bloggers who like to write more about their walk of faith – and they are great at it. There a Christian bloggers who have a mixture of both – their family life and their walk of faith, and then there are other Christian bloggers who like to share their life and the ‘bubbles’ in their head. I like to read them all (okay – I don’t like to read the ones that only ‘preach’ the law and not the Gospel – that is my personal preference). It gives me a great perspective about how other Christian women live, what their hope and dreams are for their children, their dreams in general (yeah – I am still dreaming about the big red motorcycle – one day, I tell you :grin:). I love to connect with women from different denominations, because I helps me to understand sometimes Scripture better, because they have different insights.

Than my second thought was ‘Does God favor His children when we can memorize Scripture?’ My humble opinion is this: What does it matter if you memorize Scripture, but don’t have the understanding of it? What if you don’t let the Holy Spirit lead you to help you understand what God is telling you through Scripture? I think memorizing can come in handy at times, but if it is just ‘head knowledge’ and it is not ‘applied knowledge , than the memorization is in vain. God knows what is in our hearts. That is why I like to have Scripture written my Him on my heart; it gives me comfort in times of distress. Yes, I know quite a few Scripture passages, but I also use my concordance – A.LOT.! Trust me on that…We all constantly learn new things about God, we won’t be perfect until we are glorified with Him in Heaven.

Your heart is right with Him, Jamie, and that is the most important part…. the rest He will do by the power of His spirit.

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  1. Good post! To be honest, I generally lose interest in blogs that are sermon-like most of the time. I like blogs that are about people’s life, and if they are a Christian their love for God will be evident in their blog whether they use so many words or not.

    You are right Amie. Not all Christians want to post Scriptures at all times.

  2. You’re right. My heart is right – that IS what matters. I do hope that my love for God shines thru me…. even if I don’t blog about my faith.

    Of course God doesn’t favor those who memorized or know scrpiture – He shows no favortism. I considered, at one time, joining the webring you’re in but never went forth with it because mostly, the sites within are dedicated mostly to their faith. I just consider mine personal. I rarely talk about my faith online because so many ‘haters’ are in this world. Also because I wouldn’t want to be frowned upon for using choice words when I’m speaking straight from my thoughts (kinda like the word sucks or minor curse words – things you wouldn’t read on a ‘Christian site’). I know those words aren’t appropriate but I do use them and I know they are frowned upon.

    I know that many times I’ve read sites talking badly about Christians as a whole. We’ve all witnessed it, I’m sure. Ya know, kinda like political blogs. One party bashing the others – not my cup ‘o tea.

    Anyway – have you noticed my comments have been a bit lengthy? Eek.

    I like when you comment – no matter how short or how long :razz:. It makes a blog a blog when you have ‘conversations’ with your visitors. I have to say that not all women on the CWO’s blogring post about their faith or Scriptures (yeah – I actually went through a couple of them today)…Like I said to you before: I think you show that you are child of God through your posts. Well, at least I see it :smile:. And I know many others do to. You don’t have to share Scripture on your blog to ‘show’ that you are a redeemed. You show it through your actions, your care for other people. Hey – I don’t have a prayer page on my blog, but you do :smile:…And using sometimes some words, well, it happens…I have heard people use words when they leave the church on Sunday morning…

  3. Great thoughts Iris.

    I agree – it is all about our hearts and if we are right with Him. I wish I were better at memorizing and retaining scripture. I always forget what I have learned. When my dad was alive I could phone and ask him, where is the verse that says so and so and he would know. But my mom, who may not have known the answer, and did not have the doctorate in theology like my dad did, is the one who really taught me about God and modeled sacrificial and Godly living.

    I too use my concordance and other tools a lot! 🙂

    I like all different kinds of blogs. And I think blogs are so unique because, most of the time, you really get to hear a person’s heart. I am attracted to honest, real blogs and I love the ones that do that while inspiring me, whether through teaching, life experiences, humour etc.

    Like you! 🙂

    Thanks Janice for the kind comment. I think that is why I like to many different blogs too (like your – :smile:)…Most of the women I have ‘met’ are much younger and have younger child(ren) that I do…Maybe they can learn from my mistakes if I post more about my personal experience. I like honest people too…Jamie is a great example

  4. I just found you through Carolina Rags…I am running out of available moments to read all of the wonderful blogs I’m discovering! Your site is lovely!

    Good points in this post, lots to think on :-)C

    Thanks you for stopping by :smile:…thank you for the kind comment

  5. Iris, great thoughts. I hope your words were an encouragement to Jamie. A person’s blog, Christian or otherwise, is theirs and theirs alone for whatever purpose they choose. We are all unique, after all.

    Thanks Janna for stopping by. Yes, He did make us all unique and that is why I enjoy so many different bloggers…

  6. hey girl…things have been a bit crazy lately (read the Stolen Wallets & Crushed Phones haha). But I haven’t forgotten about you! Wanted to see how the job was going and just make sure things were going alright for you! Love you!

    Yes, I read your post on my RSS reader :grin:…You always have some wisdom to share…Job is okay – very long hours…

  7. Excellent post Iris! Very well written! I wholeheartedly agree with you. I don’t know if you have read some of my old posts – before I let Christ rule me 🙂 – but I was saying the EXACT same thing as Jamie. Literally. So, even though I don’t know Jamie, I’d like to give my two cents, if that is OK. Keep reading the bible, get into some bible studies…Beth Moore is AWESOME at teaching the word and I went into it insecure and ignorant and I came out of it much more confident and a bit wiser too! Eventually the Holy Spirit WILL help you to understand. Just be patient. God knows your heart, let Him worry about the rest 🙂

    Thanks Jenn for your input :smile:…God know all our hearts and what realtionship we have with Him

  8. Great post Iris and I know just how Jaime feels. I have seen so many Christian blogs that are “preachy” or talk about thier faith in every post and wondered if I really should be on the CWO blogring because I do not post constantly on my faith. I have my faith and I live to and strive to please God daily but that is not what it is all about to me. Having a true relationship with him. Him knowing I am human and I have faults but through him I can grow and learn to be more Christ centered and Christ like.

    I do not think you have to preach or constantly blog scriptures to be seen as a great woman of God.. One that loves God. I see that in you Jaime.. I can see how much you love God by your posts…Your everyday posts that talk nothing about your faith.
    I also agree with Jenn… Spending time with God and in his word is the best way to grow as a Christian. You loving Christ is the exact right path.. God will take care of the rest as long as you are willing.

    I persoanlly love your blog and the way you write. You are very real and that is refreshing.

    Just my two cents 🙂

    Thanks Stormi for stopping by giving your ‘two cents’ into the mix. I agree with you – we don’t have to post Scriptures at all time to ‘show’ that we are redeemed children…I think Jamie does show it on her blog and I like her honesty about things.

  9. I have a link to a guy… From The Morning… on my blogroll…

    He talks about everyday life and relates it to his thoughts on his spiritual journey… He’s actually become one of my favorite blogs to read…. But I think it’s because i can relate to so much of it. He doesn’t try to get preachy… he cusses when he feels the need… he tells about times when he thinks less than Godly thoughts…. He’s human.

    Not sure how this relates exactly to what you are saying… but sometimes I’ve wondered about my own blog… All I do should glorify God, right? Well… ummmm…. better delete some posts then…. or not…. I can look back and see my own growth… even when I posting about stupid strange stuff I find….

    Post for you. God will show Himself though you as needed…..

    Exactly Guppyman, we can see out growth when we look back at things…Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on a ‘girly’ blog :razz:.

  10. Oh… was this a girly blog? oops…. Sorry… forget I said anything….

    I just figured it was a blog…. I could care less about seperating things out (That’s why you’ll always find me listed in “general” categories)

  11. I love this post. I am a Christian, but I don’t choose to use my blog for Christian purposes. However, when I have something I really feel led to speak about, I do. I allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me and it has led me to some really wonderful people.

    Coming from someone who can’t memorize well, I cannot memorize scripture. However, if I at least read the Bible and try to apply it daily, I find God will recall verses I need.

    Found you through Blogging Chicks!

  12. Interesting topic. I think that the thing that we have to be careful about is making sure that we don’t fall into the trap of looking at others and thinking we should do the same thing or the opposite, thinking they shouldn’t be doing what they’re doing. Peter fell into that trap when he looked at John and said, “What about him?” Each of us blogs the way we want, the Christian who only blogs about her faith as well as the Christian who only blogs about her kids.

  13. I have thought about this myself as well–I’m a Christian, but I use my blog as a journal to communicate with my friends and family that live far away. I don’t do a lot of talking about my relationship with Christ just because that’s not the forum I use to communicate about that aspect of me. I do think we have a responsibility to live up to honoring God with what we write, even if it is not spiritual in its content. I’m here via BChicks.

    One observation I’ve found about memorizing scripture–we all memorize lots of stuff during our lifetimes, whether for tests as kids, poetry, etc…but I’ve found the one bit of material that I have never ever forgotten was the scripture I’ve memorized, even if I was a little kid. I think that God does bless our scripture memory–much of it was committed to memory before I ever knew what it meant, but now that I’m older and wiser, I am able to apply it. You certainly can’t subsitute memory for understanding and taking God’s Word to heart, though.

  14. God is interested in your authenticity, not your ability. Great subject. Many Chrisitans feel inadequate if they can’t quote long chapters of scripture or memorize a new verse everyday. God sees beyond our memorizing and quoting and looks at what is happening in the heart. That’s where our true witness comes from.

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