“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing yet had been done.”
~C.S. Lewis~
The Webster dictionary defines “rely†as “to be dependent†or “to have confidence based on experienceâ€.
The “confidence based on experience†is what really got to me.
You see, there a couple of areas in my life that I take to the throne of grace every.single.day. For a while I thought that there is something seriously wrong with me. Although I know that I can rely on God’s faithfulness to take care even of the littlest things in life, some I still hold onto.
One of my all-time favorite Bible study was Beth Moore’s “Believing Godâ€. At one point we had to put down a time line to recount God’s faithfulness in our life. From the age of 8 until now, God was there every step of the way. I might not have seen His provision at times, but when I look back—His hands were there to guide me. Even when He moved me from Germany to Arizona…
I know that I can trust my Lord with everything in my life…maybe some areas I just need a little longer to leave at the foot of the cross.
your steadfast love and your faithfulness will ever preserve me!â€
~ Psalm 40:11 (ESV)
Lord of Heaven and Earth. I pray that I will be able to leave the things I still hold onto at the foot of the cross very soon. Thank you Lord for allowing me to come to you on a daily basis to help me get rid of some riff-ruff in my life. I am trusting in Your mercy. In the precious name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, I pray. ~ Amen.
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1. Laurel 2. Linda 3. Gwen 4. Tara (Destiny Driven) 5. Denise 6. Amy Grant 7. Hummie 8. JHS 9. Rosemarie 10. Miriam Pauline 11. Shannon – CMA |
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My dear sisters, I am sorry that my thoughts might not connect tonight and don’t make sense. As I was writing my post for this week’s quote, we received a call from my MIL. My Sweetheart’s cousin’s wife died in a horrific car accident in Flagstaff, Arizona. Their little 4-year-old daughter survived the accident with a fractured arm, leg and skull. Please keep my Sweetheart’s cousin in your prayers as he morning the loss of his young wife. Please also keep their little girl in your prayers, as she now is growing up without her mom…Thank you…
Your words make perfect sense Iris, and they bless me as always. I can certainly identify with what you are saying. I am so sorry to hear about your husband’s cousin’s wife and little girl. I will be praying for them and for all of you. Life can change so quickly. I am so sorry.
Oh my. I will pray for this child and the other members of this grieving family. It’s so sad.
I’m very sorry to read about the loss in your family. i have said a prayer for God’s strength and comforting hand to be upon all of you.
P.S. I too loved going (growing) through the Believing God bible study.
Dear Iris
Im praying for you and everyne effected by this
I feel the pain your Sweetheart’s cousin is going through. i once went out with a man whom lost his wife in similar way. Mark loved his wife deeply. He shouldnt have been dating. It was too soon for him. Marks wife left 3 children behind.
I am praying foir that little girl that she may make a speedy and full recovery
I pray that God will be very close to that family in the days and years ahead
its so sad
Iris, thank you so much for sharing with us this wonderful imformation: I know that I can trust my Lord with everything in my life.
I am so sorry to hear that your husband’s cousin’s loss for his beloved wife and his daughter’s loss for her beloved mum. I will hold them in my prayer, just pray the Lord comfort them with HIS AWESOME LOVE, leading them out of this kind of sadness.
I know that the Lord cares for them even when they now are facing sorrow, the Lord will hold them under his warm arms.
Praying for this dear family, so very sorry.
Oh, I thought it was a great post until I got to the bottom note! How horrible! There is no time like now to read all the posts to gain strength to continue relying on God through this terrible time. He can get you through!
Recounting His faithfulness is key to our faith reaching new levels, as we trust Him for today’s struggles or hardships.
I pray that God will comfort your family in extraordinary ways. I especially pray for protection over the young girl’s heart.
This is a beautiful quote and a great reflections. Bless you for consistently sharing your heart. I’m starting Believing God this summer and believing it is the blessing I need right now. This was great encouragement.
I am praying for your inlaws and especially for this dear little one. As the mother of a 4 year old it is easy to picture what their home “should” be. Praying for healing and for peace as she learns about her mama.
Blessings my friend….
I am so sorry for the loss in your family. I will be lifting you, your husband and his cousin up in prayer. And espeically that little girl….
You know, that time line that I did in Believing God opened my eyes to just how much I do rely on God everyday. That study changed my life!
Thank your for your words of widsom this morning.
I too struggle in the same areas, every single day of my life. I finally came to the realization that they are my, “thorn in the flesh”. Too many times we think of Paul’s thorn as something physical, a lot of people have theorized over the years that it had to do with his eyes (due to his being struck blind on the road to Damascus). I have found that Paul doesn’t name his thorn for good reason. That’s so we can fill in our own blank.
While I curse the thorns in my life I see God’s wisdom in allowing them to remain. If I have mastery over some of these areas, I could become prideful. If I have pride in my life, I have no room for God’s grace & mercy. Pride is a greedy attitude, it isn’t content to remain in one area. Pride likes to spread it’s roots and like a weed, choke out anything healthy that is trying to grow in my life.
I need to take my thorn daily, sometimes hourly, to the throne and sacrifice it before the Father. I have found that yesterdays overcoming is no guarantee that tomorrow will result in the same victory. Each day is new but so are the opportunities that Satan presents our thorns with so he can bring about our demise.
Just my 2 cents worth!
I will say a prayer for your family. Life doesn’t make sense and there are times we question God and why He allows things to come into our lives. He is good however and He is faithful. Sometimes, we have a hard time believing it when tragedy occurs but truth is still truth.
Iris, I am so very sorry for your loss.
Thank you for hosting us this week, and for your insight on the topic. We can all relate to your struggle to let go of those burdens that weigh us down. I think it is especially hard for women to let go of these things.
May God strengthen you and your family. May He be the balm for your pain and the Lifter of your head. His strength is perfect.
Praying for the entire family. May all of you know His peace in these coming days. May He bring strong Christian influences into the life of the young girl so that she will know His faithfulness as she grows up.
Oh Iris, What a tragedy! I will pray for your sweetie’s cousin and that God gives Him to strength to get through what must be his darkest days. I will also pray for his little girl. I have a four year old and can’t even imagine her goign through that type of horrible accident. I pray that God surrounds her with people who will be His arms here on Earth to support her and nurture her as she grows.
I will be praying for your family. I love what you said about leaving some things at his cross a little longer…I think we are experience that and strive to leave it there as long as it takes for the Lord to consume it up.
Have a great day!
Praying that God would comfort, heal and uphold all of you in this horrific human experience you have to go through.
Your post was great this morning. It was what I needed. My heart goes out to your sweetheart’s cousin. I pray that the Lord would give him comfort through his grief and mourning the loss of his wife.
This is so tragic! May God rest her soul and keep her memory alive and loving in her family’s heart.
Iris – we are praying . . . . . . God will carry them through, and we pray for you and your Sweetie, too during this horrible loss. Know that you are surrounded by prayers, love, and many hugs! Nina
I’m sorry for your family.
Iris, I am so very sorry to hear of your family’s loss. I will take this to the Lord….who we can rely on for everything in our lives….You are precious to me and to hundreds of others….I am certain there will be many prayers going up today on your behalf….God will meet your needs, give strength to your family and healing to your niece.
In His hands there is mercy…grace…strength…and all we need.
Father God, We bring this dear family before you in prayer. Give them strength Lord as they go through this horrible tragedy. Lord, cover them with your comfort and peace. Lord go before them as they question the purpose of all this. May they rely and trust you more and more. Be their strong tower.
So sorry to hear about this. Praying for all of you.
I am so sorry for the loss of this family and I will surely pray for the husband and his little girl. I pray that you will all be aware of the tender love of our Father during this time.
Your Sister
Praying for your family during this difficult time…that you will all feel Him holding you in His arms as a Shepherd holds the baby lambs (Isa. 40:11) I really appreciated your post this morning…the quote really spoke to me and I hope to post my thoughts later today.
Iris, that is so sad!! I will keep them in my prayers too.
Thanks for recommending that Bible study. Is it a book I can get? I’ve heard you mention it a few times, and it sounds great.
Oh wow! I don’t know how you managed to post at all. What a tragedy…I will certainly pray for this man and his little girl.
And…I don’t think your post was disconnected at all. It gave me a different perspective on this week’s quote, and blessed me. As usual.
I like how you’ve shown starting fresh every day can be easier as we recall the mercies of God in our past.
I am sorry for your family’s loss. This will really be an opportunity for faith-building in your family. My prayers are with you all.
Dear Iris,
I am sory to hear about this tragic loss. I will be praying for you and the other family members.
Dear Lord,
I lift up Iris and her inlaws in this time of tragic sorrow. Lord, we cannot make sense of this AT ALL, and it makes us sad and angry that a little one will now grow up without her mommy. Bless our prayers, Dear Father. Bless this family. Give them strength, rest, and healing in YOU. Sometimes the only thing that we know for sure is that You love us. May Your love show itself abundantly to this hurting family and their friends. Thank You for hearing our prayers. In Jesus’ name, amen.
So sorry for your loss, Iris. (((hugs)))gretchen
Believing God made a huge impression on me, too!
And you are tagged!
I’m so sorry, Iris. I am lifting your sweetheart’s cousin and his family–especially that precious little girl—up to the Lord.
Father, please bless this family and give them strength, healing and peace.
Praying for you too, girl.
I will keep this family in my prayers. What a terrible time of sorrow.