…a statement of faith? I have been thinking about the awesome purses Leigh is offering. I would like to give away a purse to my readers. I have picked out this one for you:

All you have to do it trow your name into the virtual hat by signing Mr. Linky below . Nothing else is required. Unless you would like to share the news of a free purse with your girl friends (that would be kind of cool)…I will hold a random drawing on July 8th, thus the deadline to add your name is July 7th. One entry per person (US and Canada only) please…
Now you might be wondering why I am doing this. First off – I want to support Leigh’s speaking ministry. Secondly – I personally have a hard time sharing my faith with people that don’t know His love and grace yet. ‘Wearing’ a statement of faith is a new way to spread the Good News with others .
Blessings on your Wednesday and as always…
Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.
What an awesome idea! Blessings!
I hope I win! July 8th is my beloved’s birthday so maybe that’s a “sign”!
can you delete the first one I signed I typed it wrong, ugg…
I love this little cutie.
Very cute purse, and yes sometimes it is those unspoken words that are our best witness when words fail us.
Thank you Iris!! This is so cute and I would love to be entered into your drawing! Blessings, my friend!
HA! I think it’s so funny that Laurel signed in twice – if you read her post, you would laugh too!!! The purse is sooo cuteness and needs to be added to my collection.
How very fun!! Thanks for hosting this!!
That purse is really neat. I like to wear Christian T-shirts when I’m playing basketball for that reason. There are so many who are in that sport to win no matter the cost, and it’s just cool when a humble person wins AND counts the cost!! I will include a link on today’s post so other’s will come and see and enter!!
What a neat contest! I’m there!
WHAT a beautiful purse…and what a wonderful idea…Blessings!
That purse is too cute! What a sweet thing to do. It doesn’t surprise that such a sweet idea comes from such a sweet person
You are so sweet for having this giveaway! Love the purse too!
“Wearing a statement of faith…” Now that is the BEST idea I’ve heard of in months! You rock, Iris!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your drawing. Hugs. :~)
What a great way to spread the gospel of have a way to talk to someone about the Lord!! Plus it is beautiful also. Great idea. Put me in please. Sandy
This is a lovely purse. I have someone in mind that I could give this to if I win.
Yeah!—How neat! What an awesome way to witness!
This is so cool! I hope I win….
Encouraging someone in ministry is a ministry in itself. I’m sure she appreciates it.
Cute purse…I’d love to win it!
Iris ,
You are so sweet. Blessings to you this week and always my sweet friend. Hope work has been a little calmer . The contest is really nice.
That purse is a great idea Iris. I’m the same way. I wish I had more boldness. The purse is also very adorable. Thanks so much for doing this.
Me-Me-Me??? Thanks Iris for a great contest!
I looooove that purse…….I hope you pick meeee!
What a very cute bag!
I love that bag! Great idea:)
Yay!! Another chance to win a purse!!! I have signed up and will link back here later!!
OK, I want this purse!!!:) It’s so cute and what a great message for all to see!
what a cute purse and how precious of you to support Leigh this way…:))
What an amazing purse!! I absolutely love it, I’m off to check out the site.
Hi Iris,
What a sweetie you are, to have a treat for us like this. Please throw my name in the “hat”. I’ll mention this on my blog, too, so you should get at least one more name.
I’m like you–evangelizing is hard for me, except by deeds, so this purse is a great conversation starter.
I thought I’d sign my name… why not?
I miss talking to you!
That is one cute purse! I have a hard time starting conversations with strangers and this would be a great conversation starter. I’ll have to check out her other purses, too! Thank you.
How could I not enter? Leigh is my bud and I haven’t been able to scrape up the money to buy a purse from her yet. [sigh]
This is fun!!!!
How fun! Very unique and eye catching!
The purse is beautiful and what an wonderful way to share our testimony!! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win!! God bless you ~ Julie
Iris, I think that is possibly the sweetest purse I’v ever seen. Sharing our faith without saying a word… that’s the best way to show God’s love and hope to this world.
How fun!
What a great prize! Thanks for offering it!
Love ya girl!
Thanks for helping out Leigh.
Great way to support our blogging girls and one of the Lords own.
What a lovely purse.
What an awesome purse, thanks for doing this Iris.
Since that purse is too cute and it’s one of my favorite verses (it was posted on my cabinet all during our moving process), I have to sign up! Thanks!
That purse is so beautiful! I love it!
I LOVE purses, and what better purse than on which whill show my faith in God??? Thanks for the contest!
That purse is so cute! Thanks for the contest (I found you through Laurel Wreath)!
I’m in the same boat as you with not yet being comfortable speaking to others who don’t already know the word of God. Always afraid I’ll say the wrong thing. This would surely help break the ice wouldn’t it!? Thanks for hosting this.
What a beautiful way to encourage others! Thanks for offering such a neat giveaway.
Iris, these purses are wonderful and adorable! Thanks for highlighting Leigh’s work. I’m so interested!
I’m pretty sure I’m better at hosting giveaways than winning them – I never win anything. LOL But I like this purse. A lot. So pick me! Pick me!
I would LOVE to win this – I NEVER win anything! Thanks for this opportunity.
Oh, this purse is so adorable…love it. No blog yet, is that ok?
No blog yet either…but I love, love, LOVE the purse!!!!!
Not likely to happen, but you never know. xoxoxo
I’m blogless, so I shared my christian homeschooling websites link, instead. Hope that’s okay!
That purse is the most innovative thing I’ve seen in a really long while. Truly Holy Spirit inspired, I LOVE it!
What fun! I would love to win.
What a cute idea! Fun-Fun!
Leigh Ann
That is the most awesome purse, very pretty, and would be a great conversation starter. Thanks for the chance to win!!!
As a purseaholic, I must say that purse is adorable! I think it would also be great to start a conversation and perhaps get a chance to share the good news of Jesus with someone.
What an adorable purse! I’m going to put a link on my blog so other people can enter, too.
What a wonderful way to support Leigh. Purse is just too cool.
First time here. Oh, I would love to have a new purse!!
Can’t wait to look around your site.
What a cute and lovely purse! This is my first time here, too. I heard about this from a fellow HSB’er.
Thanks for entering me in the contest!
Thank you for offering this fun contest!
I come by way of Barb at New Chelsea Morning.
What a lovely purse, and a great conversation opener!
HAAAAAAAA My word for the security word was HOPE I HOPE I win this lovely purse!! Maybe this is a good sign? Its beautiful and I love it. This is so sweet of you Iris!! Thanks
I am a purse queen…Count me in for the drawing.
Great purse! Thanks for this contest!
Thanks for having the giveaway! What a cute purse!
Excellent idea. Thanks so much for hosting this.
I love the idea of having a scripture verse on your purse! I especially like this verse. Blessings!
What a lovely handbag! The winner will be so blessed! Thanks!
Wrap His word around you in every way
Bless you for doing this, Iris! This would be a great win for me, seeing my anniversary is July 6th.
What a neat idea! I have NEVER seen these before. So beautiful – the scripture, the fabric, the handle…everything!
Beautiful purse, and even more beautiful scripture! Thanks for doing this.
I would love to win a beautiful purse that shares my faith.
Iris, what a wonderful idea it is! Support you!
Very cute purse.
Ooooh, that is so cute!! Thanks for giving it away, how awesome are you! Good luck everyone.
What a beautiful way to share the Word of God and your faith! I love it!
This is a great idea! I am shy, so I very rarely approach someone I do not know. This would be a great conversation starter for me!
What a delightful purse! Thank you for accepting my name into the drawing
I would love to walk around with this purse… A silent witness
wow, beautiful seamstressing (lol, I made up a word)
I’d love to wear this purse, and the words on it!