***Comments closed – winner will be announced tomorrow, September 13th***

As many of you may know, September is my birthday month. Hitting the BIG 50 this year is something. Strange thing, I am more okay turning 50 than I was turning 40.

At any rate, to kick off my big celebration, I thought I have a weekly giveaway until my birthday. The first week I would like to give one of my readers a book that I have been reading over the last couple of weeks that really dug deep down into my heart. Later this week I will share a little more about a theme God has been impressing on my heart through this book and other means. The book I am talking about is Joanna Weaver’s book “Having a Mary Heart…

Lori was surprised that I am just now reading the book (it has been on my wish list for 3 years – yikes). I truly wish I had more time to read, but my work-schedule and my photography do not leave room for much else.

There are many books out there that tell us how to keep focused on God in our busy lives; Joanna’s book is different. Joanna shares her own struggle keeping up with life’s demands. Her honesty encouraged me to say the least; I am not alone in the struggle finding time to meet with God. Don’t get me wrong, I get up early to get my ‘fuel’ for the day. To be honest though, some mornings I rather snooze 30 minutes longer…

What do you have to do to win the book? Simply leave a comment below (US, Canada, and APO Addresses only please). If you already have the book, please still enter for a friend/family member as a gift. I think that all women can benefit from this book no matter how long you are a follower of Christ. This week’s giveaway ends on Sunday, September 12th.

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  1. Don’t enter me I have the book, but it is a great book. Maybe that is why I am not feeling “ok” I don’t want to turn 40 next month. =( I am trying to be positive about it, but it has been hard sometimes. Wish I could be there to help you celebrate your 50th!

  2. A friend directed me to your blog. I have heard great things about this book.

    Happy early Birthday. I’ll be the big 40 next birthday, hopefully I’ll feel better about 50 too. 😉

  3. Happy Birthday soon, I am 55 heading to 56 and the 50’s are awesome. I do feel a tad less flexible, it just means I have to walk more and attempt more exercises.
    This middle age is good. It is calm. It is nice. Of course I am now semi retired too so I can ‘relax’ and write.
    take care and have a wonderful day

  4. Left a comment above now it is asking for a second comment. don’t know if my first will be there… I am a bit confused, the 50’s are good. take care

  5. It\’s encouraging to me sharing our struggles. Somestimes I feel like it\’s just me that can\’t get it all together. Finding time to meet with God in the morning times are the hardest for me. Thanks for your thoughts! Sounds like a great book.

    Congrats on your 50th Birthday!! 🙂

  6. I’ve heard of the book, but haven’t read it yet. What a fun idea to give away presents for YOUR birthday! =) Happy birthday month, Iris…Remember, you’re only 25 with 25 years experience!

    Living for Him, Joan

  7. You’re right… it is a great book. I remember reading it a few years ago and it having an impact on me at that time. Although I have a copy, should I win, I’ll pass it along to someone who doesn’t.

    Hope you are well today; thanks for your prayers.


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