Well, I have had a very serious week and normally I post those kind of thoughts/pictures on My Lighter Side. But I think I just needed to post something like this on Sting my Heart :wink:. Yes, this is a dream of mine – I would like to learn how to ride this motorcycle and drive with my Sweetheart along the Pacific coast. My Sweetheart laughted so hard when I showed him this particular motocycle (Triumph – Rocket III). I know, it is huge and I might want to start with something smaller, but this my friends – is my dream…What you think?
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I say dream BIG!!! We should always dream big. People with small dreams wind up accomplishing small things.
Go get ’em, Iris!
That is so awesomely cool! I wish my wife had a dream like that. I say, keep right on reaching for that dream, and may our Lord bless you with the means and the drive to get there!
You made me LOL! Must say – I am way to much of a wimp for that dream. Maybe a nice little sports car – but that is about it! (I live on teh Pacific coast – so I am half way there)
I don’t think it’s crazy or silly, at all. I’ve always loved bikes. I rode my first dirt bike as a wee one – it was a honda 50. I love drivin’ down the Pacific Coast – a bike ride would be sweet.
P.S. we (you or me) need to add a link to comments on your archive pages. Oops. I just noticed.
The bigger the better – your dream and the bike that is. I’m all about adventures. I say GO FOR IT! Besides, that is one goooood looookin’ bike!! 🙂
Well–you go girl!
That is a really nice bike!
I can see it!
I would trade in my horse for a ride like that — maybe. : ) Or I could just hope for both.
I never knew you had that dangerous side Iris! I actually have the same dream, but will be in a little VW van. So as I putter up the coast, you can wave as you VVVVRRRRRROOOOOM by! heehee
Wow! That is a big bike indeed! I’m scared to death of motorcycles so I think it’s really cool that you’d want to try riding this particular bike. Go for your dream, Iris! 🙂
While I can see your attaraction to this it is nothing I would ever dream of. Having fallen several times from motorcyles in my past youth I no longer find them exciting. They sort of scare me! My drivers were good, but it was the other drivers who ignore motorcycles that scare me! Good luck in your dream!!
I’m guessing that you really like red! It’s beautiful. Wow.
Iris! Look at you! You ditched Blogger AND you’re posting a picture of a red-hot motorcycle. I’m feeling younger and refreshed already just from stopping in. I really, really laughed when I saw this picture. Woohoo! Love it!!
Dream big — Life with God is a GREAT ADVENTURE, and you’re living it.
I love red! I’d ride with you if I weren’t so chicken. I say, you go, girlfriend. A biker for Jesus!!
I gotta tell ya Iris, I’m not with you on this one, physically that is. It’s a greta dream and I hope you get your bike and your trip but I won’t be tagging along. 🙂
Too cool, Iris! I grew up riding my bro’s bike–gotta’ love it. There’s not much like the wind blowing through your hair atop a great bike. I used to jump my bro’s bike and dreamed of doing motocross, but had children instead–an equal adventure! Don’t think you’ll want to jump that bike!