I love God — but then again, you knew that (I hope)…What I love about Him today is that when I used the Custom Random Number Generator to determine who will ‘win’ the purse, number 11 came up–Kelly at I Will Learn to Fly. When I looked at the sidebar, the first thing that I saw was this: “On 6/6/06 my husband, Mark, lost his job. We are determined to turn this trial into triumph… We believe it is an opportunity to grow in faith and to give glory to our God. We believe that someday we will be able to look back and say, “that was the best thing that ever happened to us”. We know that God will use it for His good and if we are obedient to Him, He will care for our every need.”
Kelly, I am so happy that you have won this little purse. Please leave me a comment in this post, so I can contact you to get your snail-mail address…
Well, and of course I had to share a little LO with you 😀 . Although our son forgot my birthday this year, I was blessed beyond words. Not only because of the sweet gifts I received, but all the sweet comments, prayers and notes via email blessed me so much. Thanks to all my readers, and a special thanks to Laurel, TNChick, Mugs of Truth and my Sweetheart (yeah – he has a photo-blog; check it out–he is a great photographer 😛 )

Thank you all for your continues support…Be blessed and as always,
{{{{Gasp}}}} =:-0
I won, I really, really won? I never win anything!
I’m sooooo blessed, thank you, thank you, thank you!!
My granddaughter’s birth day was Wednesday, the day before your birthday! This is the cherry on top of a beautiful week!!
Thank you, so much.
Isn’t God just amazing? How neat that it sounds like God is using this to bless someone who really needed a special blessing right now! When I read that I wasn’t even disappointed that it wasn’t me. 🙂
Glad you are back, Iris…and glad that it sounds like you had some special blessings as well!
Very cool, you have some awesome new toys to play with. Great layout also.
Have a great day.
Happy, Happy Birthday… I recall one year, my 40th when EVERYONE forgot my birthday. It was so weird. We were so super busy with everything. I didn’t say a word then about 2 days later my hubby and kids somehow remembered… and the guilt was so awful. I felt so sorry for them but really, who wants to turn 40 anyway? We ended up going out and had a great time and I was smothered with love and gifts.
Iris…I am SO GLAD you are back!
I have started taking weekends off from blogging for family stuff…but I thought about you often!
Glad you had some time “away”!
Birthdays gifts…so wonderful..
Glad to know that you enjoy your birthday even your son forgot your this year birthday…I am so sorry to tell you that I also forget my father’s this year birthday, because his birthday is Mid-Autumn, that time I was in Macau, and I really called my mother, but bad memory, I forgot his birthday….the first time…I wish I could remember his birthday the next year, next next year, next next next year……..