You Are Strawberry Pocky

Your attitude: fresh and sweet
Comforting, yet quirky … quietly hyper
You always see both sides to everything

Since our son really likes the Japanese culture, I thought I try this quizz. Who knew “Fresh & Sweet” would be the out-come…I am not so sure about the ‘hyper’ part, but maybe it is burried somewhere deep down :wink:.

Don’t forget, tomorrow’s theme for Photo Hunt is “Food”…Never heard about the hunt? Well, check it out over at TN Chick’s blog. Hope to see you this weekend…

Have a wonderful and blessed Friday.

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  1. You Are Green Tea Pocky
    Your attitude: natural and zen
    Peaceful yet full of life. Deep and thoughtful.
    You’re halfway to tantric bliss!

    Well, there is some truth in there. It must have been my choice of Tiramisu for dessert!!! happy friday!

  2. I have NO idea what a pocky is… my result:

    Banana Pocky
    Your attitude: fun and lighthearted
    Unique and unforgettable
    You are cutie everyone falls for

  3. lol pockys taste not too bad.. you can buy them here, at superstore.. tooo candyish for my taste!
    Check out my blog today Iris! Something just for you on there!

  4. Mmm…strawberry pocky is good. I can get it here in Hong Kong and I used to eat it after school on the way home. I’m strawberry pocky too 😀

  5. hello – i hope you and some of your freinds will come see my 2996 tribute to Francisco Liriano ( WTC ) God (you really need to) Bless America

  6. I am Milky Pocky:

    Your attitude: caring and charming
    Smooth and silkly… invigorating and natural.
    You are like comfort food for the soul.

    Nothing new at my place today but I have started working on a new story so may be finished with it soon. *s*

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