Friday's Feast

Appetizer: Tell about a toy you remember from your childhood. I have to say my teddy bear. My mom still has it today :grin:. I took him everywhere and I could not go to sleep without him either. My mom had to put him together a couple of times.

Soup: If you could make one thing in the world absolutely free for everyone, what would it be? Transportation.

Salad: Approximately how many times per day do you think about your significant other? I can’t count how many time, just a lot!

Main Course: What is something you believe in 100%? Jesus Christ.

Dessert: Name one thing you have done this week that you would consider a “good deed.” Share the Hope I have :smile:.

See who else is playing today here.

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  1. anyone that has been able to keep a teddy bear from when they were little … wow. amazing. I actually do have a teddy bear, but it’s from an old ex-gf, not when i was a kid. LOL it’s actually about 17 years old now though. (wow … didn’t realize that)

    great feasting!

  2. I still have my teddy bear (Boo Bear was his name). He is almost 60 yrs old. My sister had him first but then he became mine. I loaned him to my younger brother but then took him back when he out grew Boo. 🙂

    Great feast. Thanks for feasting at mine!

  3. I still have my stuffed dog. I had a huge teddy bear, as big as I was for much of my life, that I would pound on when I was angry. He didn’t make it. But in my Friday Feast, I talked about crash cars!

  4. I bet your old teddybear is one of your mom’s greatest treasures! That is so sweet! Free transportation would be AWESOME! I would travel the world for sure!!! Great feast! Have a great weekend!

  5. Just paying a visit from Carmen’s blogwarming party. I still have what was probably my first teddy bear. Although it’s not a bear, it’s a fox. Basil Brush. He was a big TV star in the UK way back in the 70s. One of his arms is held on with a safety pin.

    Speaking of feasts, I’m starving now. Time to eat…

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