…guest writers for our team devotional blog Laced with Grace.
”We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.” For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
~ Romans 15:5-7 (emphasis mine)
As I was getting ready the other morning the idea of having a guest writer once a month popped into my head. Let me tell – this did not come from me …
The devotional team has been so blessed by its readers that I think it is time that you have a chance to share your own thoughts on faith.
What are we looking for? You don’t have to be an eloquent or published writer (I am not either ). Just share your heart with us…Show others how the Lord is working in your life so they may be encouraged and look to the One who gives us hope. The only request I have – you should be part of the Laced with Grace blogroll
If you are interested publishing a devotional at Laced with Grace, leave me a comment. Please make sure that your email address (which is hidden from the public) is valid so I will be able to contact you. As mentioned above, we will publish one guest post each month, starting in July.
Thank you for stopping by today. Be blessed today and always…
I would love to be a guest writer sweetie.
I would like to get me feet wet in writing. What are the requirments?
I think this is a great idea. Neat. I’d love to be involved as well.
What a neat idea. I’m sure your readers will be blessed.
I would like to know more info about this. I love to write and am currently posting devotions on my blog weekly. -Bless you
I would love to be included in your growing list of guest writers.
Blessings! Diane
I’m interested Iris. I’d like to know more.
I would be willing to help in this endeavor. If you’d like to preview my writing style, I have a website at http://www.hometown.aol.com/srmiller1988/proverbs31devotionals.html
I also write professionally for Pathways to God, which is a quarterly devotional.
Hey Iris!
I think that’s a great idea! Count me in! I was just thinking about how I need to get back to working on writing more devotionals and learning how to share my faith in that way!
If you would like me to participate in this endeavor, just let me know!
Please consider me, also.
Hi Iris,
I’d love to be included as a guest writer. I’ve enjoyed reading the Laced with Grace devotionals and have been a part of the blog roll for a while now. Thanks for such a wonderful mnistry!