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Broken Cookies

Why is that that all the cookies in this tin are broken? Maybe I should not leave them in the cupboard over the sink? It gets hot there due to the lighting installed under the cabinet…I don’t know…

Well, I am getting a new dishwasher today (Saturday). I tried to take a picture of the old broken one, but it always came out too blurry on the bottom…So, you have to look at a picture of broken cookies…

Have a wonderful Saturday ๐Ÿ˜›

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  1. And those are the good kind of cookies too! *sigh* Oh well. You know if they’re broken, all the calories fall out, right?

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the sweet comment. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I think those are good, but don’t they make them with a white filling.
    I’m not much of a chocolate person. Guess that is a good thing with Valentines coming up, although I don’t have a valentine to send me chocolate anyway… never mind.

    Great on the new dishwasher… our stove has a loose connection right now and has started turning itself off… right in the middle of cooking a casserole or bread… not very good to come in when the timer goes off and find the oven temperature falling as well as the bread.

  3. Allthough they’re broken they still look yummy! Can I have one please? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    My photo hunt is up, too. Please stop by my blog and have a look!

    Have a nice Weekend,
    Sweet like Kitty
    I will exercise for comments!!!

  4. Love your photo this week. Ever try the ones by Pepperridge Farm? They’re great too.

    Hope you enjoy your new dishwasher too!

    Mine is up now.

    Happy weekend!

  5. Broken cookies ain’t such a bad thing to look at lol …. you’re making me hungry first thing this mornin’ though lol.

    Enjoy your new dishwasher! And thank you for the comment you left on my blog!

  6. Hope the broken cookies still tasted good. I don’t mind broken ones as long as they are fresh and yummy. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for sharing. Mine is up too.

  7. Those biscuits are dangerousely yumme, and a lots of new years promises might be broken. Even though the content in the tin so are.

    Superb entry


  8. That above comment comes from my daughter. If someone took the cookie from the cookie jar, it is her. lol Thank you for dropping by my hunt. Thesae cookies do not look broken to me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. The good things about cookies is that even if they are broken, they still taste good. That picture makes me want a cup of coffee with or without the broken cookies.

  10. Broken cookies – always get a couple in a tin or packet. They still taste the same though and have the same amount of calories!! Happy weekend.

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