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Red Sky

Thought I share would a red Arizona sunset with you . I know it is not a deep red — but I thought is was pretty cool. Shot the picture this past summer from our backyard…

Have a wonderful Saturday :razz:.

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  1. When we lived at the foothills of the Huachuca mountains…I will always remember those Arizona sunsets!!!! Beautiful photograph of God’s wonderous creation.

  2. Pretty cool? Girl, that is just AWESOME and is making me speachless… and jealous! I just must see AZ some day IRL….!!!

    Thanks for being such a sweetie and vote for me in the weblog awards too! *wiping a tear away from my eye*

  3. Hi again….no, my ‘red’ for the theme this week IS revealed, you have to click on the link below the image to find out what it is/was….

    Darn it!! Here I am looking and drooling over the AZ sky again. Wish I were there.

  4. Beautiful sunset, we saw one just like it in December 1998 when we visited from Australia;where was this taken ? We stayed In a hotel in Arizona had a huge palm tree out the front..

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