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His Truck

I thought I’d share this week with you my Sweetheart’s truck – because you know already my transport :razz:, right?

My Sweetheart has had a Toyota truck since…let me think…1994? But this one is my favorite thus far. Really comfy for the long drive to San Carlos and it ‘hugs’ the road…He got this one in 2004, and believe it or not, yours truly has not driven it…Well, I might have to change that

So, did you play this weekend? Let me know in the comment section. But even if you didn’t play, you can leave a comment too :wink:…Have an awesome weekend (although it is still very hot – I will make the best off the weekend)…and if I don’t ‘see you’ – Have a blessed 4th of July.

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  1. We just recently bought a truck, Ford 150, and I drove it for the first time the other day. Talk about a perspective change! However, I felt lean and mean in it cause it’s so big and hefty. lol

    Your sweetie’s truck is so pretty! Does he cringe when people say that? lol

    Enjoy the weekend!

  2. I’m a truck gal – so of course I like it. I can’t believe you have not driven it, tho. Yes, you must changed that. Has he driven yours?

    Happy July!

  3. Nice ride. I have a 1998 Dodge Dakota that I love. It is mine but hubby has been using it since his olds died!

    Mine is up late! Have a Super Saturday!

  4. I quite like trucks too, hubbys fault. He used to have a Dodge and one before that too and sorta got me involved. Thanks for sharing yours, looks like it’s really comfortable! 🙂


  5. How did I miss out on your SPH? Hmmm…..must have been sleeping over here or something? Yup…thats it!

    Love the photo!

  6. Is that the Tundra? I am loving the Tundra right now…Wish I could afford one for myself 🙁 I used to have a Takoma…I miss my truck!

  7. Great looking truck. My Bo would like to have something like that. =)
    Thanks for stopping by to check out my photo!
    Have a great 4th of July! =)

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