~ David Livingstone ~
You know, I love God’s people. People like Moses, Joshua, Esther…and my all time favorite, Paul.
What do they all have in common? They were all commissioned by God to lead His people. Some argued a little with God (Moses), some followed God’s lead without questioning (Joshua, Esther).
Moses was 80 when he lead God’s people out of Egypt. He never saw the Promised Land, but we know from the New Testament that Moses is in heaven…
Joshua was young. He trusted the Lord without questioning. Joshua is a great example. I remember the first time I read his story about Jericho. I could not believe that he just marched around the city, because God said so…
Young Esther risked her life to rescue her people from the Persian rulers…She trusted God to sustain her and her people.
My all time favorite Paul, the preacher of the Gospel to the Gentiles (you and me)…He turned 180 degrees from where he was, because God commissioned him to preach–no matter what it would cost Paul. I will be forever grateful that he carried the Gospel as far as he did…
Do we all have to be a Moses, Joshua, Paul or an Esther? Do we have to put our own lives on the line to spread the Word? Or career? Maybe! But let me tell you, it will be worth it.
Have you noticed how strong the Christian Blogging community is getting? It was not like this 2 years ago when I started. Satan is fuming because we are spreading the Good News in ‘his domain’. The domain of lies. Let us continue to encourage each other in the walk and let us draw in the ones that currently just ‘peek in’ …
Is His commission a sacrifice for me? No. Gut-wrenching? Sometimes. But I do know that He will give me the right words if I have no clue what to say…
“This will be your opportunity to bear witness. Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict.”
Luke 21:13-15 (ESV)
Please visit this week’s hostess Laurel to read her take on the quote. While you there, why not check out other takes on the quote.
Blessings on your Tuesday and as always…
I really enjoyed your thoughts Iris, thanks for sharing.
Amen! Yesterday I wrote about taking a stand in being a Christian called “Crossroads.”
Thanks for reminding of us of the heroes of the faith! May we be strengthened likewise by our journey with Christ to endure, overcome, and conquer.
It just goes to show that anytime you’ve got God on your side, you can take a chance and you’ll be successful!
Very well said, Iris! I loved your examples of who God commissioned! Thank you.
Amen! It will be worth it! Thanks for sharing!
As others have said, “Very well said”! I would venture to guess that if it weren’t for Satan, our service wouldn’t be a sacrifice. Oh, to be as unquestioning as Joshua in obedience to God!
Bringing my 16 year old son Charles home from his guitar lessons and guys Bible Study, often gives us an opportunity to talk about things. Last night was one of those Divine appointments.
He told me that he wondered how he could serve God being a Meteorologist? (This has been his passion for years now and his heart’s desire is to go to OU’s School of Meteorology). He enjoys playing guitar and said that he could see music as a way to serve God.
I told him that serving God is simply serving others! If you are treating people with dignity, integrity, respect and love you are doing it unto God. I clean houses, his Dad works for the Railroad, we both serve God in whatever menial or lofty jobs we do. It’s not WHAT you do but HOW you do it and HOW WELL you do it that is service to God.
Not everyone can be a Paul or a Joshua…some of us are Charles’, Iris’ and plain John Doe’s. God uses us all!
Oh I LOVE your take on this weeks quote. I loved how you talked about the men in the bible and then related it to today. Yes, we are stirring up a hornets nest here on the web. But frankly, I LOVE IT!! I have my armor =)
Thank you, Iris, for sharing your thoughts on this. It’s beautiful. I have been truly blessed these last two weeks by the Christian blogging community…and overwhelmed.
I just read this morning from Col. 3:12-25: “And so, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other…just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. And beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. (NASB, emphasis mine).
Abundant blessings to you Iris.
Dar Iris,
I love your post. Amen. You are so right the Christian blogging community is getting so strong and you are a big inspiration and part of that . I thank you for you all you do. Wonderful insight.
In his endless love,
Angel ( Angel Mama’s Pearls of Wisdom)
Amen! I really feel like I’m a part of something is so huge and wonderful. It takes my breath away.
I love your post, Iris! I also love your new haircut! 🙂
Blessings and THANK you for yesterday.
I love these posts – seeing how God speaks to our hearts in such varied ways. You gave me a whole new perspective on this quote. I think it’s true – we have all been commissioned. We serve in different places – but the commission is the same – go tell. I need to do a much better job.
I was touched by this one Iris, and it made me think of some many things. It made me think about how powerful God is in turning the lives of people around i.e. Paul. That by being willing to serve Him, just by saying yes in our hearts, how willing He is to change us into something extraordinary for His glory.
I was just today telling a friend that if she starting blogging she would find lots of Christina women who are blogging, too. Thank God.
Iris, thank you for sharing your thoughts this week. I’m so thankful I have found this Christian blogging community.
May I ask please if you have a moment to drop by today to read my blog post? I’m hoping we can link together a virtual prayer circle regarding the victims & injured on 4/16/07 at Virginia Tech. Thank you Iris.
Hugs & Prayers,
Amen Iris. I pray that I am a good witness in the vastness that is cyberspace, I pray fervently often that I have never turned anyone away from Christ by any of the opinions I have expressed during blogging. I pray God guards my fingers as I type just as I pray He guards my mouth when I speak. Hugs.
Thanks for sharing your thoughs on this week’s quotes. I really enjoyed it.
God bless
Esther was my favorite when I was growing up. You hardly ever heard of any other females besides Eve and Mary. She was a great role model. Lately I have become engrossed by Paul and what he endured to carry the gospel. I wonder sometimes if the things I am walking through even begin to compare to even one of his any beatings. And yet I say I want to be like him with the revelations God gave him? We have been talking about him a lot lately in church. Do you think the face of our persecution by Satan has gone undercover in America? Has Satan had to get more sneaky so that we don’t recognize the face of persecution? Just something that I have often thought about.
This was wonderful! I, too, love learning from the lives of the saints recorded in God’s Word. Can you imagine what they would’ve written if they had had blogs? 🙂 Great post today, Iris.
I have noticed how strong the Christian Blogging community is getting. Its awesome 🙂
I have many bloggy friends a lot of them are Chrsitains its so wonderful
and its taught me a lot too 🙂