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Be still…I’m there! Waiting on God as I feel change is in my midst. Ever growing and stretching. Giving Him all the GLORY!
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I just give this verse to a friend who is really need this verse to comfort him.
I think this verse is really very useful words to calm us when are a in a hurry to do something for ourselves, but maybe on peace in hearts.
I pray that th eLord gives you rest and peace and rejuvination this week. God is GOOD!
I pray you will have a time of rest and refreshment Iris. I think He calls us aside from time to time just so He can embrace us with His great arms of love and feel His all-encompassing love.
See you thursday.
Enjoy your break, Iris! We’ll all be here waiting for you so take your time and enjoy the stillness.
Been there, done that! Enjoy your break and be guilt-free about it. I LOVED reading about your lunch with Laurel. Hugs, e-Mom
Hope you have a blessed rest. Hugs.
Praying for you to be refreshed, and comforted my sweet friend.
have a nice week
Whew! God called me to do just that beginning back in Feb. I’ve been watching and listening to Him work ever since. I pray for some restoration to go on in your life, and enjoy the waiting. Enjoy letting your hands hang limp while God moves the mountains FOR you! Talk with you soon.
I know the feeling girl. just sit back and wait and you will see the glory of our Lord. May you rest in His loving peace.
have a great break! 🙂
Been there, many times. He is so faithful to fill us when we hold still for Him!
Let Him pour Himself out on you.
Hi Iris,
I understand the need to refuel. Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. God bless!
May it be so:)
God Bless, Betty
Be blessed, dear one. I miss “seeing” you from time to time — I must make a point to stop in more often. My blog reading has been way down lately.
May you find ten times the refreshment you seek!
I will miss you on IOW, but understand that need for time away, and more time with God.
Blessings . . . Loni
(a drained mama of a baby that “snacks” all night long . . . )
Beautiful. And you’re just amazing with Photoshop. This is truly beautiful.
Hope you start feeling better soon.
Praying you have a good week and get refueled. Loved the the photo. You have SUCH talent, my friend! God’s blessings to you.
Hmm, one of my favorite verses. Yes, I need to do this myself. Its been a long week and this one will be just as long but with this reminder, I’ll be able to handle it just fine.
Be blessed, dear lady and have an awesome week!
Take as much time as you need to *absorb* the presence of God. We can’t Him flow out, if He is not flowing in. 🙂
*See* you Thursday! God’s blessings be upon you!!
ooops….that statement should read “We can’t let Him flow out if He is not flowing in.”
I hope you are resting and having a great week!
Dear Iris,
I know you have written how tired you have been so I am praying for you . Please rest my friend. Many blessings, hugs, laughter and sunshine your way.
Oh yes, how we need to be still before God! Enjoy. This is a nice scrapbook layout. Creativity is relaxing too! (((Hugs)))