Yes, I can be shameless. I saw this cool quiz over at Carol’s place and I took it. I like the “refined” part :wink:. But I think that I am not there yet; and won’t be until I see Him face-to-face.

I Ideal
R Refined
I Important
S Stunning

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

You know, my mom named me after the flower, which is just awesome to look at. But I was curious and searched the web about the meaning of my name (what did we do before we had all the knowledge at our fingertips?). I found out that the meaning of my name is: ‘rainbow’. Although it comes from the Greek mythology – I like God’s meaning of the rainbow. Don’t you?

“I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” Genesis 9:13 (NIV)

Have a blessed Monday. ~ Living in His grace, Eph2810

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  1. I love that your name means RAINBOW! Such a lovely meaning to it — God’s promise and covenant of life to people….the beauty and colors of it is another reminder of God’s power. My real FULL name (and this you don’t know either because I plan to guard it with my life…hehe), actually means Lame. Weird…..

    Btw, my blog is open today for any special prayer request/s. Pls come by if you wish to….

    God bless!

  2. I love the name Iris. I used to write stories when I was younger and one of my stories had a character named Iris. That is neat that it means rainbow. My name means Bee or Industrious.

  3. How come you got all the cool letters and I get “rounded”? What on earth is “rounded”? As in I have rounded body parts? A round head? A well-rounded education? Here we go rounded the mulberry bush? [sigh] I want to be important and stunning, too.

    (Love yours, Iris!!!)

  4. I loved this too. I stole it and put in on my sidebar. But it said the “y” in Polly stood for yucky. Yucky? Come on. So I used the word “Life” instead. Luxurious, Irresistible, Furry? and Exhausting! Speaking of which, I’m tired and going to bed now. Goodnight.

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