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The commute looks rather uneventful. That can either be good, or bad. Hopefully its not too long of a drive! My WW is up!
Your commute looks somewhat more peaceful than mine…no freeway traffic!!
Enjoy our wordless Wednesday
at least it isn’t raining!!
Okay, I will admit it: I focused more on the beauty of the surroundings than the commuters…what a beautiful blue sky! *s*
I too thought the weather was gorgeous!!!! It is getting quite cool here. You can tell fall has arrived:) Great photo.
If this the highway I would be commuting I wouldn’t mind. It seems to be pretty cool.
Mine’s up too.
Yep, that’s Arizona. LOLOLOLOL The yards’ walls, the blue sky, the barren street landscapes (dirt, rock, stone, and bushes).
In a way, I’m glad we’re no longer there, but oh such a beautiful country in it’s own right ya know? No place on earth has the Arizona sunsest and sunrises and desert beauty.
Looks like it’s a smooth drive to work!! No conjestion. But I’ve been in Phoenix and know differently. Your travelling ways to work looks nothing like the freeways. LOL
Thanks for the W W visit today.
I certainly do not miss that every morning!
Wow, you’re life is so different than mine. I drive winding hilly roads with lots of cattle and corn.
I have to say I don’t miss commuting, but I do miss my warm coffee in hand on the way to work! Great picture!
It looks lovely… Peace and quiet – and a very nice weather obviously!
Cool frame around it.
add about 100 more cars, and then some rain, and it looks like my commute. 😉
It kinda looks like the streets in Texas. When you drive through the communities.
I’m up.
Look at it this way, you could live in my area and drive on highways with industries all around. I’ll take this one any day!!!
Looks almost calming-traffic doesn’t appear too bad. I used to have to travel on a crowded interstate but still tried to enjoy the scenery ~ safely, of course.
Blessings to you today!
I find when I commute anywhere I take the back roads for the scenery and to stay off the main highways and big interstates. They are in too much of a hurry! Nice shot! Not playing just blogging today! Hope you have a good one!
Looks like a nice boring ride…. Picture that with about 200,000 other cars and no scenery and you have my drive….
Yep…that’s my hometown. I love visiting your blog, especially on Wednesdays…feels like I’ve been home for a visit.
I hope it was a safe commute.
No cars on the other side of the road. Hmmmm. yep it’s a commute. Hey, at least it’s moving! The commutes here rarely do.
looks very familiar to me 🙂
I’m so glad I don’t have to commute much but at least you have trees to look at. On my way to my oldest’s school; it’s just empty field.
It looks like a nice drive – and a green one to boot!
At least it was a beautiful day outside! Happy WW!
Your commute is sooo much different than mine…until I hit the city where the college is. Yes, that is one of the photos I took that morning…cool huh? I will be posting some of the other ones in the next few days…I even took photos on my way home 🙂
I love visiting your sight. I can see you there behind the wheel. Possibly talking to God or listening to music. The people you work with are richly blessed.
Thank you for your encouraging words. Be blessed this day!! Love and hugs, Lynn
Much better looking commute than mine! There’s actually space between the cars! LOL!
I’m jealous! No traffic at all? Wish my commuting everyday will also be just like this.
Have a nice day!
I love your frame on this picture. You can make the mundane commute look lovely.
Well done!
Hey, I see green!