Normally I post a little devotional thought at Laced with Grace on Mondays, but not tomorrow. Instead you will find a Psalm to honor the victims at Virginia Tech. I know that many of you will not be blogging tomorrow–also called Blog Silence.
I prayed about being silent tomorrow, but I couldn’t. I conferred with my fellow bloggers and I think we came up with a solution. I posted Psalm 42 tonight…The Psalms always have been His comfort ‘food’ for me. Every time I get down, you will find me leafing through Psalms, because I know that He stills my soul with them…
So, I do hope that you don’t find it crude that I was not completely silent to honor the victims. I do pray that someone will find comfort in His Word.
Blessings on your week ahead of you and as always…
PS: I had to install word verification at LWG due to spam comments *sigh*
This is the first I’ve heard about the silent thing. Interesting!
Yep, me too… I did not hear of it at all.
I didn’t know about the day of silence. Oops!! In any event the Psalms bless me daily. I just read them over and over with whatever other devotional or study I’m doing. I think it was a wonderful choice.
Thanks so much for your very encouraging comment Iris. You have become very special to me.
Thanks for sharing about the silence thing!
And your memorial at Laced with Grace is beautiful!!!
I’ll be on the road tomorrow and will be praying! God Bless Your Kind Heart!
Thanks for blessing me with today’s reading in Psalms.
I loved your memorial. I love the Psalms too , so thank you I need this today.
Love ,
Nice memorial. I have not heard of being silent today. I didn’t post but commented alot – does commenting count?
I didn’t know about the silent blog thing, either, but I think our prayers will do more than silence. Thanks for sharing the Psalm…I’m greatly comforted by the Psalms when life weighs me down.