“There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.'”
~ C.S. Lewis ~

I truly enjoy the quote by C.S. Lewis. I think it is a great reminder that, even though we are God’s redeemed children, we still like to wander in a different direction.

Oh, I am not saying that God doesn’t know what is best for me, but I tend to think that my way is much better. Except that I encounter more sticks and stones following my own path. Many times I have stepped off of His path for me. Even when I was busy serving Him. I forgot one major part: following His lead. I was looking to be praised; not by Him, but by men. My motives were wrong. It wasn’t about Him, it was about ME.

“You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.” ~ Psalm 51:16-17

Lord, today I bring you my broken spirit and a contrite heart. Have your way with me…In Jesus name. Amen

CWO Tuesday Meme


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  1. I blogged on this very topic not too long ago. Dont you love that we can bring our brokeness to Him and He promises to put our pieces back together!

    It always amazes me..

  2. An absolutely beautiful post Iris. He is the healer of our broken and contrite heart. Praise be to His name! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. ((((((((((((Iris)))))))))))))

    Beautifully written and “amen” to what you’ve said. You know what’s really insidious? It’s when we sometimes realize that we’ve deceived ourselves into thinking we ARE seeking the Lord, only to discover that our flesh has been driving us all along. Not that we were after “evil” or “dark things” or whatever — in fact, I think the deception is most stark when we are seeking after GOOD things! Yet the “goodness” of whatever it may be — a missions trip, giving a surprise party for a special friend, accepting a good job offer — does not mean that this “thing” is actually God’s will. There are lots of “good things” that are not necessarily what God has for us.

    “Words of affirmation” is my main Love Language, so I have to particularly guard against seeking the praise of men, since it fills me up. Not my ego, but my “love tank.” It’s OK to receive this affirmation because, after all, God created me this way….but to DO THINGS simply to receive this affirmation? That’s when I know I’m not walking right.

    Thank you, Iris. Didn’t mean to rattle on! Obviously your words spoke to me. 🙂

  4. Something you said made me thinkg of something Beth Moore said (=)) about walking in the light God gives us…if we remember the Scripture in Psalm that says He is a light unto our path, a lamp unto our feet..and we think about how far we can go holding a lamp in front of us, we know we can’t go far. To often, we rush ahead of the light God has provided for us. No wonder we stumble in the dark and stuck and bruised! Love ~ Patricia

  5. Touching . . . so beautifully said. When I wrote for this as well as reading these, the song keeps coming back to my mind as well, Have thine own way Lord, have thine own way . . .”

  6. So true – I love this quote. If I wasn’t so terribly exhausted and behind on absolutely EVERYTHING right now, I would join in.

    I totally agree with you, so often I make things ALL about ME!!

  7. Amen.

    I think most everyone, if not everyone – struggles with the same type issues. Many times we often forget and need reminders. I think it’s only human.

  8. Your post is so full of truth, Iris. We all get our eyes on ourselves sometimes. We battle our flesh everyday. I’m so thankful we serve a God full of grace. He watches us meander around the path He has for us, calling us by name even when we don’t listen. See if I were God I’d be slapping people at the back of their heads saying, “Okay, that’s it. That was the last straw.” Which is why I’m not God. And everybody said, “AMEN!” I love how your posts always deal with the real human nature issues in our life. Keeping it real, baby. Love it.

  9. I think that’s what my problem is, Iris. I get so caught up in what people think of me that when I feel that I’m being treated poorly, I get all butt-hurt about it and I act less than graceful. I am the one that says, “All right, have it your way,” and I wish I wasn’t.

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