This week’s Marriage Monday, we are to share about how we get rid of boredom and apathy in our marriage. I totally love her idea about making a list of things to do. I need to incorporate that in our marriage 🙂

My hubby and I have been married for some time (29 years in May). It has not been always smooth sailing, but for the most part, it has been a very happy marriage. For me the hardest part was leaving my family in Germany 21 years ago to follow my husband to the United States.

I still do not like living here, far away from my family, but I am committed to the marriage. I was a little afraid when our son moved out in 2007, but we soon found something that we both enjoy greatly; photography.

My Best Friend

Although we both have very different styles and what to photograph, we still make it work. We take turns on where to go to take photographs. You see, my husband loves architecture, lines, etc – I am more a nature girl 🙂

Beauty in Dark Pink

We also like to go out to eat once in a while; trying new restaurants is a great thing. I also like to try out new recipes at home. There is nothing better for me when I can put a smile on husband’s face with some great food that is home-cooked 🙂

I think that if we love someone (more than just the physical part), we find new and exiting ways to keep our marriages fresh.

Thank you for stopping by today. Remember: making a marriage work takes 3 (God, your spouse and you).

Love & peace,

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  1. Fantastic! We both love photography too… I just introduced e-Dad to Pinterest. LOL, I think he’s in the minority as a “dude.”

    Like you, I left my home/family in Canada to marry. Not as big a jump as you made from Germany, but a leap of faith nonetheless.

    Sounds like you are happily married to a very good man. Amen.

    Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Iris!

    Blessings, e-Mom

  2. It’s a great idea to find a hobby to do together, such as photography! My husband and I like to explore the outdoors together! But we have both found that to make a marriage work…it is a choice made by both partners. We choose to find things to enjoy together. We choose to be friends after 30 years. We choose to love each other as God would have us love…and we are so glad we have!

    Blessings to you and your hubby, Iris!! In Christ, Joan

  3. My Mother was from Germany and when she married my father (an American GI stationed in Friedberg from 1958-1960) she left her family and friends behind and came to the states. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I appreciated how difficult that must have been, especially after my parents divorced! She stayed here and raised me with very little help from him and w/o the support of her parents and other family!

    My husband has a passion for photography as well, mainly nature and landscapes. We have combined our mutual love of the outdoors and his photography to bind us closer together. Many times when we hike, he stops to photograph something which allows me to catch up or catch my breath. Other times, like on our recent trip to the Southwest, we’d be out at the rim of the Grand Canyon before the sun rose so he could photograph all of the sunlight and shadows. I bring a book and a blanket, soak up the surroundings, read and relax while he’s scurrying all over the place getting things set up.

    If all married couple have in common is being parents, once the kids are grown they are virtually strangers living under the same roof!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. We are two photographers with different styles as well. We love to compare photos taken standing side-by-side with starkly different results.

    Finding contentment whilst following our spouse can be a challenge. Thanks for sharing how you make it work.

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