“One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few.” ~Anne Lindbergh ~

Is one seashell more beautiful than the other?
When my Sweetheart and I collected shells last year at our favorite vacation spot, I noticed a beautiful shell laying in the sand. When I picked it up, it was cracked…I was a little disappointed, because it looked to pretty from a little distance. When we walked further, I saw another shell, hiding under the sand and all I could see was a little piece of it. I dug it up, rinsed it with seawater and it was the most beautiful seashell I have ever seen…

Reminds me of how God picked me from the sand and rinsed His seawater over me. For me it is great to know, even when I was stuck in the sand, all muddied up, He thought that I was worthy of being picked-up. You see, God can use all kinds of seashells to spread His word. No matter how deep we are stuck in the sand. Let Him pick you off the shore and let Him rinse you – it is marvelous to be in His hands.

CWO Tuesday Meme

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  1. Good way to view things…. I didn’t view it that way – but I do now that I read this.

    I’ve got some pretty cool seashells from the beaches… it’s what keeps me feeling closeser than I am to the water… Oh, I love my county life out here but so would love to be back on the beach, again.

  2. To your very excellent point, Helmut Thielicke has said that “When Jesus loved a guilt-laden person and helped him, he saw in him an erring child of God. He saw in him a human being whom his Father loved and grieved over because he was going wrong. He saw him as God originally designed and meant him to be, and therefore he saw through the surface layer of grime and dirt to the real man underneath….Jesus was able to love men because he loved them right through the layer of mud.”

    The author, Sue Thompson, who quotes Helmut in The Prodigal Brother, further states, “there are fresh ways to see old things, and God provides the vision.” Today, you have pointed out with the use of shells how true this really is! Thanks for opening our eyes and pointing to how exactly God sees us! You’re a blessing!


  3. My immediate and overlapping reactions while reading this post:


    Thank you for sharing this insight.

    Praise God for seeing past our sinful natures.

  4. Love the picture you painted of being picked up from being buried in sand and washed off..thanks. And your new colour scheme on your Tackle it project is so nice!! Definitely a good choice.
    Thanks for visiting mine.
    Enjoy your evening

  5. He thought that I was worthy of being picked-up

    I’m still working on understanding that because I feel so unworthy, but I do believe HE thinks that! Glad He’s God and I’m not! Thanks!!

  6. I too love the ocean. I go alot just because I need to be near the sea. Iam going to Miami beach in a few weeks and cant wait. It is so true Iris God can use even the shattered shells of our life to make something awesome.

  7. I love seashells! Even your cracked one reminded me of how we are like cracked pots in the potter’s hands and it is His light shining through our cracks which actually light up a darkened world. I’m glad you still saw the beauty in that cracked shell.

    Thanks for dropping over to my place. I just read more about you and notice that you only have one child, a son. My hubby and I have one child, a son, too. He’s 24. I lived in Kaiserslautern, Germany in the 1960’s. What area were you born and reared?

    I’m going to go read some more posts so I can get to know you better! 🙂


  8. Amen! It just melts my heart everytime I realize that He sees the finished product. Like in counted cross-stitch. I see only the messy back.

  9. My first thought from reading your persepective was….sometimes I feel like the crab who is still in the shell when God picks me up to wash me off….sometimes I just want to stay in the shell and not be washed off…but God is gentle and understanding and takes His time with me…thank goodness.

  10. Oh, that was such a good use of imagery! I loved that! It is awesome to have Him pick us up out of the sand and wash us clean. Amen! Thank you so much for sharing!

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