Monday Morning Minute

30 Years Ago

Yes, I said “I Do” 30 years ago this very day. May 20th, 1983 my beloved and I got married. Looking at this picture, I said to my hubby “What Baby-Faces”. He had to laugh too and said – “30 Years ago is ancient, they did not even have internet back then.” Goodness, how did we communicate back then? I guess the old fashioned way; by letter or regular land-line phones. No texting, no Facebook, no email. Oh, and my beloved and I didn’t even own a car back then. Ha, times have changed, haven’t they?

Has our marriage been smooth sailing? Oh goodness, no!!! There were bumpy roads, sweat, blood and tears. There were a couple times I wanted to call it quits. But God had other plans; we are still together, even though some of our old friends gave us only a couple of years. The funny thing is that those old friends are no longer married.

Marriage is hard work; it takes commitment and honesty with each other. But the most important thing in a marriage is that God leads. You have two sinful beings that want to do things their own way. But that does not work in marriage; or any kind of relationship. You have to make concessions, and you have to be unselfish. It really boils down to this verse:

However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
(Ephesians 5:33 ESV)

Love & Respect in a marriage is the most powerful thing. Years ago, I read the book “Love & Respect” written by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Believe me when I tell you that this book has changed my way of thinking and our marriage. The book is one of the best resources that you can use to either save your marriage or make it better. Yes, marriage is hard work, but I tell you that after 30 years, it is very much worth it.

Lord of mercy and grace. This morning I want to thank You for Your guidance in our marriage. Lord, I ask that You continue to bless this marriage as You have over the past 30 years. Help us to stay together, for better or worse, healthy or sick, for richer or poorer. You are the source of our strength in this marriage. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Love & peace,

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One Comment

  1. I’ve read that book by Dr. Emmerich and it helped me so much in my marriage too. Sometimes I have to be reminded though so this was good for me. Marriage isn’t easy and it takes work. Congratulations to you two!

    Blessings and love,

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